Pale child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Is it worth the alarm if the child has pale skin? There is no need to breed a special panic, but reinsurance would not hurt. First you need to find out why the child is pale: the causes of this phenomenon are diverse. We will describe them in detail in the article.

Blue-eyed baby

Baby skin

This section needs to be emphasized. The fact is that children have an interesting skin feature. Thanks to the structure, it can change its own color in some seconds. Young mothers must have repeatedly observed a reddening face in a screaming baby. This is due to thin skin and an abundance of blood vessels on it. The child shouted and fell asleep, his skin immediately turned pale.

If the baby is pale, pigmentation of the superficial layers of the skin may also be the cause. For example, natural blondes have very few of them, which makes the child seem pale. In such cases, you should not sound the alarm if the baby does not complain about feeling unwell, peppy, cheerful and with excellent appetite, everything is fine with him.

Chubby baby

Pallor and disease

Adults from their own experience know that during certain diseases pallor of the skin is provided. And if the child is pale, the reasons may be hidden in diseases. Below we will consider in detail the possible diseases in which the baby turns pale. We emphasize that only a doctor can make a diagnosis, our task is only to get acquainted with certain types of diseases.


This is a dangerous pathology, any adult understands perfectly what threatens anemia. Just do not rush at the sight of a pale child the reasons for yourself to establish, while holding on to the heart and wailing over the blood.

Anemia is characterized by prolonged pallor and poor health of the child. The body does not have enough oxygen and iron, which he reports with some signs:

  • The child begins breathing problems. He cannot move for long, shortness of breath appears.
  • The occurrence of heart problems is not excluded. A sign of anemia is a rapid heartbeat.
  • The child complains of malaise, he is constantly dizzy.
  • Sick children have bad teeth, they constantly grind.

Only a doctor can identify the exact diagnosis. Anemia is one of the causes of a pale face in children, and if it does not go away for a long time, you need to contact a pediatrician.

Pale boy

Vascular insufficiency

Unfortunately, this disease affects children. With vascular insufficiency, there is a sharp decrease in blood pressure. The baby loses coordination, pale skin in a child is the cause of vascular insufficiency. More precisely, one of the reasons, this also includes an increased pulse, respiratory failure, the skin becomes slimy to the touch, covered with sticky sweat.

Body infection

The child is pale and bruised under the eyes: the reasons for this may be hidden in the occurrence of viral and infectious diseases in his body. Pallor of the skin with ARVI, for example, is characteristic.

The girl is sick


People who have experienced this trouble from their own experience know its consequences. Vomiting and diarrhea begin, dehydration occurs, the skin becomes pale, and constantly thirsty. The baby’s symptoms of poisoning are exactly the same, he turns pale, naughty, and other children do not leave the “corner of thought”.

At the time of poisoning, it is necessary to drink the child with warm water so that the stomach is freed from food debris.

Temperature differences

The causes of pale lips in a child can hide behind a low air temperature. Then the baby goes for a walk, and the frost begins to “bite” him. Blood drains from the face, the child turns pale. As soon as the offspring begins motor activity, the body warms up and the blood rushes to the skin again. The baby's face begins to blush.

Girl on a walk


The cause of a pale face in a child can be ordinary fear. Remember, when we are frightened of something suddenly, we turn pale. When a fright occurs, adrenaline is released, and it is known for its ability to contract blood vessels. Small subcutaneous capillaries are most sensitive to its action.

Scared girl

Pallor in infants

Babies very often suffer from intestinal colic, a reflex spasm occurs in which the child experiences pain. At this moment, he can suddenly turn pale, and then burst out with a loud cry and immediately blush.

Shock state

It can arise from anything: blood loss, very strong fear, an allergic reaction. The characteristic signs are pallor, loss of orientation in space, blurred consciousness, a sharp increase in heart rate and pressure. If the baby has a shock condition, he should immediately receive medical attention.

We determine anemia

Pediatricians recommend performing the necessary manipulations at home to detect anemia in a child. But this does not mean that you can forget about visiting a specialist. Not at all: the presence of the signs indicated in this method directly indicate urgent medical care.

When a child constantly complains of feeling unwell, and his skin integuments resemble a paper sheet in color, parents act as follows:

  • Bring the child to the window, put or put so that daylight falls on his face.
  • Carefully lower the baby’s lower eyelid and carefully inspect the inner surface. In the event that it is bright pink, and the veins of the vessels are red, do not worry. But if the surface is very pale, and the vessels are almost invisible, this once again confirms the possibility of the presence of the disease.
  • Examine the child's oral cavity, paying particular attention to the gums. When they are pink, this indicates the health of the offspring. But with pale gums it’s worth to sound the alarm and go to the pediatrician. In addition, you can carry out a simple procedure. Press a finger on the gum of the child, if it quickly restores the pink color, everything is fine with him.
  • Hand nails are another way to detect anemia. Squeeze it lightly with your fingers, release it sharply and observe how quickly the nail gets its normal color. In children with anemia, this happens very slowly.

How to treat?

The exact treatment regimen can only be prescribed by a specialist after the child has passed all the necessary tests. Parents, for their part, are required to provide the baby with quality nutrition. High iron foods are vital for the patient. Feed the offspring with liver, beef, buckwheat. Apples and pomegranates must be present in his diet. A more detailed diet is the attending physician.


If the child is pale, the reasons may be different, we have understood. It is one thing when the baby does not complain about feeling unwell, and the pallor is due to physiological characteristics, and quite another if medical intervention is necessary. In any case, with prolonged pallor, do not delay the visit to the children's hospital.

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