Dog breeding is a troublesome and responsible matter, and also quite expensive. As a rule, two parties take part in it - owners of purebred dogs and bitches. The only exceptions are kennels, where all dogs belong to the same owner. In other cases, the owners of animals have the right to rely on their part of the profit in the future litter. It just so happened that the owner of the dog is given the right to receive money for mating or the best puppy. Today we will talk about what an alimentary puppy means, how to choose it correctly.
Legal transaction
Surely many dog breeders heard the expression "alimentary puppy." What is this, not everyone knows. The owners of the male and female dogs complete a transaction in which they are interested parties. Usually this is an oral agreement that the owner of the male for the participation of his dog in the mating receives an alimentary puppy. According to the current rules, the owner of a dog of any breed, at his request, can choose any puppy from the litter or receive money for him.
This order is justified when it comes to a fairly common breed of dog. In the case when the contract is concluded on the mating of rare and expensive animals, this civil act or direction for mating is drawn up.
In this case, such a document carefully provides for all the subtleties and surprises (after all, in this case it is a natural process) and stipulates the conditions under which both parties will satisfy their interests.
Contract or referral
It is important for many owners to know what gives them the right to hope that they own an alimentary puppy. What is this document confirming their right to a baby?
In the direction of mating (or contract), usually all conditions are prescribed, the observance of which will allow the owner of the dog to be guaranteed to receive the cherished puppy:
- form of payment;
- the number of puppies in the litter (without marriage), which must be confirmed by an official inspection certificate of a veterinarian;
- The right of the owner of the dog to pick up the puppy at the agreed time after his birth.
The second point, probably, needs to be addressed in more detail, since some, for example, are interested in: “Eight puppies were born - how many alimentary?” Regardless of the number of babies born, only one of the litter is considered alimentary. An exception can only be in the case of the birth of very expensive dogs, when the owner of the dog makes a condition for two puppies. But it makes a reservation before mating.
What does an alimentary puppy mean?
Many dog owners agree in advance on the priority right to choose a puppy. Often, they agree that the owners of the bitches can make their first choice, since all the burdens of raising the litter are assigned to them.
Many dog breeders prefer not to give the puppy, but to pay its value in money. This option is negotiated in advance. How to understand whether an alimentary puppy is in front of you or not? You need to be an experienced dog breeder to make the right choice. The puppy must be active and healthy. If the owners of the bitch offer a fee for him, then it is usually considerable, since such a baby is more expensive than his brothers.
This is usually the best puppy from the litter. However, its exclusivity is determined by eye, therefore it is impossible to be 100% sure that it really will be the best.
What does “alimentary puppy” mean and why is it more expensive than the rest? The price consists of the fact that this is the most peppy and healthy representative of the litter. In addition, its characteristics should ideally match the requirements of the breed. I would like to warn inexperienced owners of dogs that there are cases when dishonest breeders gave sick animals. Therefore, if you do not have experience in choosing puppies, consult a dog handler for help.
Alimentary puppy - is it a duty or a right?
Owners of the dog should be well aware that the main costs of maintaining a bitch during pregnancy, the organization of childbirth and the postpartum period, as well as the care of the dog and offspring are borne by its owner. Consequently, his interests must be respected.
Many dog owners rightly believe that when a bitch brings less than five puppies, giving one of them as payment is too much. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the dog also took part in the birth of a small offspring. Therefore, quite often, when four puppies are born, the owner of the dog can receive 75% of the puppy’s cost, if three - 50% of its cost, if two - 25%. For the birth of one puppy, the owner of the dog does not receive anything. But it makes a reservation even before knitting. As for the answer to the question of whether the owner of the dog is obliged to pick up the puppy, we answer: of course not. He can generally leave it to the owners of the bitch or receive monetary compensation for it. That is his right.
Puppy selection
It's time to finally deal with the question of what an alimentary puppy is. What kind of animal is this, how to choose it correctly? It should be noted that this task is not easy even for a dog breeder with experience. As an example, today you will see an alimentary puppy of a German shepherd. Why exactly him? Because it is one of the most popular breeds in our country, in stable demand.
The owner of an alimentary puppy needs to check the RKF pedigree, the stigma. You should not choose a baby you like at first sight - the first impression can sometimes be deceiving.
External features
The German Shepherd puppy must be strong, moderately well-fed and active. Pay attention to how the kids play - which of them is aggressive, who seems lethargic and lethargic.
He should be strong and strong, forelegs - strong and straight. If they are curved, then this is a sign of rickets. The puppy should have large joints on its legs. This ensures that in the future he will form a good skeleton.
The paws of the baby should be compact, have thick pads and dark claws. Pay particular attention to the length, position and tilt of the croup. It is preferable that the puppy has a wide shoulder girdle, a relatively short back and lower back, and fairly wide hips. The hind legs should not have excess dewclaws. Tail - without kinks and pathologies.
Quite large, but proportionate to the body. The muzzle is not sharp, the forehead is medium in size. The gap between the muzzle and forehead is pronounced. Up to three and a half months the puppy has hanging ears. The standing tips at an early age indicate ossification of the auricles, and this, in turn, indicates a violation of the calcium balance. Ears should be clean, odorless.
Eyes - medium size, no discharge. Puppies at the age of 30 days may have eyes with a blue tint, then their color changes. Do not take a light-eyed or multi-eyed puppy.
It should not be very long, without scratching near the ears and neck, rather soft and shiny. If the baby's parents are black, then the offspring should be black and tan. The more tan, the better.
They should have a scissor bite with a gap of about 2 mm. In no case should there be fused teeth.
As it became clear from the foregoing, an alimentary shepherd puppy stands out from the entire litter with external features and physical data. Whether or not to take such a handsome man to the house is, of course, up to you to decide.
I would like to say a few words about the character of the baby. He has a calm and balanced disposition from birth. Like any cub, he is playful, but in no case does he show aggression. He is courageous and brave; he is not afraid of the clap of the newspaper. He bravely fights for his favorite toy. This is a charming creature who in the future will become your faithful and devoted friend.