Unusual performance of guests on the anniversary

Birthday is an important event in the life of any person. Especially if a round date is celebrated! This event should be carefully prepared, paying attention to many important issues: competent organization of the celebration, room decoration, table decoration, and much more. An important part is the presentation of guests at the anniversary. He should be given due attention.

performance of guests on the anniversary

Why is this necessary?

Many people wonder about why you need to introduce guests to the anniversary? It is worth noting that this is a large-scale event at which colleagues, relatives, friends, housemates and cottages gather. Naturally, not all of them can know each other. Such a simple procedure will allow them to get to know each other and unite.

performance of guests on the anniversary in verse

The second reason why you need to do this is to pay attention to the guests and surprise them.

We should also talk about when the performance should go and who should do it. According to tradition, this process occurs after all the guests have taken their places and drank the first glass of wine. This can be done by the leader (host), the hero of the occasion or his close relative.

In the form of an award

It is worth remembering each invited guest. Most likely, in each of them there is some special, outstanding character trait. Using these data, you can create a cool greeting for the guests on the anniversary. For example, you can use the following names:

  • Miss "The Loudest Voice."
  • Sole of company.
  • The most loving guy.
  • The most sophisticated nature.
  • Comedian, etc.

Each person should prepare a comic letter. When the celebration ceremony begins, you need to name the guest and assign him a certain rank. Then he will come out, and he should be awarded. Preparation for this ceremony can take a lot of time, but each guest will be given attention, and everyone will immediately understand who is who.

presentation of guests at the anniversary in a comic form

It is very important that all the characteristics really correspond to the character traits of the guest, otherwise a misunderstanding may appear. The second important point - it is worth highlighting only pleasant traits, not using such characteristics as an alcoholic, an envious person or a liar, this can greatly offend the person sitting at the table.

Division of guests into several categories

presentation of guests at the anniversary in a comic form

Probably all guests can be divided into several separate groups. In this case, you can come up with a good comic presentation for the anniversary in poetry or prose. Now it remains to ask some people to get up from the table, having given the name and surname, and to present them to the guests. For example, you can use the following form:

“These people go home from work lazily,

At home, cooking them dumplings is not too lazy,

And then they’ll open a delicious beer,

So bachelors live every day. ”

“Three women, three beauties, have not yet found their happiness in their personal lives, I hope this festive evening will correct the situation.”

“Ten of the most severe guys, they served in the border troops. They’re not afraid of anything, so it’s better not to joke with them. ”

Classifications can be very different, for example, you can distinguish summer residents, animal lovers, fishing, cars, hunting and so on. People after such a presentation tend to get to know each other faster, and sometimes even continue to communicate after the event, because common interests are always united.

In the form of riddles

There is another interesting presentation of guests at the anniversary in a comic form - in the form of puzzles. This is a great way not only to get to know each other, but also to arrange a small quiz. You need to come up with a riddle in advance for each guest. For example, make up his profession or hobby. Now you should ask him to get up from the table and say the following:

Presentation of guests on the anniversary for congratulations

“This person often wears striped clothing and an unusual headdress. He’s never cradled, and there’s no seasickness. ” (The correct answer is "sailor").

"Let this sport always be negative in Russia, but this guy will always believe in victory." (The correct answer is “football fan”).

“This beautiful girl knows what the path to the man’s heart lies, and she chose the appropriate profession.” (The correct answer is “cook”).

You can come up with a huge number of such puzzles, they should indicate the interests of a person or his position.


You can also create a representation of guests at the anniversary in a comic form in the form of reverse riddles. First, the facilitator pronounces the phrase, for example:

jubilee for guests

“This charming blonde knows what accounting is.”

"This strong young man can lift a barbell weighing more than 100 kilograms."

"This dark-haired, mature man gives out orders to his subordinates very well and protects our homeland."

After pronouncing such riddles, all those present should look around and understand who they are talking about. It is recommended not to delay this event and to name as many distinguishing characteristics as possible, paying attention to which, guests will quickly cope with the task (indicate high or short stature, approximate age, hair color, and so on). If the answer is guessed correctly, then the corresponding musical signal should sound. You can also complement this competition by rewarding the one who gave the correct answer with a memorable souvenir.

Use of technological means

Of course, people sitting at the same table can themselves get to know each other quite well, but it would be better to use ready-made cuts for this purpose to represent guests at the anniversary. Often, modern technological means are used to create them.

  1. If you have a modern TV in your home or public place, you can create a colorful presentation. It should consist of photographs of each guest. There should also be an inscription with a name and basic characteristics.
  2. You can also pre-prepare a musical performance of guests on the anniversary. A person should go to the center of the hall, and at that time the corresponding composition should sound. The most successful examples are: “Accountant”, “Remember, Captain”, etc.

Of course, such a blank will have to be done long and painstakingly, but at the celebration it will look very bright and interesting.

And who was born ...

There are musical cuts to represent guests at the anniversary, which our grandmothers have successfully used. All guests should sing a song with the words "And who was born in January, let's get up quickly and pick up a crazy glass soon." All guests who are related to this month should stand up, solemnly raise their glasses and drink. It’s worth singing such a song 12 times.

View script

You can also come up with a presentation scenario in a game form. The first guest sitting at the table is given a photo frame. This is an imitation of a television. Next, the leader should include fun music, and this item begins to move around the table. As soon as she stopped, the guest with whom he was in his arms should stand up, give his name and say who he was responsible for.

Introducing your closest friends

If the event is held by an experienced presenter, then he must prepare in advance the presentation of the guests on the anniversary for congratulations. In the forefront, their closest and most faithful friends want to say their beautiful words. They can be represented as follows:

“Everyone in life can succeed: to tie the knot with the most worthy person, build a mansion, put several million dollars in a personal bank account. But he will be considered unhappy if in his whole life he does not make a faithful friend whom he can fully trust. Fortunately, our birthday boy has one, and now congratulations will come from him. ”

anniversary woman guest performance

You can also come up with a similar option to represent guests on the anniversary of a woman:

“Now I want to give the microphone into the hands of that person with whom the birthday girl always shares the most secret secrets, goes shopping and discusses all the men.”

A similar performance of guests at the anniversary in verses:

“You have true friends,

This suggests that you lived not in vain,

I want to introduce faster

These most loyal friends. ”

After these phrases, a congratulation from the closest friends of the hero of the day should sound.

Recall Parents

Presenting guests at the anniversary is a very important part of the celebration. Particular attention should be paid to words about parents. They should be as touching as possible, gentle and caring. For example, you can use the following template:

“Today we all gathered at the table, praising our birthday, discussing his successes and achievements. But do not forget about those people who contributed to his birth, always worried about him and supported him in everything. You have already guessed that now congratulations will come from the most beloved parents. ”

“When you got married, you had a second family and second parents. Sometimes there were quarrels and misunderstandings between you. But, despite all these situations, they continued to love you and support you in everything. Now your beloved mother-in-law and father-in-law will pronounce pleasant words for you. ”

Spouses and children

The hour comes when each person has his own family. In the anniversary, you should definitely remember your favorite family members and come up with an appropriate presentation of the guests at the anniversary for congratulations.

“She knows where you hide your socks, what you love for breakfast and what you go home. You have a difficult character, but this woman knows how to put up with him. Now your spouse is worried, because she will deliver a solemn speech for you. ”

“In a few seconds, a beautiful wish will come from the person to whom you said“ Yes ”to the registry office a few years ago, for whom you bake cakes, do house cleaning and iron things. We support him, because he is very worried. "

“What is the most valuable for every person? Of course, his own children. How pleasant it will be for the hero of the day to hear congratulatory words from them that day. ”

Native blood

Who is the native blood for the hero of the day? Of course, this is a brother and sister. You can come up with a cool performance for guests at the anniversary in verses:

“Native blood. What did you hear about this?

This is the person with whom you become kinder and higher.

And everyone around is talking about it,

That the closest person in the world is your brother.

And I want to give him the floor,

So he could congratulate you faster. "


"This girl will always come to the rescue,

Will give good advice, save from all adversity,

And in difficult times you will always remember about her,

She gets wiser every year.

And in return she doesn’t need anything,

Now your sister is glad to congratulate you. ”

musical performance of guests on the anniversary

This presentation of the guests on the anniversary in verse will highlight the merits of the closest people. They will always be happy to hear pleasant words addressed to them. But do not forget about all the other people who came to this solemn event: about neighbors and colleagues.

A few words about the neighbors

For whom can you come up with comic performances of guests at the anniversary in verses? Of course, for everyone's beloved neighbors. It is with these people that conflicts and funny stories most often occur. It is recommended that the facilitator name as many facts as possible from the lives of these people so that this sounds plausible. For example, you can come up with a similar option.

“Do you remember how they tapped the batteries when you settled into this house and drilled a wall?” How did they not like leaving trash in the stairwell? Then the conflict was over, you began to go to them for salt, and even today you probably borrowed stools, dishes and a tablecloth from them. As time passed, the degree of trust grew, and you began to leave keys to each other to feed the cat, water the flowers and meet the plumbing. On each holiday, you rather run to congratulate each other, since you have to walk close. Neighbors can be called family members for a long time. And now they want to tell you a few words. "

“I want to give the microphone to those who live behind your fence. With whom you return home together, share fertilizers and tips for growing plants. Competitions between you take place every year: those who grow cabbage faster, who will collect more tomatoes, who have more beautiful flowers. But despite this, they love you. And they want to say a solemn congratulation. "

A few words about work colleagues

Work colleagues are also a kind of family member. Indeed, with them a person spends more than 8 hours a day, five times a week. They become friends, interlocutors, and loyal companions. On the anniversary evening, it is worth paying due attention to them.

“Love is the most glorious feeling that every person has encountered at least once in a lifetime. By the way he shows it, you can guess his main profession. Hot, hot and fiery loves one who puts out fires. The cook is very sweet, tasty and juicy. Quickly, instantly, but at the same time the photographer very vividly searches for his soul mate. And how does our birthday boy love? The answer to this question is possible only after we listen to congratulations from his work colleagues. ”

“Each of us has a work officer. What kind of person is this? He will always cover when you leave to drink tea during working hours. He is the first to know about your illnesses. He, like no other, knows all your strengths and weaknesses. And now that same work colleague will tell you more about how you spend hard working days together. ”


Usually the most talented guest utters beautiful words on a holiday. Ancient parables with special meaning are always very popular. To represent guests at the holiday, you can use the following option:

“In every country, it is customary to celebrate the day when a person was born. At that moment, everyone around him wants good, success and happiness. All nations have a special sign that will bring good luck to a person. For example, Italians beat a birthday boy on the forehead, the Spaniards tug at the earlobes, the British cheerfully lift him up in the air, the Canadians put oil on their nose, and the Germans hang a national flag on their shoulders. In Russia, there are no such traditions, but this does not mean that we do not wish well to the hero of the day. We do this with the help of sincere phrases. It is they who will now be heard from one of the guests. ”

Why do you need to spend your time before each significant event to come up with a beautiful performance of guests on the anniversary? As it turned out, there are only two main reasons for this: to acquaint everyone sitting at the table with each other and to make a small announcement before a person makes his fiery speech. It does not matter why it is created, the main thing is to remember several basic rules: it must contain plausible information, carry an atmosphere of sincerity and kindness. The second important quality is the capacity, too long text will tire the guests. The third factor - blanks should be compiled for all guests, and not for individual characters, because someone may be disappointed that he was not given due attention. And the anniversary evening for someone will be spoiled.

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