Today, probably, there is no girl who does not want to experience the feeling of motherhood. What could be more beautiful than picking up your healthy baby? Future mothers usually always look forward to changes in their appearance. In most women, the stomach becomes visible already at 12 weeks of gestation. It is at this time that the baby begins to grow actively. Therefore, from the end of the first trimester, the circumference of the abdomen will gradually increase. In this review, we will examine how the stomach looks at 12 weeks of gestation, what changes occur in the body of the mother and baby.
What determines the size of the abdomen?
So what do you need to know about this? The size of the tummy at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy depends on the individual characteristics of the body of the expectant mother, as well as on some other factors. These include:
- height and weight of the parents of the unborn baby;
- features of the figure of a pregnant woman;
- repeated or first pregnancy;
- localization of the placenta;
- multiple or normal pregnancy.
It cannot be said whether the abdomen will be visible at 12 weeks in advance. It may appear a little earlier or later, it depends on many reasons, which are simply impossible to predict.
Many expectant mothers are interested in how their body will look during pregnancy at 12 weeks. Photos of the abdomen will help clarify this issue. Usually by this time the uterus already reaches such a size that it does not fit in the pelvic area. She gradually rises higher and higher. By the end of the first trimester, it is easily palpated over the pubic joint. The tummy at this time usually has the appearance of a small tubercle above the pubic bone. If a pregnant woman has an excess of body weight, the abdomen is simply gradually rounded off without bulging.
What will be the stomach at 12 weeks of gestation, largely depends on the location of the placenta in the uterus. If it is attached to the back wall, then the belly will not be visible yet. If the place for the child is at the front wall, then the tummy will begin to round up faster. Moms with this placenta arrangement have to change their wardrobe at the end of the first trimester.
Health changes
The 12th week of pregnancy is characterized by improvements in well-being. Nausea and vomiting gradually recede, however, the stomach is still not so big. Therefore, the future mother can safely enjoy her position and flowering appearance.
What is going on in the body?
Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. By the 12th week, the uterus is increasing in size. In width, it already reaches 12 cm, and in length 10 cm. So far, it has enough space in the small pelvis, but soon it will begin to rise into the abdominal cavity. At this time, the height of the bottom of the uterus can be from 2 to 6 cm. So, if the stomach is visible at the 12th week, this is absolutely normal.
Body weight may vary by 1.8-6 kg. If the pregnant woman experienced severe toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, it may decrease over a 12-week period. Weight gain should not exceed 300-350 grams per week. At the same time, many internal organs and systems of the expectant mother are subject to serious stresses. It is especially important at this time not to experience overwork or violation of the regimes of work and rest. It is also advisable to relax more and be in the fresh air.
By the end of the third trimester, increased progesterone production ceases. In this regard, most women feel good. The placenta by this time is already almost fully formed and will provide the fetus with full protection. An enlarged uterus can begin to exert pressure on the system of blood vessels through which blood rises from the lower body to the upper. As a result, many women experience swelling and widening of the veins. To prevent the development of complications associated with these symptoms, the doctor may prescribe compression stockings.
Other changes
So what else to look for? What is the difference in the 12th week of pregnancy? Photos of the abdomen usually confirm the presence of such a pronounced features as the appearance of a dark strip from the navel to the pubis. At these dates, skin pigmentation may also appear. Most often it forms on the skin of the chest, neck and face. Due to metabolic disturbances in the body, acne can disturb. In addition, stretch marks begin to appear in the abdomen, thighs and chest. To prevent the formation of these unpleasant manifestations, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the skin, to prevent excessive weight gain. Doctors recommend treating it with special creams and oils 2-3 times a day.
The face may become a little rounded during pregnancy. In case of acne and pigmentation, use the funds prescribed by your doctor. It is not recommended to hide defects with a thick layer of foundation. Over time, the skin condition should improve.
What problems can arise?
This aspect should be given special attention. 12 weeks is a relatively quiet period for pregnancy. The threat of miscarriage is already small. However, negative factors can still affect the development of the fetus. In addition to ultrasound, at this stage it is required to take tests for syphilis and hepatitis, blood biochemistry, as well as check the sugar level.
Of the possible problems for a 12-week period are characteristic:
- cystic drift - the so-called violations in the process of development of the placenta;
- phlebeurysm;
- risk of miscarriage.
One of the delicate problems at this time are frequent constipation. Their action is caused by the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the muscles of the intestines and impedes the passage of food. This condition is best avoided, since a crowded gut can put pressure on the uterus and interrupt the blood supply. To prevent negative consequences, it is recommended to include vegetables and fruits, as well as dishes from beets and cabbage, in the diet. Your doctor will help you find the right diet. If the lower abdomen hurts at 12 weeks, you should definitely contact a specialist with this problem.
It is possible to stimulate the intestines and folk remedies. For example, drink in the morning on an empty stomach a spoon of vegetable oil, water with honey or kefir, tea from fennel. It is not recommended to use a laxative and do enemas. If the intestines do not empty for more than three days, consult a doctor. A specialist will be able to choose a laxative taking into account the characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman.
The 12th week of pregnancy is a very important time when a woman should take care of herself. It should protect the expectant mother from stressful situations, nervous strain at work. It is also necessary to limit contact with sick people, to minimize visits to public institutions. Any disease at this time can cause the development of pathology in the baby.
Sometimes at 12 weeks of gestation pulls the lower abdomen. This is absolutely normal, due to an increase in the size of the uterus and its pressure on other organs located in the pelvic area. But here everything is strictly individual. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the ligaments are well stretched, mobile and elastic.
How does the fetus develop?
So what do you need to know about this? What size is the baby during pregnancy 12 weeks? What is the belly of the future mother? Since the fetus at this time begins to actively grow and increase, the babyโs height at this time is somewhere around 60 mm, and the weight is from 9 to 13 grams. In size, the future baby resembles a lemon. His heart is already beating at a frequency of 110-160 beats per minute. It is well heard on ultrasound. Also, the baby gradually learns to raise and lower the chest, simulating breathing, he can open his mouth and close his eyes, and is also able to move his fingers and arms. The child at this time is already urinating in the womb, begins to swallow fluid, suck his finger and hiccup. Plus, at this time he is actively stirring, but the expectant mother can not always feel this movement. Amniotic fluid and placenta soften sensations.
At the 12-week period, the thymus also forms in the fetus. This body is responsible for the production of lymphocytes. After birth, it is she who will play a huge role in the formation of the immune system. Bile begins to be secreted in the liver, peristalsis appears in the intestine. A strong bone substance is formed in the skeleton of the child.
Activity and Nutrition
Future mothers should get acquainted with this aspect as soon as possible. How does week 12 usually go? Sensations in the abdomen may be different and depend on the pregnant womanโs lifestyle. Experts do not recommend completely abandoning sports. However, physical activity should be reduced to 60-80%. It is also worth abandoning such sports as skating, rollerblading, cycling, scuba diving and other dangerous sports. During pregnancy, swimming, gymnastics and yoga are best suited.
Often with improper nutrition for a period of 12 weeks, the stomach hurts. To avoid this unpleasant manifestation, doctors recommend adhering to a special diet. You can not eat salty, fatty, fried foods, carbonated drinks. With a sharp set of body weight, you should reconsider the diet.
The following are the basic principles of nutrition during pregnancy.
- The diet should not have fast food, carbonated drinks, as well as foods high in dyes and stabilizers.
- Only weak coffee and tea can be consumed.
- Morning sickness is not a reason to refuse breakfast. The advice of doctors and pregnant women will help you eliminate pain in the lower abdomen at 12 weeks.
- A 30% pregnant diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals, lean meat and fish.
- It is better to cook food for a couple or bake. Fried and fatty should be eaten as little as possible.
- Be sure to take the vitamins prescribed by your doctor.
- Protect yourself from infections and viruses. If an epidemic of an infectious disease is observed in the city, it is better to refuse to visit crowded places. If necessary, visit a public place, wear a mask.
- Even a simple cold can be very difficult during pregnancy. Medicines can be taken only as directed by a doctor. In some cases, topical agents may be effective. For gargling, it is recommended to use the infusion of calendula and "Furacilin". You can get rid of a cold by rinsing with sea water.
- Watch for weight gain. In case of deviations in one direction or another, be sure to consult your doctor. It will help to adjust the diet and prescribe medications if necessary.
What should be the belly at 12 weeks? Photos of the abdomen that are on the stands in the clinic will help the expectant mother make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding normally.
Other recommendations
It is clear that smoking and bad habits during pregnancy should be excluded. Ideally, they should be abandoned before conception.
With a strong increase in the mammary glands, you must buy a special bra made of natural materials with soft cups and wide straps. This will help prevent stretch marks and sagging.
Since the abdomen at week 12 is already quite large, sleeping on it is not recommended. This can lead to compression of the pelvic organs.
Many expectant mothers go to extremes and stop using cosmetics and perfumes during pregnancy. If the smells of the drugs do not cause nausea and other unpleasant sensations, they can be used throughout pregnancy. It is very important for a woman to be confident in her own attractiveness, even while bearing the fetus. But from bath and shower products with strong flavors it is better to refuse. Since they can cause thrush and burning in intimate places.
Medical supervision
In case of well-being, many expectant mothers are in no hurry to attend a antenatal clinic. However, an interesting feature of our country should be taken into account: if a woman registered for pregnancy before 12 weeks, something like a social payment is assigned. This is a one-time increase to maternity. Therefore, if you have not yet registered, it is better to do it as soon as possible.
For a period of 11-13 weeks, a screening or complex examination is performed. On ultrasound, the doctor will be able to check the specific parameters of the fetus. For example, according to the size of the occipital region, the doctor can identify the threat of Down syndrome. Malformations of the fetus also help determine early blood tests for various hormones.
It should be remembered that at a period of 12 weeks, you can still terminate the pregnancy. This is later permitted to be done only for medical reasons. These include:
- fatal malformations of the fetus;
- severe toxicosis in the mother;
- pregnancy as a result of violent acts.
Women who have already registered, have to do only screening. In other cases, the doctor may also prescribe blood, urine, and smear tests. In addition, a specialist will interview you about your well-being, marital status, and household health. Your doctor will also measure your pelvis, weight, and pressure. If, according to the calendar of menstruation, it is not possible to determine the gestational age, then before the 12th week it can be done using alternative methods.
Intimate life
Many women with the onset of pregnancy cease to feel their sexuality and attractiveness. If you feel good, there are no contraindications to maintaining an intimate life. Let everything go as it should. If something nevertheless bothers you, be sure to discuss this with your partner. At this stage, it is crucial to strengthen family communication and understanding.
Contraindications to intimate life during pregnancy are:
- multiple pregnancy;
- low location of the placenta;
- risk of miscarriage;
- multiple pregnancy;
- genital infections.
Some find it uncomfortable to have sex during pregnancy. In this case, you just need to choose a comfortable position so that there is no pain in the abdomen. The 12th week of pregnancy in an intimate plan, as a rule, for the majority proceeds without any problems. But if you suddenly feel discomfort, then be sure to discuss this with a specialist.
In this review, we examined in detail what changes occur in a womanโs body at 12 weeks of gestation, photos of the abdomen can be seen on stands in gynecological clinics. It is imperative that the expectant mother is under the supervision of doctors. At this time, you need to take care of yourself, avoid infections, viruses and injuries. You should also monitor your diet and physical activity. If you experience pain and other problems that cause anxiety, it is best to immediately contact a specialist.