This unusual little dog, bearing such a rare and beautiful name, is still an exotic creature for many professional dog handlers, not to mention dog lovers.
The Incan Peruvian orchid is unusual in everything: appearance, behavioral characteristics, physiology. And today we will introduce you to this amazing and very cute dog.
Breed history
The Incan Peruvian Orchid is an ancient and very rare breed. Experts in the history of dog breeding claim that it was bred in 750 AD in Peru. This dog, which has an excellent hunting instinct, was greatly appreciated by the Incas.
It must be clarified that the breed has two varieties - naked and with short hair. As pets in the dwellings of the Indians lived a naked dog, and covered with wool was used for hunting. In its homeland, it is called the "Peruvian Hairless Dog". The Inca Peruvian Orchid is its European name.
The Spanish conquistadors invading Peru drew attention to unusual animals, and this was a tragic event in the history of the breed. The attention of the Spaniards led to huge losses in the numbers of these unique animals. Fortunately, over time, the wonderful dog - the Incan Peruvian orchid - recovered in number and was recognized as the first native dog of the American continent. The inhabitants of Peru were sure that this animal with an unusual appearance is able to cure various diseases.
Peruvian Inca Orchid: breed description
We have already said that this breed is divided into two subspecies: completely bald and covered with hair. The standard allows the hairless dog to have short hair on its legs, head, and also on the tip of its tail. Now the Incan Peruvian orchid, even at home, is not found very often.
It is interesting that the representatives of this breed have an incomplete row of teeth, but this in no way affects the health of the animal. Her closest relatives with wool do not suffer from a lack of teeth - they have a complete set.
Another amazing feature of the breed is the susceptibility of the animal's skin to temperature extremes. For example, in winter, the skin of the dog becomes lighter, and in the summer it acquires a pinkish tint.
The Incan Peruvian orchid, unlike most dogs, does not sweat with its tongue, but with its body. Like a person, her whole body is then covered. These unusual pets are night hunters. By evening, they become active, and almost never sleep at night.
External features
All "Peruvian women" are divided into three categories, which differ in height and weight:
- Mini. Height - up to 40 cm; weight - up to 8 kg.
- Midi. Height - up to 50 cm; weight - up to 12 kg.
- Maxi. Height - 65 cm; weight - 25 kg.
A slender, elegant dog with long legs will never go unnoticed. All animal lovers pay attention to her. Her head is a bit like a wolf, with a wedge-shaped skull. Dark eyes are almond-shaped. The ears are erect (when the animal is alert), wide. At rest, they are laid back.
"Peruvian" has a fairly deep chest and muscular slender legs. The tail of the dog is low set, medium length. The Inca Peruvian orchid can have a different color - dark brown, black, graphite, bluish or very light. Life expectancy is about 13 years.
Any deviation from the standard is considered a drawback. Its severity is determined by experts, depending on how strongly it is expressed. In addition, there are vices that are not discussed, they lead to unconditional disqualification:
- malocclusion;
- tail and ears not conforming to the standard;
- coat exceeding permissible standards;
- albinism.
The Incan Peruvian Orchid is focused on life with man. The peculiarity of this breed lies in the fact that each of its representatives is absolutely unique, each animal has an individual character, which can radically differ from the character of brothers of the same species. This causes difficulties in drawing up a general “portrait” of the breed.
A Peruvian is attached to a person, but expresses his feelings for him quite restrained. An early socialization is necessary, which will help to avoid many problems associated with attitudes towards children and strangers.
This animal can be called the calmest dog in the world. She is friendly, patient and calm. "Peruvians" are kind, they love attention to themselves, they greet the owner with a loud bark, thus expressing great joy from the meeting.
The naked Peruvian dog is smart and smart, so there are no problems with her training. Greater results can be achieved if training is built on a game with reinforcement of goodies.
Inca Peruvian Orchid: maintenance and care
This dog is not suitable for an inexperienced dog breeder. As you already understood, the Incan Peruvian orchid needs special care. Proper care of this animal in the first place should be based on its natural life rhythm. All classes, training should be rescheduled for the evening, when the animal experiences the greatest surge of activity.
This dog will not tolerate a rude attitude. The best option for its maintenance is an apartment or a house, since it will not be able to be in the yard. The most vulnerable spot of the Peruvian is the skin, which needs special care. In winter, your pet should be dressed in a jumpsuit for a walk so that he does not feel all the “charms” of frosty air, and in summer it must be protected from the scorching sun. The delicate skin of your pet should be lubricated with sunscreen if you are going for a walk on a hot, sunny day. And after bathing it must be moistened with oils.
Hygiene procedures
A naked dog needs regular dental examinations, which it may have problems with, as well as brushing its ears and rinsing its eyes with strong tea. Provide proper care for your pet, and in response to your care, he will become attached to you and will delight you with his presence.
Private house maintenance
This cute dog from Peru is ideal for keeping in an apartment - she will be quite happy with two short walks a day, on which the animal should not be released from the leash. If you have your own courtyard, then it is advisable to have a shady place in it, where the Peruvian woman can relax and not be burnt.
As you can see, the Incan Peruvian orchid is a very interesting breed. In Russia, it is practically nonexistent, but we hope that in the very near future these dogs will delight Russian animal lovers.