Riddles and ingenious thinking for children

As the baby grows, classes with him should be not only interesting to him, but also useful. Riddle puzzles allow the child not only to use the already known data, but also to reflect on the answer. Thinking outside the box develops in this way. Of course, adults will have to rack their brains to come up with such puzzles. Although there is nothing complicated in this.


Funny trick options

Riddle puzzles do not have to have any direct answer. No, the more confusing they are, the more interesting. For example, these are:

  • According to hunters, what is a globe?
  • What was the world's first semiconductor called?
  • Work is not a wolf. This is common knowledge. And then what?

Such puzzles with a trick are also suitable for adults. After all, not everyone found the answers? But they are simple: a stuffed earth, Ivan Susanin, the product of distance by force. Older schoolchildren may well cope with such puzzles. And the younger ones, of course, will be hard to figure out. Therefore, they can come up with easier.

Options for primary school students

Since small children, although they think quite fast, have less knowledge, then ridiculous riddles for ingenuity should be proportionate to their knowledge. For example, these are:

  • There is cheese in the mousetrap. But which mouse can get it?
  • She cannot even fit into the largest pot.
  • There is such a thing that they walk often, and they travel very rarely. What is it?

It will be quite simple and fun for kids to find the answer to such riddles by ingenuity. Have you been able to find them? The answers are simple: a second mouse, a lid from this pan, a ladder. Finding guesses is not only fun and interesting, but also informative. It develops thinking and logic.


Riddles with puzzles

Here you need to think up the correct answer, based on what has already been given in the question itself. These ridiculous puzzles for children allow us to develop not only innovative thinking and logic, but also attentiveness. For example, these are:

  • Our Julia has icicles on her cheeks.
  • We swam for a week along the river with drops.
  • A snowstorm left, and a cold. A puddle shines brightly in the sky.
  • There is a knock in the forest. Does it drum the sun?
  • Cooing fun, provocatively, gently in the spring is always a snowdrop?
  • Already the snow has melted between the pines. And has winter replaced us with autumn?

The most attentive ones have already found answers to these riddles by ingenuity. These are: freckles, ice floes, sun, woodpecker, dove, spring. It will be interesting to guess not only for children, but also for adults. Therefore, you can use such riddles to be quick-witted with answers for family games. Or on the road, when you need to entertain your child with something, and have fun yourself.

puzzles for ingenuity for children

Funny children's riddles

You can come up with a lot of them and right on the go. Here are some examples:

  • Who is Winnie the Pooh - a pig or a wild boar?
  • Papa Masha has five daughters. Four are called: Tanya, Anya, Alena, Sveta. What is the name of the fifth?
  • Six brothers have one sister each. How many sisters are there?
  • If there are more, then the weight becomes less.
  • You go yourself, and leave it for yourself.
  • What's next to the house, taller than him, but weighs nothing?
  • You can’t grab it in your hand, but if you get it in the eye, you cry.
  • Light as a feather, but you can’t hold it for a long time.

These riddles are quick-witted with answers:

  • Bear.
  • Masha.
  • One sister, since they are all brothers.
  • Holes.
  • Track.
  • The shadow of the house.
  • Smoke.
  • Take a breath

You can come up with them quickly and without much tension. Or use old, proven options such as: which mouse walks on both legs, which duck can walk on two legs, what actions are needed to remove the elephant into the freezer. Many adults remember the answers from childhood: Mickey Mouse, any duck walks on two legs, open the freezer, put an elephant, close the door (3 actions in total).

ridiculous riddles

Logical puzzles for savvy

Adults and schoolchildren will be interested in looking for answers to such puzzles, since they stimulate the development of logic and thinking. You will have to “sweat” pretty much over the solutions. Here are some examples:

  • Looking in a magnifying glass at a triangle, what can not be increased?
  • It’s easiest for a black cat to get into the house when ...
  • If the car turns right, which wheel does it not spin?
  • How deep can a hare run into a forest?
  • 30 candles were burning in the room, 10 of which were extinguished. How much is left?
  • Four birds sat on a branch, three of them decided to fly. How much is sitting on a branch now?
  • What can be taken in the right hand, but not taken in the left?

Not every adult will be able to find answers to these puzzles. And they are quite simple and logical, if you think carefully:

  • Angles (they will not become anymore under the influence of a magnifying glass).
  • When the door is open (otherwise it is hard for any cat to get into the house).
  • Spare, everyone else is spinning while driving.
  • Exactly until the middle of the forest. Starting in the middle, he will run out of the forest, and not run into it.
  • There will be 10 candles, the rest will burn.
  • Four remained, three only decided to fly, but had not yet flown away.
  • The left elbow can be taken in the right hand, and the left is no longer.

puzzles with a trick

Jokes minutes

Many adults are familiar with them, but they can easily be adapted for children. For example, here are the options:

  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
  • Large, with a mustache, full of hares. What is it?
  • During rain, the fox always hides under this tree. What is this tree?
  • What months of the year are 28 days?
  • When the chicken crosses the road, where does it go?
  • Gray, small, like an elephant.

Such jokes-minutes also perfectly develop the logic in children, so you can safely make them up in class. At the same time, the children will not even guess that these are developing lessons. And for those who find it difficult to answer, here they are:

  • No, it cannot, birds do not talk.
  • Trolleybus.
  • Wet. During rain, all the trees in the forest are wet.
  • All months consist of at least 28 days.
  • The chicken goes to the other side of the road, this is her own business.
  • The baby elephant is small and gray, similar to adult elephants.

Such puzzles can be invented right on the go to entertain both yourself and the child. Finding clues will also be fun for both, and so many teachers and educators use this game uniform at various holidays and meetings. If the family is large, then at home you can even arrange competitions with riddles. It will be fun and interesting, and even informative, as many parents would like. Such quiet developmental activities for the whole family will appeal to many.

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