How is the correct adjustment of the sight in "KS: GO"

Any player who launches Counter Strike: Global Offensive, thinks about how to configure the sight in the "COP: GO". Indeed, the standard sight of many does not suit and is simply inconvenient, but in a game where reaction plays a decisive role, you need to ensure comfort for yourself first of all.

Unfortunately, a simple setup through some separate menu in the game is not provided. That is why the adjustment of the sight in "KS: GO" can only be carried out using specialized console commands.

Why change the scope?

sight adjustment in cs go

, «:» , . , , .

, , , . , AWP, , « ».


sight in cs go

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Counter Strike . , «:», , . , .


adjust the scope in cs go

«:» . , , «0» - «.» «1» - «.»:

  • cl_crosshairgap_usewaeponvalue. 4 5 . , «:». Crosshairgrap .
  • cl_crosshairsize. . 0, .
  • cl_crosshairdot. , . «:» .
  • cl_crosshaircolor. 1 5 .
  • cl_crosshairstyle. 1 5 .
  • cl_crosshairgap. . , 1.
  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline. .
  • cl_crosshairusealpha. «:» .

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