Sling for a newborn: reviews of doctors

Replenishment in the family is indescribable happiness. Admiring the newborn baby, you experience a sea of ​​tenderness, tenderness and admiration. This lump is so defenseless, I want to squeeze it to myself and not let go for a minute. But carrying an infant all day is physically impossible. After all, a young mother has a bunch of household chores that they can’t wait. For such a case, an excellent invention was invented - a sling for a newborn. Reviews say that this is an indispensable thing. The main thing is to arrange the baby conveniently, as if he is in the arms of his mother, and you can safely go for a walk, go shopping and take up cleaning.


In the mother’s stomach, the child was twisted into a ball for a long time. Therefore, the first few months, the crumbs take the usual posture, the back is bent by an arc. The baby is comfortable, warm, and most importantly, contact with mom is continuous. After all, it is very important for a little man to feel mom's warmth.

The most frequently asked question: are baby slings harmful? Reviews of doctors are almost unanimous. The luminaries of medicine believe that there is no harm to the health of the crumbs from this device. But the benefits are present. Especially for premature babies, they should be in constant contact with their mother and receive food on demand. This method of feeding helps the rapid formation of lactation. After all, in the first months it is very important that the mother has enough milk for feeding. Then the baby will quickly gain weight and get stronger.

baby sling reviews

Former slimness

It is very difficult to restore the body after childbirth. The figure is changing beyond recognition, and young mothers do not have enough time for daily training. An excellent way out is a sling - a scarf for newborns. Reviews quickly built mothers are simply amazing. They claim that they carried the baby in a sling for several hours a day, tightening it tightly around the waist. Thereby created a bandage effect. In addition, carrying a child in this device removes the load from the lower back, cervical spine. Mom gets a straight posture, straight shoulders. Winding a sling-scarf works flawlessly, such a bandage perfectly supports the weakened muscles, restoring them.

If a woman who has given birth wants to get in good physical shape faster, it is necessary to purchase a sling for newborns from 0 months. Reviews of mothers say that, having returned from the hospital, on the same day they began to use the sling. The more movements, the faster the kilograms leave. Therefore, you can now do household chores with your baby. Mother’s hands are completely free, she is ready for walks and simple work. Thanks to the correct load distribution, the back does not get tired at all.


Child psychologists strongly recommend that young mothers spend more time in close contact with the child. He needs to feel touch, hear the beating of his mother’s heart, breathing and voice. The phenomenon of an increased need for a child in contact with his mother has long been familiar to doctors. Many of them recommend getting such a convenient dressing as a sling for a newborn. Reviews of pediatricians and psychologists confirm this repeatedly. They advise diversifying the baby’s world with frequent walks in the fresh air and moving around the house in the dressing. After all, the monotonous picture that the baby observes while lying in a stroller or crib will not do him any good. A completely different thing is a walk in a sling. The child will watch with interest what is happening around him, it is very important for him to receive new impressions and not be afraid of anything, because mom is nearby. The voices of people, the sounds of animals, bright shop windows, trees and buildings - all this is informative for the baby. In the first year of his life, he needs to see and hear as much as possible. All this affects his intellectual development and adaptation to society.

slings for newborns reviews of doctors

Neurologist opinion

Neurologists favor baby slings. Reviews of doctors - this is no longer opinions from the forum of housewives. They should be listened to and certain conclusions drawn. Many children's neurologists and psychologists are trying to convey to mothers how important it is to hold the baby in her arms, to be in bodily contact with him, to talk. Indeed, many mothers believe that a child of the first year of life does not understand anything and he only needs food and dry diapers. This is a profound error. Immediately after birth, the baby begins the period of adaptation to life in this vast world. Everything for him is new, unusual, and when his faithful companion is near, his mother, it becomes not at all scary.

Many babies, not having received sufficient contact with their mother in the first nine months of their life, grow up anxious, restless. The crumbs sleep may be disturbed; it does not have a basic trust in the world. Therefore, be sure to try to use such a convenient thing as a sling for newborns from 0. Reviews of those who have already gone this way are only positive. The dressing helps new moms every day. Housewives enthusiastically talk about how convenient it is to go shopping, for a walk in the park with the baby. No need to carry a huge stroller, hands are always free. You can feed your baby without removing it from the device, he will feel maternal warmth and care.


The period of adaptation of the mother and the child after childbirth does not always go smoothly. Women often lock themselves in, feel discomfort about their appearance, and fall into postpartum depression. There are also such cases that, because of the emotions of the mother, they refuse to take care of the babies. And children experience a feeling of loneliness, uselessness, their peace and sleep are disturbed, some crumbs can even refuse to eat. The best means of contact between mother and baby is a sling for newborns. Reviews of doctors and those who used this device are filled with enthusiasm. It is very easy to put on and take it off, even if the baby dozed off, it can easily be put in a crib. You can change the pose of the baby on the go, which is very convenient during a long walk. But the most important thing is that the baby is always in bodily contact with her mother, she feels protected.

may baby sling reviews

Make a choice

Now a very popular question: is a baby sling needed? Reviews say that it is simply necessary. But how to make the right choice and not make a mistake? Some criteria need to be considered:

  • If the sling model implies the presence of rings, it is better that they are metal. Plastic and wood can burst due to a sharp load or severe frost. The diameter of the ring depends on the type of fabric of the product. For linen products, the diameter of the ring should be seven centimeters. But for sliding synthetic can not exceed five centimeters.
  • Pay particular attention to the fabric. It is better to choose cotton slings for newborns. Mom reviews say that caring for such a thing is a pleasure. But the main thing is not this, but the quality of the fabric. Waffle fabric, calico is pleasant to the body, keeps cool. The baby will be comfortable, and adjusting the sling is very easy, without even having to remove the baby from it. A synthetic fabric is suitable for older crumbs, but it can still cause an allergic reaction.
  • For fashionable young mothers, designers develop decorated slings for newborns. Mom's reviews exceed all expectations. They are completely delighted with these stylish little things. Dressings are decorated with pockets, trims, edging, lace, bright prints. After all, women want to always look good, to receive a howling portion of attention from others. Therefore, such fashionable products scatter from store shelves.
    baby slings reviews moms


The baby carrier for kangaroos has long been known around the world. But doctors do not recommend using it for newborns. The position of the crumbs in this device is not at all correct, the weight is unevenly distributed. The child hangs on the crotch, and the mother’s back hurts terribly after walking in the kangaroo. Experts have developed an alternative for those who are embarrassed to use the sling or do not know how to reel it. The way out is May Sling for newborns. Reviews of pediatricians about this device are only positive. Doctors say that it is completely safe for the health of the crumbs, but you need to start using it only after the back of the child is a little stronger. This mainly happens after four months, but each baby develops individually.

Convenience and style

May-sling for newborns looks very presentable. Mom and dad reviews are mixed. Half of them claim that this is the most convenient thing, the child’s back is supported by a dense side, unlike a scarf. But another part of the respondents could not get used to using this device. Moms of too active babies talk about the fact that when the children spin around, work with their legs, there is a chance to fall out of the sling. It is not as reliable as a regular fabric item. May-sling is a rectangle or square made of dense fabric with foam rubber, the same dense straps, upper and lower, are sewn to it. The latter lead the mother behind and tightly tied, and the upper throws first over the shoulders of the mother, and then the baby, fasten. The baby should be tightly pulled to the mother in order to avoid stress on the small back and falling.

baby carrier sling reviews

Doctors do not mind wearing children older than five months in May slings, the main thing is to make the right choice. Pay attention to the width of the straps, it should reach fourteen centimeters. The straps must be padded with foam for density. Such a sling implies only the vertical position of the child. Follow the recommendations of the doctors, and the child will be healthy and happy. The choice of fabrics and colors is diverse, it’s a matter of your taste. But it is better to give preference to cotton.

Cozy nest

Like a small cradle, it looks like a baby carrier. The doctors' comments about this subject needed by mom are positive. But there is one condition for carrying a child in such a sling - the absence of pathologies and diseases in the crumbs. Especially dysplasia of the hip joints, breathing problems. This carrying looks like a cozy mink, where the baby sleeps and is awake with comfort. You can stay in it in a prone position, it is especially convenient for children in the first three months of life who sleep a lot. Carrying is similar to a mini-cradle to which thick straps are attached. They are thrown to mom's shoulders and fixed. The child is in a comfortable position, feels the warmth of the mother's body nearby and experiences a pleasant sensation of intimacy.

It is very difficult to answer the question: which sling is better for newborns? Reviews say that carrying is an impractical thing, since a child can only be in a horizontal position in it. As soon as he gets a little stronger, he just won’t like to lie and look at the sky. Then you have to buy another sling so that the child can enjoy the world around him. Indeed, many mothers prefer to carry children in dressings up to two years.

Do I need a baby sling reviews

Above all

Dad's favorite option is a baby sling backpack. Reviews of happy parents extol this device to heaven. But doctors in this regard think differently. They recommend starting to wear a baby in a backpack only after reaching five months. After all, the spine is still very weak, and the baby can take only anatomical forms. From walking in an ergosack for babies who do not know how to sit, back deflection appears prematurely. This does not contribute to proper development. But with a grown-up child in a backpack, you can take long walks and shop. The load is distributed evenly, so the parent will not get tired of his beloved burden.

Doctors recommend three basic provisions for a child in a backpack:

  • face to face - the position is comfortable, but not quite interesting for the baby. He has to turn his head to the side to see what is happening around. With a long walk, the baby’s neck can be tired, numb, because there is no support under the head;
  • on the back - the most comfortable position. The child is immersed in a backpack and put on shoulder straps. The baby can hug mom, he is given a good overview. But mom’s hands are completely free;
  • back to mom - cognitive pose for the baby. He gets to know the world around him, studies people passing by, admires nature. But not all models imply such a situation, so when choosing, be sure to try to plant the baby like this;
  • on the hip - this position is very convenient for mom, the main thing is to correctly fasten and tighten the belts.

Be sure to listen to the advice of an orthopedist. Do not use the backpack too early. Let the baby get stronger finally, and until it reaches five months, use a sling with rings for newborns. Reviews will help determine the manufacturer, the quality of the fabric.


In 1999, a wonderful trademark “Miracle-child” appeared in our country. They produce goods for mothers and babies. The best specialists, the latest technology - all for the development of quality products. Slings from this manufacturer are very convenient. They allow mom to enjoy life, be active, keep up with everything. But the main thing is an emotional connection with your child. Using carrying bags, backpacks, you can be in contact with the child every minute.

which sling is better for newborns reviews

Pleased with the prices of products of the company "Miracle-child", which is important for young parents. Bright design in harmony with comfort is a great combination for evaluating children's products. But here reviews about baby slings "Miracle-child" are not always flattering. Many mothers claim that the fabric of the product is too cheap. She is unpleasant to the body, pricks, wrinkles and does not allow the baby to take an anatomical position. Carrying with rings drags on uncomfortably, as some parents claim.

But there are also kind words spoken to the manufacturer. The backpack for walks with the kid deserved the best marks. Dads and mothers talk about the quality and value of the backpack at the highest level. Walking began to bring joy, kids are happy to fall asleep in these comfortable slings-backpacks.

It turns out that it is very difficult to choose a sling for a newborn. Reviews are sometimes contradictory, but it is better to listen to the opinion of doctors. For a baby, get such a carrier in which it will be convenient to lie, and do not rush to an upright position. All life ahead of this crumbs, do not rush things.

New life

With the advent of the baby, a special kind of aura of kindness is established in the house. It is impossible to look at this lump without emotion and happiness. He needs protection, care, I want to give him the best in this world. At this age, the most necessary for the baby is mom! Her warmth, gentle touches, hugs. The best way to give your baby warmth and attention is to purchase a sling. So you will always be there. The baby will have digestion, colic will disappear, because the “belly to stomach” pose has excellent thermoregulation.

Doctors urge parents to abandon kangaroos that spoil the small body. They can not maintain an anatomical shape, all the linings, rollers are useless. The child should take an arcuate shape, but not press his chin to the chest.

Learn the best baby slings. Reviews of doctors and parents will help determine the manufacturer and model. Indeed, in order to make the right choice, you need to clearly know for what purpose you need it. Go for a walk, move around the house, go on a trip? As soon as you set yourself a clear task, you will immediately find exactly what the baby needs. Fabrics choose jacquard weaving or diagonal double. They are made specifically for one purpose - the carrying of children, so there is no way to find a separate cut in the sale. Such material is also called scarf.

When buying, the instruction is always attached to the sling. You must follow these rules. Therefore, before you start using the product, carefully study it. After all, the main thing is that the child takes the right position, otherwise you can harm his health. You need to take care of your mother’s condition. A sling scarf is the safest option. The load is distributed evenly, and nothing threatens the health of both. But the sling backpack gives a big load on the legs of the wearer. Therefore, if the mother has vein diseases, this option of carrying is excluded.

Miracle Baby Slings Reviews - Miracle

Get slings from trusted manufacturers. It is better to overpay a small amount and be sure of the quality of the product. After all, they have to use it for a long period of time, it is not worth saving on such a necessary and useful thing. Those who understand the beauty of the device even have several different models. One is for daily use at home, and the other is for walking around the city and going to the clinic.

Get a baby sling. Feedback from moms and dads about slings is only positive. Negative opinions are only those who have not learned to use them correctly. Watch the training video, carefully read the instructions, and there will be no problems. Give your baby more attention and care! After all, childhood flies so fast and these priceless moments of intimacy with the crumbs will not be repeated.

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