Every year, more mothers around the world pay attention to slings. There are many reasons for this. They are very similar to the usual "kangaroos", but much more convenient. This device allows you to wear a baby, as it is convenient for mom:
- on the back;
- on the side;
- on the stomach.
If you also decide to use this new product, you definitely need to understand how to properly tie up a May Sling. The process is simple, but if you do something wrong, then after a while you risk getting back pain and other troubles.
Any experienced slingomama knows very well how to make a May Sling "Guslenok" or a product of other companies. But for beginners it will not be easy. Today’s article is for them.
What is May Sling?
Before learning how to make a May Sling, let's find out what it is. The product came to us from Asian countries. It is widely used in Japan and China.
May-sling is similar to cotton-gauze dressings, familiar to everyone since childhood, but of a much larger size. This is a rectangular piece of fabric with long and wide straps sewn in all corners. The cloth serves as a support for the newborn, and with harnesses the design is attached to the mother.
Depending on the manufacturer, the straps for the May Sling may be different. In different models, the length, width, density of the fabric, the presence or absence of additional firmware varies.
There are various product variations: with or without a headrest. This may-sling piece can be removable or be integral with the web.
All these “utilities” have absolutely no effect on how to tie up a May Sling. But, for example, the softer and wider the straps, the more correctly the load will be distributed on the shoulders and back of mom.
At what age is it used?
In Asian countries, mummies use such carryings almost from birth. But our experts do not advise starting too early; they recommend waiting at least up to 2 months.
There are several options for tying a May Sling for newborns:
- “Vertical embryo” - here the child is arranged vertically with legs tightened, and the head is placed on the mother’s chest and fixed with an additional roller;
- “Cradle” - in this position the baby is fixed as if he was lying in the arms of his mother.
When a child grows up a little and confidently holds his head and back, he can be carried vertically in the “M” position: the crumbs are bent at the knees, widely spaced and raised just above the pelvis.
You can wear a May Sling for as long as it suits you. There is no upper age limit here. If the weight allows, even a three-year-old tomboy can be carried in this device.
What is a good sling?
Like any thing, May Sling has its advantages. Firstly, the baby is always as close to her mother, which is important for mental development.
Mom’s hands remain free. She can calmly do household chores.
If you like long walks, live in a high-rise building without an elevator or often travel by public transport, you just can not do without fabric carrying.
Other advantages of May Sling:
- very easy to learn;
- lightweight and comfortable;
- quickly removed and put on;
- perfectly fixes the child in the immediate vicinity of the mother;
- the weight of the baby is evenly distributed on the back and both shoulders of the adult;
- reliable straps allow you to wear crumbs on your back and not be afraid that he will fall out;
- the length of the straps is adjustable, and a wide hood hides the child from strangers;
- you can calmly feed the child on the street and no one will notice.
The position of the "cradle"
Even very young children wear it like that. The baby is in a position as if you were holding him in your arms.
So, here is an instruction on how to tie a May-Sling “cradle”.
- The first action when tying the construction is always the same. You need to tie it like an apron and fix it with a strong knot.
- Take the baby in your arms as if you were going to feed. The neck should be laid on your elbow. This position allows you to hold the baby with one hand, grabbing it by the thigh.
- Move the baby slightly to the side so that the head rests on your chest and the pelvis moves to your thigh.
- Hug the baby with one hand and place the other under the cloth of the back of the baby carrier with the other. Grasp the edge that is under the legs of the crumbs and pass it under the knees of the child.
- Without changing the fabric tension, slip the harness onto your shoulder with a sliding motion.
- Intercept the child while lifting the May-Sling cloth and spreading it along the baby’s back. We move from the ass up the spine, pull the matter under the head. If possible, the baby should be slightly raised so that its head is near your subclavian cavity.
- At the head of the crumb, deploy the harness and put it on our shoulder with the wrong side up. Thus, under the baby’s head, a peculiar pocket for the head is obtained.
- On the back, the crumbs got a lot of folds. It is necessary to straighten them and pull them down so that they are under the baby.
- We change the arm hugging the child, and we set it free back.
- Put your hand under the harness closest to you and grab the one that is on the side of the baby’s head. Pull it so that the head is supported tightly, but the chin of the crumbs was not pressed to his chest. Between the lower jaw of the child 2 fingers should fit freely.
- Pull the strap under your arm and pull it high forward.
- Fix the harness with the same hand with which you hold the baby, do not loosen the tension.
- Now spread the fabric. No creases should remain on the back of the crumbs.
- Grab your arms again. You need to free the palm that is located on the side of the baby’s head.
- Place your free palm behind your back and grab the strap hanging from the side of the baby's legs. Pull it diagonally through the shoulder blades and pull it forward on hand.
- Bring both straps under the lower shoulder of the crumbs and cross them together. Press with a twist all the excess material that you previously lowered down.
- Pull the end of one harness under the baby, while pressing all the excess material. Take the second back.
- Pull the first harness under the legs of the baby and also bring it back. Tighten the knot at the lower back. Straighten all folds and bumps.
May belly for babies
As we have already said, you can wear a baby in this position from early childhood. So, May Sling for newborns (instructions). Tie such a device is necessary only on the stomach. The baby will be hidden in the structure completely, along with the handles and legs. Outwardly, it looks very much like a small lump, comfortably settled on Mom’s chest.
Since the baby is very small, the size of the May Sling needs to be slightly reduced. Tighten the waist strap several times so that you get a small cushion.
- Tie the sling around you, like an ordinary apron, inside out.
- Take the baby and place it on his stomach face to face in a "frog" position: legs bent at the knees are widely spread apart and squeeze the heels to the ass.
- Carefully holding the baby with one hand, cover it with a sling cloth.
- Arrange the upper straps on your shoulders.
- Holding the baby with one hand, place the free one behind the back and grab the harness located on the opposite side. Pull the strap under the arm and pull it forward.
- Do the same with the other hand. Keep the first strap tight.
- Tighten the harnesses so that the child snuggles firmly against your chest and stomach.
- Straighten the harnesses and cross them on the back of the crumbs (not under the buttocks!). Place the ends behind the back and tie on the lower back.
May Sling Front
And this instruction shows how to tie up a May Sling for an older child. In this form, children 4–5 months and older can be tolerated.
- The first few points are identical to how babies are worn. The difference lies in planting the crumbs.
- When the May Sling is already tied up and lies an apron on its knees, take the child and put it on your stomach. Widely spread the legs of the baby to the sides. Make sure that the child is located exactly in the middle.
- Now cover the back of the child with a May Sling cloth and repeat all the points from the previous instruction.
- When you stretch the harnesses at the back and cross them on the baby’s back, draw the ends under the baby’s knees, and then wrap them behind your back.
- Tighten 2 knots, straighten all folds and make sure the child is comfortable.
Children older than six months can not hide the pens. To do this, it is enough to correctly adjust the panel in height, turning the lower edge several times.
Face forward
Many moms are interested in how to tie a May Sling face forward. It seems to them that in this way the child will have more visibility and will be able to better know the world.
Technically, such a winding is no different from the “face to mother” position. But practically it is not recommended to be performed by either doctors or experienced baby slings.
First of all, this situation does not allow the child to hide from the outside world if something scares him or he gets tired. The abundance of information can lead to overload of the fragile psyche of the child, increased irritability.
In addition, in this position, the spine of the child bends in the opposite direction, which can negatively affect its formation.
Well, and finally, such a dressing is simply inconvenient for mom. The weight of the child shifts the center of gravity to the wrong position and pulls mommy forward. The load on the spine will be just crazy. After half an hour of wearing it, you will feel incredible pain in the back and neck.
Side sling
Many mothers do not understand how to tie a May Sling on their side. Make it easy.
Here is a small but fairly detailed instruction on how to tie a May Sling on your hip.
- Adjust the canvas in height and tie it with an apron by sliding it on its side.
- Take the child and put him on your thigh so that the crumbs covered you with legs in the belt.
- Hug the baby with a hand close to him, and freely lift the fabric and spread it on the back of the crumbs.
- Alternately changing hands, spread the cloth under the legs of the baby. Holding the cloth by the top, stick your hand inside and deeply “lower” the child. Make sure that there is no empty space under the buttocks of the cub.
- Grasp the baby with the farthest hand from him, and the other grope the back harness. Stretch it behind your back as far as you can, and bring it out in front high under the arm. Put the end in the hand hugging the baby.
- With your free palm, grab the upper front harness (the one you haven’t used yet) and drop it onto the opposite shoulder. Distribute the folds so that nothing presses.
- Intercept the baby and the lower harness with the palm opposite to him. Place your next hand behind your back and catch the harness hanging from your shoulder. Take her on the shoulder blades and bring forward from the baby.
- The child can not be held, it is securely fixed.
- Take the harness in both hands. Alternately, hold them under the buttocks of the baby, straightening all the folds.
- Now draw the harness under the crumbs knees and wrap them behind your back. Lock.
In position behind
Thus, children of one year old and older are most often tolerated. This should not be done before, since a smaller child constantly needs mom's vigilant control. If you do not know how to make a May Sling, just follow our instructions:
- Take the May-Sling by the lower straps and tie the back side of the belt with the wrong side outward so that the canvas covers the ass.
- Now put your baby on your hip. His legs should be apart and a little "hug" you in the waist.
- While holding the baby, bend forward while moving the child to your back.
- Without changing your position, reach for the shoulder straps (they lie on the floor) and cover the baby with a cloth on top.
- Continuing to hold the child with one palm, throw the straps on your shoulders with the other.
- Pull the harnesses so that the calf is firmly pressed against you from behind.
- Pass the straps under your armpits. You can cross them on your chest, however, not everyone likes it.
- Cross the harnesses on the baby’s back. Note! Not under the buttocks, namely on the back!
- Now stretch the straps under the knees of the crumbs and bring them forward.
Tighten with two strong knots on the stomach. Straighten all folds and bumps.
Safety precautions
- When the child is upright, make sure that the edge of the fabric does not slide below the shoulder blades of the baby. Otherwise, it may fall out.
- Make sure that there is always at least 2 fingers between the chin and the baby’s breast.
- If you carry your baby in front, try not to bend over. If you need to lift something off the floor, the best solution is to sit down, legs wide apart.
- When traveling in a bus or subway, make sure that the baby is visible from under the sling web. Otherwise, others may simply not notice him and accidentally injure him.
Common mistakes
- If your back hurts or you can’t see the road, then you tied the May-Sling incorrectly, too low or high, respectively.
- When in the “cradle” position you are uncomfortable breastfeeding, the sling is tied very low.
- If the harnesses squeeze the shoulders, then not all the wrinkles are straightened somewhere. Or the straps are too tight.
- If the child’s hanging legs are bothering you, then you have placed it incorrectly. They need to be diluted even wider and pressed to your stomach.
Remember! With correctly tied May-sling, you can’t hurt or rub anything.