Cats are creatures wayward and mysterious. They do only what they like. They come when they want, and not when they are asked about it. At the same time, there are rare instances that will eat from the bowl everything that you considered it necessary to put there. Most often they are very finicky and moody. Therefore, the owners often ask the question of how to increase the appetite of a cat. First you need to deal with the causes of this phenomenon.
Whims or illness
If, day after day, your pet chooses only the best pieces, or even turns away from the bowl with displeasure, there can be at least two reasons. This may be a natural process or a symptom of a disease. The second case is best discussed with the veterinarian. Therefore, we will start with how to increase a cat’s appetite, if physiologically there are no prerequisites for refusing food.
Nature hunter
These animals cannot calmly walk past a bird’s nest or hole in which hatched mice squeak. Therefore, before thinking about how to increase the appetite of a cat, you need to observe what the pet is doing during the day. It is possible that he was already fed up with the caught prey and therefore ignores the proposed bowl.
This behavior is characteristic of animals that have free access to walks and the street. This is not a cause for concern. Usually, within a few days the animal will empty the found nest, after which it will begin to eat in the usual volume. You don’t even have to worry about how to increase your cat’s appetite.
Watching an animal
Reducing the amount of food consumed is not critical in itself. But if, along with a lack of appetite, you noticed other changes, for example, in behavior, then, most likely, the reason lies in the indisposition of your pet. There can be many reasons for this. Sometimes this condition is caused by a mild cold or the presence of parasites. In this case, correcting the situation is very easy at home, without even having to seek the help of a veterinarian.
Another thing is if the cat has eaten less on the background of developing respiratory diseases, digestive tract problems and diarrhea. All these are quite serious problems that require the intervention of a veterinarian. Do not forget that the clinical picture may be blurry, so it is best to undergo a medical examination and pass the necessary tests. Perhaps the cause is gastrointestinal disease or dental disease. Suffering from pain, the animal refuses to eat, so treatment should be started only after diagnosis.
Proper nutrition
It is no secret that a healthy stomach is the key to a good appetite. Therefore, forget that cats need to be fed milk. This is a predator that needs fresh meat, poultry or mice. To maintain the pet's digestive system is normal, feed her one raw yolk a couple of times a week. Professional feed for sensitive digestion will not hurt. But even it can not be given to the animal on an ongoing basis. And even more so, soups, leftovers from our table, fatty broths, salty and sweet are not suitable for cats. Take care of your pet’s body. She needs meat and fish, in small quantities cereals and greens. As the last one, catnip is suitable. What is it for? It is a kind of stimulant and drug, but in small quantities the herb is able to improve digestion. Therefore, you need to give it only a few leaves.
We provoke a good appetite
In pet stores today, quite a lot of feline vitamins are sold, which include sea kale and catnip, yeast and other useful substances. They are designed specifically for pets. These are cat appetite stimulants that improve metabolism.
Many cats adore eating sprouted grass. It also improves the appetite of the animal and strengthens the immune system. You can buy sprouted grass at a pet store or grow it yourself. It is no secret that a healthy stomach is the key to a good appetite. Therefore, you need to monitor the nutrition of your pet from a very early age and try to keep it in the best possible way.
If poor appetite is associated with stress, catnip will be of great help. What is it for? It has a positive effect on the body, soothes and helps relieve stress. Moreover, the grass is completely harmless to digestion. Many cats appetite boosters contain extracts of this plant, which is why they give excellent results. There is only one drawback of the plant, it can often not be used, because addiction otherwise occurs.
We draw attention to food
This is a fairly simple way to solve the problem and increase your appetite. You can attract the attention of a cat with your favorite treats. This is fraught with the fact that the animal will be spoiled, but everything is good in moderation. You can offer foods with a strong, characteristic odor that stimulates appetite as feed.
For this purpose, tuna or sardines are suitable. Studies show that it is these varieties of fish that cause the greatest response in cats. A few drops of catnip extract will further enhance this effect. A similar effect has an increase in the content of B vitamins in food. And best of all, create conditions that will evoke hunting instincts. Hang pieces of food on a rope so that the pet has to get them with some difficulty.
What do cats like?
When you take a pet, you should be well aware that you accept a lot of responsibility. You must create such an atmosphere at home that the animal feels comfortable, cozy and calm. Especially cats need this cosiness. If the fluffy beauty feels the danger, if she is offended, then she can refuse food from constant stress. This is a natural phenomenon. So once again look around to see if your cat really lives well.
It should be noted that cats love to eat. And if the puppy needs to be given food on a schedule, then the cat likes it if there is always food in the bowl. Therefore, try to leave a little dry food even at night. In addition, cats are very fond of sleeping, so provide them with a warm place. Sleeping pet and eat with great appetite. Finally, fluffy handsome men love to play. Provide him with toys, boxes in which he can hide, mice and other paraphernalia.
What do cats not like?
If the animal lacks appetite, there are reasons for this. Cats really dislike being grabbed and squeezed. They don’t especially tolerate it when they are pulled by the tail, so if there are children at home, and the cat has lost his appetite, this may be the reason. But the complete absence of people is also traumatic for them. A cat needs a portion of love every day. Cats do not like loud noise, scandals in the house. If they occur regularly, stress may occur in the animal. These are scary cleanrooms that can refuse food if the bowl is dirty.
Instead of a conclusion
It is also important to remember how cats should not be fed. Soups and borsch, milk, leftover food from your table - this is not the kind of food that your pets need. Be sure to take raw fish, lightly boil it and arrange them in portioned packets. In the freezer, she lies for a very long time. Meat in the form of minced meat, boiled cereals, cottage cheese, greens, all this must be included in the diet of fluffy handsome men so that their digestion does not suffer.