External and internal hard drive for laptop

In recent years, the problem of choosing a convenient information storage device has become increasingly relevant. Famous CDs, first appearing in 1982, have come a long and glorious path of development. Initially, such a disk could store 700 MB of data (the first models with 650 MB quickly evolved). With the growth of software distributions, more capacious disks were required - this is how DVDs appeared. Currently, Blu-ray technology with its 25 GB or more capacity is becoming more popular. But more and more often it is believed that this is the development of compact discs for backup tasksand information storage will end, giving way to solid-state media. This is not always obvious, but laptop owners are especially closely monitoring progress in this area. Replacing a CD drive or installing an additional hard drive inside the system unit of a personal computer is not difficult. But in laptops, everything is not so simple. In the usual way, you cannot put a second hard drive on a laptop, because the components are located very densely inside the case and there is no free space.

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