Pinworms in a child: methods of treatment and prevention of the disease

If you notice that the baby has become restless, has difficulty falling asleep, while constantly adjusting her panties or trying to scratch the anus, then you should start to worry. Perhaps pinworms appeared in the child.

This is one of the common types of helminths that look like small round white worms. Female pinworms can reach up to 1.5 cm in length, usually they can be detected. Females of these intestinal nematodes in the folds of the anus lay eggs - they can attach them from 5 to 15 thousand pieces at a time. And new worms ripen after 6 hours.

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If you notice anxiety in your child, then carefully consider his feces and the anus. So you can detect pinworms even with the naked eye. It happens that parents canโ€™t notice the worms, then itโ€™s better to consult a pediatrician, pass a feces and a three-time smear from the anus. If, as a result of the tests, pinworms are found in the child, it is imperative to conduct treatment. But remember that without reliable prevention of reinfestation, without careful observance of all hygiene standards, any drugs can be ineffective.

Any pediatrician or infectious disease specialist should tell you about how to cure pinworms in a child and find an effective anthelmintic drug suitable for him by age. But the fight against these intestinal parasites is primarily the concern of the parents. In order to get rid of them, it is not enough to wash your hands thoroughly with soap - the baby needs to be washed several times a day and changed underwear. Panties need to be washed, rinsed and ironed. The bed set should be new every day, old sheets and duvet covers are removed, stretched and always ironed with a hot iron and steam. Only after such processing can they be used.

In addition, it is important to prevent the baby from scratching the anus.or the area near it. Otherwise, the question of how to remove pinworms from a child will torment you for a very long time, because from dirty hands a new infection will constantly occur. Even their regular washing will not save. No parent will be able to ensure that the baby thoroughly disinfects their hands after each touch on the area of โ€‹โ€‹the priests. Dense underwear can save the situation. Do not be afraid that it will compress the babyโ€™s organs. After all, if there are pinworms in the child, you need to do everything possible so that he cannot touch the area of โ€‹โ€‹the priests. By the way, in order to alleviate the itch a little, many advise using a cotton swab dipped in plenty of Vaseline. It can be used by the baby at night, at a time when the worms begin to show special activity.

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