How to find a stone resonator Kagrumez. Passage of the quest "Tests of Kagrumez"

Kagrumez Resonator Stone is a quest item on the Dragonborn sideline quest line. In total, there are five such artifacts hidden in Solstheim, and only after you find them all, you can pass the mission "Tests of Kagrummez." In this small guide, we will talk about where each Kagrumez resonator stone is hidden, and also share the secrets of passing the Skyrim game.

stone cagroom resonator

Quest start

In order to launch this mission, go to the Dwemer ruins under the name "Kagrumez". You can find them in the central part of Solstheim Island, east of Raven Rock. And it is for this place that Kagrumez resonator stones will be required. Where to find the entrance to the ruins? Go down the stairs, and in a small tower you will find an elevator leading to a lost city.

skyrim stone kagroumez resonator

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stones kagroumez resonators where to find


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stone cagrooma resonator code

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stone cagroom resonator

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