Since a small fluffy miracle appears in the house, each member of the family gives him a piece of warmth and love. Young children try to share their breakfast with the kitten, adults often pick up and stroke.
The animal firmly takes its place not only on square meters, but also in the heart of the owners. Everything is allowed to these hooligans: to climb the curtains and tables, sleep with the children, frolic and play at any time of the day. Each family member contributes to the upbringing of the baby. Cats feel such care and always reciprocate with people.
Ascites. What it is
But, unfortunately, cats bring to the lives of people not only bright, positive moments, but also numerous experiences. They, like people, get sick. One of these diseases is ascites in a cat. It affects the internal organs and, with late diagnosis, leads to the death of the animal. Inattentive attitude to the health of the fourth friend is fraught with sad consequences. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the mood of the pet - a sluggish, passive cat, most likely, is ill with something.
Symptoms of the disease
Abdominal dropsy, or ascites, what is it? Any owner is very happy when his pet is gaining weight, but a cat’s too big belly can indicate an onset disease. Such a disease is not common, but in order to help the animal, it is important to notice the first symptoms in time. Do not self-medicate when it comes to the life of the ward. At the first suspicion of ascites in a cat, you should consult a professional veterinarian.
Usually, ascites ascites in cats is the result of some changes in the internal organs. This may be due to diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system or cirrhosis in the latter stages. Peritonitis (fungal or bacterial) can also cause the animal to collect water in the abdominal cavity.
Feeding or eating a large number of smoked meats and salted foods contribute to a disease such as ascites in a cat. In order to help the animal in time and not miss the first signs of the disease, you should periodically take tests and visit a veterinarian.
How not to miss a disease
From the eyes of an attentive, loving owner, changes in the behavior of the cat that accompany the onset of the disease will not be hidden. The belly of the black friend begins to blow out symmetrically on the sides, so inexperienced owners simply assume that the cat has recovered. Such a rounded belly is very similar to an animal’s pregnancy, and therefore many people do not notice the first symptoms of the disease.
You can dispel these doubts by slightly pressing the abdomen of the cat - with dropsy, a void is felt at hand. And besides, during pregnancy, the cat’s stomach grows much slower.
A sick animal becomes lethargic and passive, more and more prefers to lie on its side, and not play or run.
Shortness of breath and rapid fatigue should also alert the owner, as the enlarged abdominal cavity begins to put pressure on the chest and disrupts blood circulation. The cat can moan mournfully from pain in the limbs.
In the animal clinic, there is a special procedure that helps diagnose ascites in a cat when an animal’s abdomen is pierced with a special needle. If liquid appears in this case, you need to prepare for the treatment of the pet.
How is the treatment
Before starting the fight against this disease, it should be understood that the treatment of ascites in cats is possible only in a special veterinary clinic. With improper therapy, water in the abdominal cavity of the animal will accumulate in large volumes, and it can die literally in a matter of hours.
Only a veterinarian can pump out fluid from the abdominal cavity in time and administer a suitable antibiotic to prevent infection. In addition, the animal must be anesthetized, otherwise such a procedure will be impossible. The doctor also controls the exit from anesthesia. Even if the owner relies on his own strength, there is no need to take risks.
The veterinarian begins treatment with the elimination of the cause of the disease, and an ignorant person can only aggravate the situation and try to treat the symptomatology.
With the help of calcium chloride, which is injected intramuscularly, blood circulation is normalized. The additional therapy prescribed by a specialist should be continued at home.
How to help your pet
The strict observance of all the recommendations of the veterinarian will remove all questions on the topic "Is it possible to cure cat ascites?". Only a methodical adherence to the chosen course of treatment will help save the animal from death.
First of all, a cat needs a special diet. The food should be natural and not contain any smoked meats and dry food. Steamed meat and fish can only be slightly salted. It is also worth observing the water diet. The less liquid a cat will drink, the easier it will be for her body to fight the disease.
Herbal decoctions with a diuretic effect can completely replace water and help get rid of excess fluid in the body.
In no case should you use traditional methods of treatment, since they can only remove the symptoms, and the cause of the disease will remain. Such self-medication does not help the animal in any way, but only accelerates its death.
If the disease is not started, then complex treatment can save the cat and prolong its life. Caring and attentiveness of the owner, as well as correctly selected medicines will help put the animal on its feet.
But even after a complete recovery, the diet should be followed.
The best treatment for any disease is its prevention. Cats, like humans, need to follow a diet. No need to stuff your pet with all kinds of products that have unnatural supplements. The animal’s body is very sensitive to such “chemistry” and may not be able to cope with the load on the internal organs.
It has been proven that ascites is much more common in animals that are often unable to walk in the fresh air. Whatever the size of the apartment or house, the cat needs to move in a natural habitat. These animals have a very developed instinct for self-preservation, and, having felt the first signs of malaise, they themselves can find the necessary grass and cleanse their stomach.
Periodic visits to the veterinary clinic will also help to identify the disease at an early stage and start treatment on time. It is definitely worth choosing the appropriate complex of vitamins necessary for the harmonious development of the pet.
How many cats live with ascites depends, first of all, on the stage of the disease and on a caring owner.