Health day

There is one holiday that is dedicated to every person on Earth, or rather, his health. It is called - Health Day. It is celebrated every year on April 7, and was first celebrated in 1948.

This day was not easy, it was marked by another very important event. WHO (World Health Organization) was also established on April 7, 1948. From this event comes the celebration of health day. The states that make up this community each year set specific goals for improving health and establish a plan for their implementation.

They draw the attention of the world community to such important problems as reducing child mortality, take maternity issues under their care, and develop new methods of treating diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, and other dangerous infections. In addition, WHO representatives monitor the release of new drugs, monitor their effectiveness and safety, recommend more modern treatment methods, etc.

Health Day is a holiday when people all over the world pay attention to such important concepts as longevity and a good quality of life. This holiday especially focuses on the fact that only health can provide a person with the pleasure of life and creative work.

Health Day is a day of reminder that every person on the planet has a great responsibility for their existence. In addition, each of us must take care of our close and elderly relatives, especially if they are sick with incurable diseases.

For example, WHO dedicated Health Day in 2012 to adulthood and presented the work of leading physicians with recommendations on how to live a full second, final half of life, and how to remain an active member of society. These questions are more than relevant, because the world's population is rapidly aging, as evidenced by statistical data.

The WHO report emphasized that the good health that every member of the community should strive for, especially at a young age, will help to maintain a full, high-quality and productive life in old years. Aging is a factor that applies equally to the poor and the rich, men and women.

How is this holiday celebrated? It would be nice to celebrate unusually Health Day! The scenario can be thought up in advance and to call on him cheerful and not indifferent people. This would be especially true in schools and higher educational institutions, although an active lifestyle culture in the form of a game can already be offered in kindergartens and in older groups. Then this holiday will enter the everyday life of the kids and each time they will want to repeat Health Day. The scenario, which will be full of exciting games in the fresh air, will give them a clear motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle. Children will feel the need for sports, will expand their knowledge in the field of medicine and hygiene.

The best holiday is the one to which sports veterans are invited, or simply people who are passionate about it. They show by personal example how you can maintain excellent physical shape and remain in demand at an older age. Such communication is the most effective.

For youth groups, there is no better day for a holiday outside the city. To properly organize it, it is necessary that young people themselves develop a plan for the event. Parents and younger brothers and sisters can be involved in the preparation, everyone will be happy with a happy holiday. Parents can contribute by remembering how they played Zarnitsa in childhood.

An excellent solution to this problem is to order buses and go out of town, because April 7 (Health Day) coincides with the awakening of nature. There you can break into separate groups and, according to the scenario, go on an exciting trip, which is registered in the route sheets. Never forget such a holiday!

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