A phenomenon that parents often encounter is the baby’s high body temperature. Adults need to know several methods and ways to bring down the temperature of the child at home, in addition, in a family medicine cabinet should always be medications for the heat. But parents must know how to properly apply alternative methods of lowering body temperature. So, what and how to bring down a high temperature in a child: the most effective and effective folk remedies and medicines.
The concept of heat and its causes
In medicine, body temperature is divided into light heat, if the thermometer reaches 38.5 ° , from 38.6 and up to 39.5 ° - this is moderate heat, from 39.5 and above it is considered high heat, and from 40, ° C - these are critical indicators that threaten life.
What temperature should be knocked down at the child? Doctors do not advise reducing it if the indicators are not higher than 38 ° C, but only if the child is stable. In such a situation, it is better to use alternative methods and give the child a lot to drink. But if all measures do not bring results within an hour, and the body temperature continues to rise, it is necessary to give the child a syrup to lower the heat.
Temperature in a perfectly healthy child
Sometimes there is an increase in body temperature in completely healthy children. For example, in a newborn whose thermoregulation mechanisms are not fully formed, therefore, the temperature in the armpit rises to 37.5 ° C.
In addition, the body temperature of almost all children in the evening is slightly higher than in the morning.
Also, when teething in children, most often the process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 37.5 ° C. As a rule, in such a situation, you can bring down the temperature in a child in folk ways: give more to drink, do not wrap, remove the diaper. If suddenly there are signs of fever - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, - and the body temperature continues to rise, you need to call an emergency.
There are situations when a completely healthy child begins to rise in temperature. The reason may be overheating of the baby, when the mother dresses and coats the baby very warmly, and also does not open the window for ventilation. As a result, when she changes the diaper, she notices that the baby’s body temperature is very high. Parents should adhere to the basic rule: wear a child 1 layer warmer than themselves. At the same time, you should not pay attention to cold feet or palms. It is necessary to check the back, elbow and popliteal joints: if they are warm, then the baby is comfortable.
Temperature reduction without drugs
There are cases when a child begins to have a strong fever, and the parents have a sharp question: how to bring down the temperature in children? Use alternative therapy methods or modern medications? So, how to bring down a child's temperature of 39 ° C at home?
What should be done:
- Create a normal temperature regime in the children's room (the temperature should not be higher than 23 ° , the room is ventilated and with good access to fresh air).
- Dress the child in appropriate clothing, it is better to remove the diaper, because it is necessary to control the amount of urination in the baby. In addition, the diaper retains heat and contributes to some overheating.
- Put a cool compress on the child's forehead, you can do rubbing the body with water at room temperature.
- You can bathe the baby in a bath of water, the temperature of which is about 37 ° C. This is the safest way to bring down body temperature. But you can’t wipe them with alcohol and vinegar, because the skin is still thin and delicate, harmful substances easily penetrate through it, the baby, in addition to high temperature, can also be poisoned.
- Water the baby as often as possible. If there is a very high fever, then you need to give the baby a drink of a teaspoon every 10-15 minutes until the condition improves and the temperature drops to 38 ° C.
Check if the baby has enough fluid. For this, it is necessary to consider the amount of urination. If he urinates every 3-4 hours with clear urine, then he will have enough fluid. If the child refuses to drink, and the temperature is very high, he weakens before his eyes, you should immediately seek medical help.
Effective and efficient ways
If the baby has a fever, then it must be brought down as soon as possible to 38 ° C. There are proven and effective ways to bring down the temperature of the child at home:
- The optimal drinking regimen. The younger the child, the faster dehydration can develop at high temperatures. This is a very dangerous phenomenon for health and life, so the baby needs to be given as much fluid as possible. The best option is boiled water, children over one year old can be given mineral water without gas. You can offer him a weak unsweetened tea, preferably green. If fever is accompanied by vomiting, Regidron powder should be given in small portions. Its solution will help restore the water-salt balance and protect the child from dehydration.
- Antipyretic tea. A very effective way to bring down a child’s high temperature at home. You need to give tea with one of these components: linden, cranberries, dried fruits, raspberries, red or black currants, chamomile, viburnum.
- Provide cool. No need to wrap the child, you should remove all excess clothing, since overheating is very negative in the heat. Room temperature should not be higher than 23 ° . The room should be ventilated, but make sure that the cold air is not directed at the child. If the baby freezes and cannot warm up at all, you should measure his temperature, and if it is above 38 ° C, you should give an antipyretic syrup.
- Wraps. A very good option, thanks to which you can bring down the temperature in a child of any age. Yarrow infusion helps a lot.
Recipe: you need to finely chop 3 tablespoons of the plant, pour them with 1.5 liters of boiling water, insist on a healing broth for an hour. Strain it, moisten gauze and wrap it around the child’s body for 15 minutes. During the wraps of the child, you need to cover with a blanket or sheet so that he does not catch a cold. After an hour, the wrap should be repeated.
Very effective and compresses that can be applied to the forehead. They should be changed as the gauze is heated.
- Acetic wipes. How to bring down the temperature of 39 ° C in a child with vinegar? This method can be used in children from 5 years. Younger children should not use such grindings, as this can lead to skin irritation or poisoning. Scheme of action: combine 1 part of vinegar with 5 parts of warm water, then moisten gauze in the resulting solution, squeeze it and gently wipe your hands, feet, hands, legs. Repeat wiping every 2 hours.
- Cool bath. If the child’s body temperature rises, you can try a proven method that will help bring down the temperature of 39 ° C in the child. Scheme of action: to collect warm, but not hot water into the bath. And put the child in it, after which it should gradually begin to lower the temperature of the water (if the baby is placed immediately in cold water, he will have chills, convulsions may begin, the fever will intensify). The baby is in the water for about 20 minutes. After which it should be patted with a towel, but not wiped dry. Cover with a light blanket or sheet, but do not wrap. If after an hour the temperature starts to rise again, the procedure should be repeated.
How to bring down the temperature in children: drugs
What are the most effective medications? There are times when medication is indispensable. It is necessary to check with the pediatrician in advance what preparations are suitable for children of one age or another. So, what tools can be used to bring down the temperature in children?
If the family has a newborn, then in the home medicine cabinet must be “Ibuprofen”. The dosage must be observed so as not to exceed the daily dose.
If the temperature rises quickly, give an injection with analgin, diphenhydramine and papaverine. Analgin lowers the temperature of the child very well, but do not self-medicate. It is necessary to consult a doctor - the pediatrician on duty will calculate the correct dose depending on the age of the child and on the need for this therapy. Analgin is considered a dangerous drug for children, it can cause loss of consciousness and severe allergic reactions. Therefore, doctors use this method of therapy extremely rarely and only if all the others do not work.
You should also know that for children, the use of aspirin as an antipyretic drug is unacceptable. It can provoke such negative consequences as convulsions, toxic liver damage, loss of consciousness.
If parents are wondering how to bring down the temperature in children, then Ibuprofen and its analogues are considered the most effective and harmless for all age groups of children.
The safest antipyretic drugs:
- Nurofen
- Ibuprofen
- "Viburkol."
- "Ibufen.
If the fever intensifies, compresses and wraps do not help, an urgent need to go to the hospital. We must not allow the temperature to stay at a level of 39-40 ° C for a long time - this is very dangerous for all organs and for the life of a child.
When to call a doctor
It is urgent to call a doctor if:
- The temperature in an infant who is not yet 2 months old has risen to 38 ° C.
- In a child whose age has not yet reached 3 years, under the arm indicators are 39 ° C, and a rectal indicator is 40 ° C.
A doctor should be urgently called if fever is combined with the following symptoms:
- The child has cramps, he is shaking.
- Together with the fever, the baby experiences vomiting and nausea. This situation threatens to develop dehydration.
- If the child has a headache, fever, and vomiting.
- Heat is combined with a rash throughout the body.
What can not be done at elevated temperatures
Ways to lower the temperature may be different. To understand how you can bring down the temperature in a child, and what can not be done, you need to watch the baby.
According to external signs, fever can be:
- “White” - the child has cold limbs, pale skin and a very hot forehead.
- “Red” - his skin is red and it burns, limbs are hot.
Measures and methods to reduce high temperatures vary depending on the type of heat.
When “white”, one should not rub the child’s arms and legs, do cool wipes and compresses, and expose the skin. Since this increase in temperature is associated with vasospasm. With the "red" heat, all of these methods can be used.
There are contraindications to the use of certain folk recipes:
- Many argue whether it is necessary to reduce the temperature of the child by rubbing with vinegar and vodka. These funds have been tested for years by many mothers, they very well help fight viruses and infections, but there are also disadvantages. As a result of such treatment, the baby's skin can get burned, vodka and vinegar easily penetrate the blood, and poisoning of the body can occur.
- Often, many mothers give the children raspberry tea in a hot heat and wrap it in a warm blanket. This method is also very effective, but also harmful, since raspberries are a very strong natural diuretic, after drinking such a drink the child will often urinate, and during the heat, his small body will lose so much moisture. Therefore, tea with raspberries can be given only if the baby drinks enough water.
All young children are forbidden to give the following medications that are considered harmful to the child's body: Amidopyrine, Analgin, Phenacetin, Antipyrine.
"Analgin" and its analogues are forbidden to give because of its ability to inhibit hematopoietic processes in the body. After taking it, there were recorded: numerous cases of loss of consciousness, severe allergic reactions, sharp drops in temperature to 35 ° C.
You can not allow the child to show increased physical activity, until his body recovers, he needs rest.
If the temperature does not go astray
There are situations when parents cannot independently help the child and bring down his temperature. When all methods and medicines have been tried, and the heat does not go away, it is necessary to call an ambulance, since a prolonged state of this kind can lead to death. People say that a person "burned out from the temperature."
Fever and fever in a child can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases, cramps, and breathing problems. If the temperature cannot be lowered for a long time, it keeps at around 39.5 ° C, tablets and syrups have no effect, then you can do a cold wrap before the ambulance arrives. You need to wet the sheet and wrap the child, cover him with a blanket for 3-5 minutes. After that, remove the wet cloth and wrap it in a dry blanket. This measure will help bring down the temperature for a while and allow doctors to wait.
Drinking at high temperature
During the illness, the child should receive an adequate amount of fluid, this reduces the intoxication of the body, in addition, removes bacteria and viruses. Moisture promotes heat transfer, as the baby is actively sweating and urinating.
It is better to give the child to drink boiled water at room temperature without gas. Drinking regimen at high temperature, it should be arranged so that the baby drank a sip of water every 15-20 minutes or 3-4 teaspoons. You can give dried fruit compotes, but not sweet.
Dangerous is the state of dehydration of the child's body. Its signs: dry lips, lethargy, drowsiness, concentrated bright yellow urine, dry skin. If such symptoms appear, urgent hospitalization of the baby is necessary.
Tips and tricks for parents
If the child has a fever, pediatricians recommend:
- Closely listen to the complaints of the baby, measure the temperature at the first appearance of weakness or poor health.
- Do not bring the temperature below 38 ° C if its condition is normal. Since antipyretic drugs at a temperature of 37 ° C significantly interfere with the body's fight against infections and prevent the immune system from protecting.
- Learn the rules of behavior at high temperature. Write out recipes for compresses, wraps, tea. To study the action schemes for a particular procedure.
- In a home medicine cabinet should always be antipyretic drugs appropriate for the age of the child.
- Write down on a separate sheet a list of drugs that should not be given to children.
- If dangerous symptoms develop with fever, call a doctor. The later you seek medical help, the worse the consequences may be. From prolonged exposure to the body at a temperature of 40 ° C, the vessels, brain and heart suffer.
Rising temperatures often indicate that the child develops an infection in the body. Parents need to be sensitive to the process of reducing it. Artificial lowering of temperature suppresses the immune system and helps microbes survive. The child’s body is very fragile, which is why you need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and be careful about the health of your baby.