Jack Russell Terrier training: breed features, recommendations and reviews

Jack Russell Terrier is a small hunting dog with an assertive character. He can run for a long time after the ball or play with his relatives. In order for a growing puppy to become a source of joy, and not a cause of problems, it needs to be raised from early childhood. You will learn about the character and training of the Jack Russell Terrier from today's article.


Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a cheerful playful disposition. They get along well with children, but can be aggressive towards their relatives. Therefore, timely socialization is very important for them.

Dogs of this breed are born hunters. This means that they do not get along well with cats and other small domestic animals. They need to be kept away from rabbits and other small animals, which can seriously suffer as a result of communication.

training jack russell terrier

These dogs are very easy to learn and very quickly memorize basic commands. However, they can be decisive and stubborn. Therefore, in the process of training the Jack Russell Terrier, you should be patient. If a dog of this breed is not given due attention, then it can become uncontrollable. In the absence of education, she is prone to destructive behavior and excessive barking.

General recommendations

Raising this dog should be dealt with from a very young age. Literally from the first days, the puppy should clearly explain what can and cannot be done in the new house. It is important not to allow the baby what will be prohibited to an adult dog.

In the process of training a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, he should be encouraged with his favorite treat and often praise for each executed command. The first lessons should be held in a playful way, and their duration should not exceed ten minutes.

During the educational process, it is strictly forbidden to use force and be cruel. Such actions will not only not help to approach the desired result, but will also set the dog against you. To explain to a puppy that you do not like his behavior is not necessary to beat him. For this, strict intonation is quite enough.

training jack russell terrier at home

You can’t teach a dog aggression. Even while playing, do not let the puppy bite you. So that he can sharpen his changing teeth, offer him special toys sold at any pet store.

Nickname and place

Training at the Jack Russell Terrier at home should begin with accustoming the puppy to his name. This should be done immediately, as soon as the baby got into your home. As a rule, dogs with a pedigree already have a nickname. But the documents may have a difficult name to remember. Therefore, choose for your pet a short and sonorous nickname, consisting of two syllables. This will not only accelerate the process of addiction, but also facilitate further communication with the dog. To make the baby remember his nickname faster, pronounce it more often during feeding, walking or playing.

The second important point in the education and training of the Jack Russell Terrier is accustoming to the place. To make the pet more comfortable in the new house, he needs to select a corner in which he can relax. As soon as you see that the puppy is about to sleep, take it in your hands and take it to the designated nest, repeating the “Place” command. If you do everything right, then in a few days the dog will go to his bedding.

Learning to walk

As soon as quarantine ends, the puppy can be taken outside. The first walks should not last longer than ten minutes. First, choose for these purposes quiet, sparsely populated places, located away from busy motorways. This is necessary for the baby to get used to the new environment.

jack russell terrier puppy training

As soon as the puppy gets comfortable in an unusual atmosphere, you can gradually increase the duration and range of walks. Around the same time, you need to start training for a leash. This is also one of the most important moments of training the Jack Russell Terrier. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by activity and excessive curiosity. Therefore, a leash is needed to ensure their own safety.

After your pet gets used to the street, you can begin to get to know other dogs. At the same time, it is important not to let your jack Russell terrier get too large or overly aggressive dogs so that they do not injure or scare him.

Weaning from causeless barking and bites

Representatives of this breed have a clear voice. Owing to their active indefatigable temperament, they can bark for a long time, especially when they are alone. This can be very annoying to people around you. So that later you do not have conflicts with your neighbors, you need to not miss this important stage of education and training of the Jack Russell Terrier. Try not to let the puppy bark in the apartment initially. Strictly suppress any attempts to cast a vote, whether begging for food or an invitation to the game.

dog training jack russell terrier

Since Jack Russell Terriers are hunting dogs and are extremely mobile, in a fit of unbridled fun, the dog may lose control and painfully grab your hand or tear your pants. So that such behavior does not become a habit and does not become a problem, you must not let the puppy do this from the first days. Do not allow your children to provoke the dog and limit the games in which he comes into contact with your hands. Try to show the animal in every way that this behavior is extremely unpleasant to you.

When to start training basic teams?

As mentioned earlier, training the Jack Russell Terrier is a very simple task that even a teenager can handle. As soon as the puppy gets comfortable in a new place and gets used to his name, he can be taught to the “To Me” team. To do this, you need to call the baby, while showing him a treat or a favorite toy. Do not forget to cheerfully praise the run up doggie. Within a few days, the savvy Jack Russell Terrier will learn this command.

Around the same time, you can begin to teach your puppy not to pick anything from the floor. To do this, he must clearly understand the command “Fu”. As a rule, they begin to teach her from eight weeks.

By the age of six months, the dog should master such commands as “Quiet”, “Lie”, “Sit” and “Near”. If in the future you plan to participate with him in various competitions, then sign up to a professional dog handler.

Owner reviews

Many owners of Jack Russell Terriers claim that they are very active and funny dogs that are easy to train. They almost immediately understand what is required of them, and quickly remember the main commands.

Jack Russell Terrier Parenting and Training

With representatives of this breed, you can take part in dog sports competitions. Jack Russell Terriers perform successfully in obedience and agility competitions.

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