Causes of excessive salivation in a child

If the child is a year old, excessive salivation is considered the norm. All this will pass as soon as he grows up. However, in older children, hypersalivation may indicate the development of an unpleasant disease. The article discusses the causes that cause excessive salivation.

False hypersalivation

Excessive salivation in a child who goes to kindergarten or school can adversely affect adaptation in society. The fact is that other children, as a rule, begin to tease, and this will inevitably lead to mental disorders and, accordingly, will aggravate the situation.

But before taking action, it is important to consult a doctor. Only he can correctly diagnose. The fact is that hypersalivation is false. Most often, it is provoked by trauma to the tongue, inflammatory processes of the oral cavity or bulbar nerve fibers. These pathologies reduce swallowing function, so it may seem that saliva has become more than usual. Everything returns to normal as soon as the problem of the root cause is resolved. In the case of false hypersalivation, excessive salivation is a consequence of the disease.

profuse salivation in a child

Causes of excessive salivation in a child

Children of any age can develop hypersalivation. Doctors believe that they can provoke it:

  • Physiological changes. There are no deviations from the norm or pathologies in this process. These changes include adolescence with hormonal changes and the appearance of the first teeth.
  • Pathologies of complex genesis. These reasons can have serious consequences. If a child is diagnosed with a violation of swallowing function, neurological diseases, rickets, inflammation of the nerves, muscle paralysis, then it is necessary to constantly be observed by a doctor.

Only an expert can determine the exact cause. To make a diagnosis, he will need not only to examine the child, but also to know the complete clinical picture. How is the pathology manifested, what features does it have? Parents can answer these questions. And, of course, you will need examination and testing.

profuse salivation in a child 2 months

Physiological changes

As mentioned above, physiological changes occurring in the body are considered normal. Excessive salivation in a child at 2 months and up to a year, as well as in adolescents, should not cause concern among parents. Observe, of course, is necessary in order not to miss the development of any pathology. Let's look at when hypersalivation is considered the norm.


As you know, newborns do not have teeth. They begin to erupt at about 3 months. Profuse salivation in a child for this reason can last up to 18 months. Why is teething accompanied by increased salivation? The human body is arranged in a special way. It has a function of self-defense. It is she who causes profuse salivation at the time of teething.

When a tooth breaks through the gum, a small wound forms. And saliva flushes it so that the infection does not develop. In scientific language, this is called internal sanitation of the oral cavity.

In addition to a large amount of saliva, the child has other symptoms:

  • decreased appetite;
  • temperature rise;
  • capricious behavior;
  • decreased activity, fatigue.
profuse salivation in a child of 2 years

Hormonal changes

Why did a child begin to salivate at age 12? This question worries many parents. And the answer is simple. It is at this age that a change in the hormonal background begins. Girls have menstruation, and boys have ejaculation in the morning. It is these factors that indicate that their body is preparing for adulthood.

Many parents believe that adolescence is 15-16 years old. But this is not so. The restructuring of metabolic processes begins 3-4 years earlier. In this period, in addition to an increased amount of saliva, acne and sweating are also observed.

In order to help the teenager easier to transfer these changes, you will need to consult a specialist. He will tell you how to properly care for your body, select a balanced diet and prescribe homeopathic medicines. As soon as the hormonal background is stabilized, hypersalivation will disappear on its own.

Inability to swallow saliva

This pathology is rarely diagnosed. May occur in a child at 2 years of age. Excessive salivation, drinking sober, uncontrolled appetite, problems with breastfeeding - all these symptoms indicate that the baby does not know how to swallow saliva. If you discover the pathology in time and immediately begin therapy, then you can get rid of the problem by 3-4 years.

Oral diseases

Unfortunately, small children, getting to know the world around them, pull all objects into their mouths. This inevitably leads to the development of unpleasant diseases. The most common is stomatitis. Also, abundant salivation in a child at 3 years old can cause spastic disorders, neurological abnormalities, inflammation of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

The parent can determine the development of such pathologies independently. It is necessary to regularly examine the oral cavity. If the child has blushed, white plaque and swelling appeared, then it is important to immediately contact a pediatrician. Neurological disorders are manifested by frequent convulsions, lethargy, a lethargic reaction to everything that happens around. Due to the fact that such a child has a developmental delay, he cannot swallow saliva, so it will flow abundantly from the mouth. With such a problem, you need to make an appointment with a neurologist.

year old child profuse salivation


Excessive salivation in a child may occur if he has a shortage of elements such as phosphorus and calcium. The disease is referred to as rickets. It has many unpleasant symptoms and is aggravated by serious consequences. The child, in addition to excessive salivation, will also suffer from excessive sweating, arrhythmias, gastrointestinal problems, and baldness. In addition, the size of the abdomen and head increases over time, and the spine and legs become very bent. If at the initial stage a medical correction is carried out, then the general condition of the child will improve, and the bones will get stronger.


The most dangerous cause of excessive salivation in a child is poisoning. It is important to understand that it can lead to serious consequences or even death. Parents need to monitor their children, especially if substances such as pesticides, iodine, solvent, mercury, liquid bleach and others are stored at home. In no case should you self-medicate. If there is a suspicion of poisoning with a potent substance, call an ambulance. Only doctors can determine the severity and decide if there is a need for hospitalization. Symptoms that occur after taking a harmful substance - vomiting, excessive salivation, nausea, loose stools, weakness, pallor of the skin.

profuse salivation in a child 3 months


Thus, it is possible to highlight the main causes that can provoke profuse salivation in a child. Some of them have already been described above. The process of teething is considered the most harmless. The greatest amount of saliva is formed in the period from 4 to 7 months. There are no pathologies in this, this is how the body reacts to this process.

But if abundant salivation in a child 2 years old and older, then it is necessary to check the oral cavity for the formation of infectious wounds and inflammatory processes. The most common cause of this pathology is stomatitis. With it, a mucosal lesion occurs, which provokes an increase in the amount of saliva. Another disease is gingivitis. It is diagnosed in those children who have inflamed gums. In this case, excessive salivation is not a symptom, but simply a protective reaction.

This problem also occurs in cases of infection with parasites (clay infestation). In order to get rid of increased saliva, it is necessary to treat the underlying pathology. Also, children with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy or colds suffer from hypersalivation.

profuse salivation in a child 2

What to do?

Excessive salivation in a child 2 months of age and older can be both normal and abnormal. It is from this that we must build on, deciding what to do when we discover such a problem. If the reasons are associated with physiological changes, then parents do not need to worry. Everything will go by itself. But in the case of a disease, the symptom of which is abundant saliva, it is urgent to make an appointment with a doctor, and in some situations call an ambulance.

In order for the doctor to confirm hypersalivation, he will need no more than ten minutes. If there is a suspicion of any particular disease, then an examination is additionally prescribed by a narrow-profile specialist, for example, a dentist, a neurologist. The latter will not only make an accurate diagnosis, but also prescribe an effective treatment. Alternatively, anticholinergics may be prescribed. They are designed to reduce the activity of the nervous system. Thanks to the use of such drugs, its effect on the mucosa is reduced, respectively, the amount of saliva will decrease.

In case of nervous disorders, drug therapy is supplemented with special therapeutic exercises and homeopathic preparations with anthropin. Face massage also gives good results. It relaxes muscle tension. In rare cases, radiation therapy may be prescribed.

If it is not possible to find out the cause of excessive salivation, and the chin and skin around the face turn red and become painful to the touch, then it is recommended to use ointments or creams. They will help remove irritation and reduce discomfort. It is important to wipe the discharge regularly. To do this, use either wipes or a soft cloth. No effort is needed; saliva is removed carefully so as not to injure the skin.

why does the child have excessive salivation


With the help of folk remedies, you can also combat profuse salivation. For this, infusions of herbs are used. Sage, nettle, water pepper, oak bark are perfect.

Some mothers share their recipes, give advice. It is believed that viburnum is a great help. An infusion is made from the berries, which need to rinse the oral cavity several times a day. You can even drink it. Preparing such a tincture is very simple. Berries of viburnum are taken, they are well kneading. This slurry is poured with boiling water. It is necessary to insist until the liquid cools down. It is filtered before taking.

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