What are the breeds of dogs: photos and names

Currently, more than four hundred dog breeds are registered with the International Cynological Federation. For greater convenience, they are all divided into several main groups, among which are Spitz, Terriers, Pinchers, Greyhounds, Pointing Dogs, Hounds and Cattle Dogs. Companions, dachshunds, decorative and water dogs are distinguished into independent categories. All of them have a different purpose, exterior and character. Therefore, before you make a four-legged friend, you need to figure out what kind of dog breeds are. The names and descriptions of the most popular of them you will find in today's publication.

Shih tzu

The origin of these miniature animals is still not understood. According to some experts, their homeland is Tibet. Others believe that the Shih Tzu were imported from Byzantium. Be that as it may, for several centuries these tiny doggies lived at the imperial palaces and could only belong to members of the ruling family. They came to Europe in the 30s of the XX century. The first Shih Tzu was presented to the Norwegian ambassador by one of the Chinese emperors.

what are the breeds of dogs

Having figured out what small breeds of dogs are, photos of which can be seen in today's article, it will not hurt to learn more about their appearance. These small touching animals with a large head, decorated with a shock of luxurious wool and a long beard, grow up to 27 cm at the withers, and weigh from 4.5 to 8 kg. The square muzzle of a Shih Tzu resembles a chrysanthemum flower. And leisurely smooth movements and a high head are a kind of confirmation of a noble origin.

Having figured out what breeds of small dogs are, it is worth talking about the nature of Shih Tzu. These tiny animals have a playful and kind disposition. But for all their love of love, they are quite independent and, under certain circumstances, may begin to claim leadership.


The origin of these animals is still unknown. According to one of the most plausible versions, the ancestors of modern sharpei were ancient mastiffs or short-haired Chow Chows.

Having figured out what kind of dog breeds are, you should learn more about their appearance. These stocky animals grow to 49-51 cm at the withers, and weigh no more than 23-25 ​​kg. On a large disproportionate head with a wide even face, a fleshy nose and thick lips there are dark almond-shaped eyes and triangular high-set ears. A distinctive feature of sharpei are blue-black mucous membranes and tongue. The entire body of these animals is covered with wrinkled skin. As for the color, it can be cream, blue, mahogany, purple, apricot or chocolate.

Despite the touching appearance, sharpei are very controversial. They bizarrely combine self-sufficiency and a desire for leadership. They are endowed with pronounced protective qualities and can be aggressive towards their brothers.

Siberian Husky

Those who want to thoroughly understand what kind of dog breeds are, it will not hurt to learn more about these unique animals. For their breeding were used native dogs living in the Far East. The breed was officially registered in the 30s of the last century.

These fast-moving compact animals grow up to 60 cm at the withers, and weigh no more than 28 kg. They are divided into several types of breeds that differ from each other in the structure of the body. Light racing dogs give the impression of lean long-legged animals. Hardy working huskies are more squat and muscular. And show individuals are considered the most beautiful, among which blue-eyed dogs are often found.

what are the breeds of dogs with photos

Siberian Husky endowed with a freedom-loving friendly disposition. They are very active and require regular physical activity. Under certain circumstances, they may cease to obey the owner and begin to make independent decisions. To prevent this from happening, they need a strict and consistent upbringing and a clear hierarchy.


These animals will certainly be of interest to those who, before acquiring a reliable defender and true friend, want to know more about what kind of dog breeds are with developed protective qualities. The ancestors of modern Rottweilers are considered the ancient Roman dogs that came to Germany in the process of conquering these territories. Initially, heavy powerful animals were used to protect herds and move goods.

A typical Rottweiler has a compact, sturdy body with well-developed muscles. On a massive head with a moderately short muzzle and strong jaws, dark eyes and wide-set hanging ears are located. The whole body of the animal is covered with hard dense black and tan coat.

what are the breeds of dogs with names

Despite the frightening appearance, representatives of this breed are endowed with a calm disposition. They are very reasonable, unpleasant and adequate. These massive dogs are easy to train and quickly remember new teams. But for all its merits, the Rottweilers are not suitable for the role of the first dog.

German Shepherd

One can not help but recall these universal service dogs, telling what kind of dog breeds are. A photo of a German shepherd can be viewed a little lower, but for now we’ll deal with its main features. The breeding of these animals began to engage in Friedrich von Stefanitz. Moreover, he was little interested in dog appearance. He focused on the working qualities and nature of the dogs. As a result of his labors, a German shepherd appeared, having won the fame of the most intelligent and reliable breed.

These are large enough animals growing up to 57-66 cm at the withers. They have a powerful, stretched body with a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles. The main feature of the Germans is the smoothly falling top line. The whole body of these animals is covered with thick, stiff hair of black, black-blotch or zonar color.

what are the dog breeds photo and name

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by high intelligence. They are highly learningable and instantly understand what is required of them. The Germans are endowed with well-developed security qualities and, with proper education, they make not only faithful companions or good search engines, but also reliable defenders.


It is impossible to ignore these graceful animals, understanding what kind of dog breeds are. The name and photo of Doberman many of you have known to this day. But novice dog breeders will be interested to read about the main features of these dogs. The founder of this breed is Karl Friedrich Louis Doberman, who decided to get special smooth-haired dogs with well-developed protective qualities. To achieve his goal, he crossed Rottweilers, Shepherds, Pointing Dogs and Pinschers.

Modern Dobermans are tall dogs, growing to 63-72 cm at the withers and weighing 32-45 kg. They should not be too massive and squat. On a beautiful wedge-shaped head with well-defined eyebrows, there are dark oval eyes and high-set cropped ears. The whole body of these strong muscular animals is covered with short smooth hair of black or brown color with red or red tan.

what are the breeds of small dogs

These fearless and clever dogs quickly quickly adapt to new conditions and become part of the owner's family. With proper education, they make reliable defenders who get along well with other pets.

Dogue de bordeaux

Those who want to figure out what breeds of large dogs are, it will be interesting to learn about the existence of French mastiffs. These beautiful animals differ in impressive dimensions. The height of the adult is 58-68 cm with a weight of 45-50 kg. The massive trapezoid head with a wide muzzle and strong jaws has oval eyes and hanging ears, the color of which is always slightly darker than the main color. The whole body of the dogue de Bordeaux is covered with short soft hair of a red tint.

The French mastiff can be one of the brightest examples of an interesting combination of a frightening appearance and a calm, balanced character. With proper education, it turns out not only a fierce guard, but also a quite adequate companion.

English bulldog

This animal will also cause interest among those who try to understand in detail what kind of dog breeds are. A photograph of the dog, considered the personification of respectability and the national treasure of Great Britain, can be found a little lower, and now let's talk about its main features. The English Bulldog has a loose, dense physique, thanks to which it seems that in front of you is a strong and massive individual. The height of an adult dog is 35-45 cm, and the weight ranges from 23-25 ​​kg. The whole body of the animal is covered with a short coat of solid or motley color.

what kind of dog breeds are there with photos

The English Bulldog is endowed with a good-natured, phlegmatic and somewhat stubborn disposition. He quickly becomes attached to his master and does not tolerate forced separation. Despite the fact that his main purpose is a friend and companion, if necessary, he turns into a fierce defender.

American bulldog

This dog will also be interesting to those who are trying to figure out what kind of dog breeds are. He was bred on the basis of an Old English bulldog, but does not look too much like his ancestor. A typical representative of this breed has a wide head with triangular hanging ears, tight lips and dark eyes. The proportional body of the American is covered with short hair of any shade, but with obligatory white spots. The height of an adult is 50-70 cm with a weight of 35 to 60 kg.

American bulldogs have pronounced leadership qualities and are not prone to unconditional submission. They require serious training and regular exercise. These animals were bred specifically for fighting, because they have a very high pain threshold.


These small animals look very much like a miniature collie. They have the same elongated wedge-shaped heads with almond-shaped dark eyes and thick luxurious hair. But, unlike the Scottish shepherd dogs, adult Sheltie grow up to 30-40 cm, and their weight does not exceed 12 kg.

what are the small breeds of dogs with photos

Representatives of this breed are endowed with a friendly, flexible disposition. They quickly get used to their masters and do not tolerate loneliness. Sheltie has a very developed sense of self-esteem and innate delicacy. They are kind to children and show restraint to outsiders.

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