JQuery selectors: how to use?

JQuery – , JavaScript, HTML . , , CSS. jQuery .

CSS jQuery

, jQuery CSS, «».

  • -, jQuery , DOM, . . , , hover, - first-line.
  • -, jQuery , CSS, , CSS, .
JQuery library for working with HTML page

, . CSS:



HTML, - <b>...</b>


(<div class="classA">)


id (<div id="IDone">)

CSS, jQuery . . , jquery ID - $("#IDone, b"). +, +ID, , $("b.classA").

CMS, , HTML- Id . , . , , jquery.

$("div[attribute!='value']"), . ,
$("div[attribute^='value']"), , value
$("div[attribute$='value']"), , value
$("div[attribute*='value']"), value
$("div[attribute~='value']"), value ( )
$("div[attribute|='value']"), value ,
An example of using attribute selectors

, , , $("img[width=500][height=260]").

HTML- - jQuery. , , , jquery , (<p></p>).

:contains()$("p:contains('value')") – <p>, 'value'., . , . , , "text" "TEXT"
:has()$("p:has(b)") – <p>, <b>., , .
:parent$("p:parent") – <p>, -., -
:empty$("p:empty") – <p>., .


HTML markup matching selectors

jquery , , $("p.mail:contains('e-mail')") "mail", "e-mail".

CSS. , DOM. jquery .

$("ul > li")<li>, () <ul>
$("ul a")<a>, <ul>
$("h1 + p")<p>, <h1>
$("li ~ a")<a>, <li>, ,
$("li:first-child")<li>, , , <ul>
$("li:last-child")<li>, , , <ul>
$("li:nth-child(3)")<li>, . , ,
$("li:only-child")<li>, ()
Inheritance of elements

jquery li:nth-child(n), . , n even, , odd. n , , $("li:nth-child(2n+3)") , .

input , type. jQuery .

Input Fields



JQuery . .

:eq(n)(n). ! , jQuery select 0!
:lt(), n
:gt(), n
Using selector: gt () to control table styles

- , . , : not(), , "" , .

: hidden, - 00 , , .

:animated, jQuery
:hiddendisplay: none, type="hidden", 0px. , . ! visibility, "hidden", jquery select
:visible: hidden

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 h6


- , , , . jQuery JavaScript , . , .

  1. jQuery.
  2. , . , .
  3. , , - .

An example script with jQuery and its selectors:

Using jQuery selectors


Now you know absolutely all selectors from jQuery, in addition, we hope that the examples helped you understand how to build the desired condition from several different selectors.

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