In a restaurant, did the waiter accidentally hit under the elbow? At a noisy party unsuccessfully pushed? And red wine spilled on your favorite blouse or jeans? Agree, it's a nightmare! There is fright in the eyes, and thousands of thoughts in the head: “How to remove wine? Red also! After all, it is very difficult! Is your favorite outfit going to the trash now? ”
Do not be upset and say goodbye to a good mood. Our article will talk about ways to solve this problem. And you will love red wine just as before.
What do you need to know?
We will talk about some tricks and how to behave if this trouble happened to you.
- No panic! Calm, only calm. You need to pull yourself together and take action.
- The main rule is that the sooner you take action, the more chances you will get rid of the stain. No need to lose a second.
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How to wash red wine? This is not a problem for the Spaniards, but a reason to pour white wine on their clothes ! Joke? Not!
The fact is that the inhabitants of this country believe: it is much easier to remove white wine than red. Therefore, they are not stingy, fill them with a stain. Next, mineral water is also poured onto the fabric. After that, clothes can be thrown into the washing machine and put it on the most usual program.Chemicals to help
But what if there is no white wine in the house? Do not despair, there are a huge number of other methods. We will consider the methods of removal using those chemicals that almost every housewife has, and we will learn how to remove red wine from your favorite clothes.
Hydrogen peroxide
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Stain remover
If you have a household chemical store nearby, then you should go there and not reinvent the wheel. But if you go close to it, it is better to abandon the walk and experiment with what is at home.
How can red wine be washed off if there is no chemistry at hand?
If the house does not have the above chemicals, do not despair! There are other answers to the question of how to remove red wine stains.
And well-known products will come to the rescue.Vodka
The method is good for already dried spots. Just soak them with vodka and then rinse them off with a regular wash.
Lemon juice and salt
These natural products can also cope with the problem. Squeeze a little lemon juice and add salt to it. With this mixture you need to grate a dirty place, rinse and then wash.
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Do not put the carpet in the washing machine - it will not fit. And the most ordinary baking soda will help here! Everything ingenious, as usual, is simple.You need to make a mixture of soda and water in a ratio of 1: 3. Apply it on a stain and let dry. Vacuum. Voila! The stain should evaporate! If the result is not 100%, repeat the procedure again - and you will see that the efforts were not in vain., , ? . , « ?» . : , , . , , .