There are many feelings and emotions that people sometimes can not control. Most often these are negative experiences that destroy the person himself and negatively affect his relationship with people. Among these is envy. Envy statuses can help you sort out your feelings. And those who are envious - to understand how to relate to such a phenomenon.
Statuses about the envy of friends
- "A lot of friendships ruined envy."
- "Worse than the silent envy of a friend, there can be envy and flattery in the eyes."
- "Envy of enemies is an occasion to be proud of oneself. Envy of friends is an occasion to doubt friendship."
- "If the girls envy each other, this is competition, not friendship."
- "Friends are tested not by grief, but by success. It is much easier to sympathize than to rejoice for another."
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Statuses about envy are able to remind us that negative emotions are inherent in each of us. Everyone once feels that way. And this does not always mean that we are bad people. It is much more important to realize why this is happening. Perhaps the point is one's own self-doubt, eradicating which, it will be easier to get rid of envy of other people and enjoy your own life to the full.