How to add pages to Word: numbering

When creating and editing text in Microsoft Word, a new page is added automatically when there is not enough space on the current one. But sometimes you need to switch to a new sheet without completely filling out the previous one. There are several tools for this in the editor. This article will tell you how to add pages to the Word with their help.

Method number 1: insert a page break

A feature of this technique is that all the text following the cursor is shifted along with it to a new sheet. It is often used to complete sections and chapters in large documents. Coursework or dissertations, for example.

In Word 2003, inserting a gap is done as follows:

  • In the main menu bar, select sections: "Insert", "Break".
  • In the new small window, put a checkmark next to “New Page”.
page break 1

In Word 2007 and later, there are 2 ways to insert a gap. The first way: go to the “Insert” tab and click on the third button on the left inside the “Pages” block (“Page break”).

page break 2

To insert a page in the second way, you need:

  • Go to the page layout section.
  • Click on “Gaps” in the “Page Settings” block (second from the left).
  • Select the “Page” item in the menu that opens.
page break 3

In addition to these methods, there is a universal combination of keyboard shortcuts "Ctrl + Enter". It allows you to quickly add pages to Word, as is often required.

Method number 2: insert a blank sheet.

This technique allows you to add a new page to the document. It is inserted after the cursor. If there was any text after it, then it will be on the next sheet after the new one.

The way to add a page to Word 2007–2016 is as follows:

  • Go to the "Insert" tab.
  • Click LMB on the “Blank Page” button in the “Pages” block.
blank page 1

After insertion, the cursor is automatically positioned at the beginning of the first line of a new sheet.

Method number 3: a new section

To insert a new sheet into a document in Word 2003 using this method, you need to open the “Break” window using the “Insert” menu. In the second sub-block, a mark is placed near the line “from the next page”. Then you need to click on "OK".

Section 1 gap

Before adding a new page in Word 2007 and newer versions, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Follow steps 1 and 2 of the second method.
  • In the menu that opens, click on the "Next Page" button in the "Section Breaks" subsection.
section gap 2

It is better to use this method only if the design of the text that differs from the main one is used on the new page: columns, different layout of the sheet, different font or numbering. For the remaining cases, the first 2 doses are more suitable.

How to add page numbers in Word

In addition to adding new pages with the help of gaps, their design often requires numbering. To perform this operation in the 2003 editor, you need:

  • Call the "Page Numbers" window using the command of the same name located in the "Insert" menu.
  • In the dialog box that opens, select the position of the future number: top or bottom, left, center or right.
page number 1

Insert page numbers in Word 2007–2016 is done according to the following algorithm:

  • In the “Headers and Footers” block (“Insert” tab), click on “Page Number”.
  • Using the first four points, select its position on the sheet.
page number 2

Numbering starts from any number

Sometimes it is necessary to start numbering the sheets not from the number 1, but from 3 or 50. For this, in the operation in “Word” there is a setting called “Page format”. To use it in the 2003 version of the editor, you need:

  • Open the "Page Numbers" window.
  • In it, click on the button "Format ...".
  • In the next window, put a checkmark next to “Start with ...” and enter the required number in the field.
page number 3

To use the same function in Word 2007 you need:

  • Click on the “Page Number” button located in the “Headers and Footers” block.
  • In the drop-down menu, select the sub-item “Page number format”.
  • Perform step 3 of the previous method.
page number 4

This is the way how to add numbers to pages in Word.

Numbering starts from the second sheet of the document

According to the rules of registration, the title page of the document, if any, should not have a number. The editor also has a small tool for this requirement. To use it in Word 2003, you need:

  • Call the "Page Numbers" window.
  • Uncheck the box next to “Number on the first page”.
cover page 1

And in the 2007 version, this is made a little more complicated. To remove a number from the first sheet, you have to:

  • Double-click with the left mouse button on the page number or press one of the “Header / Footer” buttons and select the “Change Header” sub-item.
cover page 2

  • In the new tab “Designer”, uncheck the box next to “Special footer for the first page”.
    cover page3

Thanks to a simple and intuitive interface, any user of the Microsoft Word editor can handle the insertion of a new page or its numbering.

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