Dogs are very hardy and strong animals. But, of course, these best human friends can also become ill. The dog, of course, has no opportunity to tell the owner about his ailment. Therefore, the owners of such pets need to have an idea of the symptoms of their most common diseases. Also, the owners should know about how to treat a dog in the event of a particular health problem.
The most common ailments
Problems in dogs, as in humans, can occur with all body systems. Diseases of dogs in this case are infectious, parasitic, surgical or ordinary non-infectious. In all these cases, the pet should be given medical attention.
Surgical diseases of dogs include:
eye diseases;
ear diseases.
The most common infectious diseases are:
parvovirus enteritis;
Of the parasitic ailments in dogs, helminthiasis is most often found. The most common non-communicable diseases of dogs are poisoning and allergies.
What to do in case of injury
Dogs are known to be very active, so they get injured quite often. Owners of such pets should be aware of how to treat a dog if it has a wound, sprain or bruise.
The skin and tissues of dogs are usually damaged during fights. If such an injury is found in the animal, he needs to be given first aid at home, and then consult a veterinarian. First, the wound is carefully examined, after which foreign objects are removed from it (if necessary). Next, cut the hair along the edges of the damaged area and treat it with an antiseptic composition.
If the jump or fall is unsuccessful, the dog may get a bruise or sprain. Such injuries are usually not too serious, so you probably will not have to visit a veterinarian in this case. The main sign of injury is a tumor. Something cold should be applied to the site of the bruise on the dog’s body for 30 minutes. Next, this procedure must be repeated every 2 hours.
When stretching the dog, an elastic bandage is applied and make sure that it moves less in the coming days. On the first day, you can also give the animal some kind of analgesic.
The most common eye diseases
Of course, owners of such pets should also know how to treat a dog if it has eye problems. Such diseases in dogs occur quite rarely, but sometimes they still occur.
Most often, dogs are diagnosed with:
Inversion of the eyelids is a hereditary disease of dogs. This disease manifests itself usually in the first year of life. Most of all, representatives of breeds with folded skin on their heads are exposed to it. Unfortunately, there is no answer to the question of how to treat a dog’s eyes at home with eyelid twisting. Correct this defect only surgically.
Symptoms of bulging the eyeball are:
This disease can only be cured surgically in a veterinary clinic.
Many people, of course, are interested in how to treat a dog at home with conjunctivitis. This disease in dogs can develop due to contact with the eyes of an allergen or pathogenic microorganisms. Also, the cause of conjunctivitis is often malnutrition. With this disease, the dog's mucous membranes redden and swelling occurs.
In case of allergic conjunctivitis, the dog’s eyes should be wiped with saline. You can also use for this purpose a decoction of chamomile. But how to treat the dog’s eyes with purulent discharge? Antibiotics will help with the solution to this problem. Such conjunctivitis is usually caused by harmful bacteria.
Ear problems: how to treat a dog
Such diseases in dogs are also quite rare. Most often, owners of these pets are faced with a problem such as an ear tick. The dog infected with this parasite begins to scratch intensely. At the same time, a large amount of dark plaque accumulates in the external auditory canal of the dog.
How to treat a dog’s ears when ticks are detected? There is such a tool - "Bars". Before using this drug, the ear canal of the pet should be carefully cleaned from plaque with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.
Sometimes dogs develop a disease such as otitis media. In this case, serious hearing impairment is observed, and the animal also experiences obvious pain in the ears. In some cases, a diseased dog can become inflamed with lymph nodes.
Otitis should be treated only by a veterinarian. Specific funds in this case are selected taking into account the variety of the disease. For example, with external otitis media, the dog is given compresses, with purulent - antibiotics are prescribed, etc.
Parvovirus enteritis in dogs
This disease in dogs is considered one of the most serious and dangerous. The following symptoms are observed:
A sick dog experiences severe pain and arches his back when trying to stroke it. Dogs infected with parvovirus enteritis need emergency medical attention. The disease is, unfortunately, deadly.
As a first aid to the animal, they make an injection of No-Shp and Cordiamin. Then the dog is taken to the vet. In a clinic, an animal is usually given a dropper with a crystalloid solution and antibacterial and antiemetic drugs are prescribed.
Dog rabies
This disease is rare in dogs. However, rabies is the most dangerous infection in dogs. In this case, it is impossible to cure a sick animal - the dog has to be euthanized. Among other things, rabies, as you know, can be transmitted to humans. The main symptoms of this disease in dogs are:
In the later stages of the disease, the dog begins to hide from the owners in secluded places or vice versa becomes very intrusive. After a while, the dog begins a period of aggression: the dog can attack anyone, including its owners. Rabies ends with paralysis and death of the animal.
This is another very dangerous dog disease. Adult dogs that catch this infection still have a chance to recover, while puppies almost always die. The first signs of this disease can be:
refusal of food.
After some time, the animal rises sharply, the dog is very thirsty. Sometimes the plague is accompanied by various kinds of complications: hearing loss, an increase in internal organs, and paralysis.
Symptoms of this disease may be different - it all depends on what kind of plague the animal has contracted. So, for example, with a nervous form of the disease in a dog, coordination of movements may be disturbed.
Dog plague is treated according to its variety. At the same time, there is a set of drugs most often prescribed for animals with such diseases:
A mixture of these drugs is prepared immediately before use and administered infusion course of 10 days.
Parasitic diseases: helminthiasis
One of the most common problems that dog owners face is, of course, worms. Symptoms of helminthiasis in these pets are:
Only a doctor can prescribe anthelmintics to a dog. When treating a dog at home without the supervision of a specialist, the owners may encounter such a problem as severe intoxication. And this often leads even to the death of a pet. Intoxication occurs with helminthiasis due to the fact that a lot of parasites die at once in the dog's body.
Symptoms of poisoning and first aid
Intoxications in dogs can be food or non-food. Poisoning of the first variety most often occurs:
Non-food intoxications include:
In any case, the main signs of poisoning are:
The first step in case of poisoning to the owners, of course, is to stop the contact of the animal with a toxic substance. If the toxin enters the body through the digestive tract 2-3 hours ago, try to induce vomiting in the dog. Later this procedure becomes useless.
With acid poisoning, the dog should be given a soda solution, with alkaline poisoning, lemon juice diluted in water. Intoxications caused by poor quality food are treated with sorbents. After the dog receives first aid, it must be shown to the veterinarian.
Dog Allergies
Allergies are most common in pedigree dogs. The following symptoms may occur:
discharge from the nose;
rash, scratching;
hair loss;
The answer to the question "how to treat allergies in dogs" depends on what caused this disease. The first thing the owners, of course, is to exclude the pet’s contact with the irritating factor. Allergies in dogs can occur, for example, on fleas or on a specific type of food. Also, the owners of the animal should visit a veterinarian who will select the most appropriate antihistamine therapy regimen in a particular case.
What domestic dogs treat
If dogs have any diseases, they must be given medical attention. But the dogs themselves can beneficially influence the health of their owners. Communicating with such a pet, you can get a lot of positive, and this becomes a serious defense against all kinds of stress and other nervous disorders.
Some people are interested in whether dogs treat rheumatism. The coat of these animals can really help with this serious disease. It also treats diseases of the joints, kidneys, etc. Very often, medical socks and belts are knitted from the hair of dogs. Also, daily walks with a pet in the fresh air can beneficially affect a person.