Time flies fast enough, and now your baby is 6 years old. He begins a new phase of life, namely a trip to first grade. What should a child at 6 years old know before going to school? What knowledge and skills will help a future first-grader to better navigate school life?
Knowledge required for going to school
Specialists from all over the world claim that every child must learn his first name, middle name and last name before going to school. He also needs to know what his parents' names are and what positions they hold.
To hone this knowledge, the child needs to perform various kinds of tasks for children of 6 years. For example, you show the child various pictures, and he should name what he saw on them, describe how it looked.
It will be very good if the baby can name and distinguish pets from wild animals. In this case, the future student must clearly articulate his idea. Otherwise, he will be assigned additional classes.
It is best to go to school on your own with your child before going to school. Being engaged with his parents, the baby will quickly master the material.
Physical exercise
A very important aspect is physical activity. The more a child moves, the better his metabolism. If metabolic processes are at a normal level, the coefficient of mental development will increase .
At the age of six, the future student is best to give to the sports section, where he will learn discipline, strengthen his health and increase his intellect. Thanks to this, the baby will learn everything that a child should know at 6 years old.
If it is not possible to send the child to the section, it is necessary to create conditions for playing sports at home. You can install a Swedish wall or hang a rope. Perhaps at first the children will not pay attention to these devices, but over time they will be interested. Effortlessly, the kids will increase their physical fitness.
Math and baby
Younger students should not only deal with their physical condition. Parents must ensure that the baby learns the basics of mathematics. The child must be able to count to 10. Also, the future student must compare the adjacent numbers. Mathematics for children of 6 years should include quantitative numbers in the study .
Important enough is the study of simple geometric shapes. For example, a triangle, a square and a circle. This knowledge will help the kid integrate into school life.
It is best if parents teach their child such concepts as more and less. As examples, you can cite sweets or fruits that the baby likes so much.
If the child does not master the initial knowledge of mathematics, it will be difficult for him among his peers who already know how to write numbers.
Speech development
A major role is played by the speech of a child of 6 years. Some children at the age of 6 cannot pronounce a part of beech trees. At the same time, it is difficult for them to compose a story of 5 sentences. Having taught the child to coherently express their thoughts, we can proceed to the next task.
Parents call the future student words, and he says the opposite. For example, the fire is hot and the ice is cold. In order for the child to understand what his parents want from him, it is necessary to give him an example.
It is also necessary that the baby can repeat the simple tongue twisters that an adult pronounces to him.
To finally understand the development of speech, you need to teach the child to name words in the plural, after he utters a word in the singular. For example, a pen is a pen.
If the child speaks well and expresses his thoughts, it will be easier for him to perceive the information that the teacher gives out in the lessons.
Environmental education
Mathematics and the development of speech are not the basic skills that a future student should possess. The question arises of what a child at 6 years old must know in order to be fully ready for school.
Knowledge about the world should be very important. Such information can be obtained during walks in the fresh air. Wandering around the park, you need to tell your child about trees, birds and the like.
The kid must know at least 7 different plants. Having named these plants, the child should describe the shape and color of the leaves. Having dealt with plants, you can go to the animals.
A six-year-old child is required to know several birds that do not fly away to winter to the south. At the same time, he should name the reason why the birds remain in their native lands.
It will be useful to tell the baby about wild animals, about what differences they have from pets.
How to help your child get ready for school?
It’s okay if your baby doesn’t know something. Each parent must help the child overcome the difficulties that arise in preparing for school. That is why experts advise many parents to deal with a future student on their own.
Teaching the child the alphabet is not the easiest task of those that parents will face. To learn the alphabet, you will need the alphabet for children of 6 years. Success will be noticed in one week. Although there are children who master the alphabet very quickly.
In order for school success to be guaranteed, parents need to make a simple program. The program must include such items as arithmetic, reading, calligraphy.
Before you teach your child to write cleanly, you must visit the store and purchase a prescription for children 6 years old. First, the baby’s hooks and letters will jump, since it’s still hard for him to hold a pen in his hands. Over time, the handwriting will become more beautiful, and the written text more legible.
To quickly teach your child to remember various things, you can conduct tests. For example, a classification test. Its essence lies in the fact that among the called words the child must find the superfluous, and also explain why it does not fit other words.
Another interesting test is a proof test. In the text no shorter than 400 characters the baby must find how many times a letter occurs. Only 5 mistakes made are considered a good result.
A selection of educational games for a six year old child
It must be remembered that the children's brain works on the principle of a sponge. He can instantly remember both positive and negative information. Before allowing the baby to start the game, it must be studied carefully. It is necessary to check that the application does not have cruelty and information that affects the psyche. Logic games for children of 6 years should be intuitive and interesting.
Programs for learning to count will help the child prepare for school, namely, to develop mathematical abilities. You can only win a math game if you solve the simple problem correctly.
An application with guessing or composing words will help replenish the vocabulary. It is best to start such a game after the alphabet for children of 6 years is fully mastered.
Drawing applications will help a future student to train memory, as well as improve perception.
A large number of specialists who need to know the psychology of six-year-old children are working on the creation of children's games. Before putting the application on the network, experts carefully test it for errors.
During games, children gain skills without noticing that they are learning, not just playing.
Do not forget that the time spent at the computer should be limited, as it can ruin the child’s vision.
It is important that the baby plays with his peers and hones his skills in the real world.
Visual memory development
To determine how good the visual memory of a child is , it is necessary to conduct a special test. These tasks for children 6 years old will be quite simple. The child needs to show 10 different pictures. Each picture can be watched for 6 seconds. After viewing all the pictures, the future student should name the objects that he saw on them.
If the baby named more than 8 pictures, this is a good result. The average result is 5-7 guessed pictures. Less than 5 images will be considered an unsatisfactory result.
In a few days, visual memory will improve, and it will be easier for a child to remember pictures.
Auditory memory development
It is important enough that the child has developed not only visual memory, but also auditory. Teaching children 6 years old will be faster if you repeat the exercise several times a day.
You need to choose 10 simple words that are not too long and easy to remember. The following words may be included in the row: spruce, cat, summer, brother, glasses, chair, horse, house, lion, table. Other words can be chosen, but so that they are simple, understandable for the baby.
Slowly reading these words, you need to ask the child to say everything that he remembered. It is best to repeat the task at least 5 times so that they are well deposited in the memory of the baby.
The norm is considered if the future student the first time remembered 4 words. He must reproduce all the words after 4 repetitions.
So what should a child know at age 6? First of all, the baby should learn to hold the pen and clearly express their thoughts. If the child does not know how, do not be upset, as you can make efforts to achieve this.
First of all, we draw up simple programs for which the baby will be trained. Remember, do not overload the future student, as he is only preparing for serious classes. In between studies, it is worth letting him play or go about his business, as well as run on the street.
To facilitate the learning process, classes are best done in a playful way. After reading the article, parents will know how to prepare their preschooler for going to first grade.
After a few months of training, the baby will be completely ready to go to school. He will be able to more easily sit in the lesson and listen more attentively to everything that the teacher says.