Why puppies bite: reasons, care and features of training

The appearance of a puppy in the family is always a huge joy. He loves and bestows positive on everyone around him. Games and training bring surprisingly many positive feelings to the owners. And the first successes are comparable to the successes of a child. Alas, something can overshadow the joy - for example, constant bites. To begin with, we will understand why puppies bite, and then we will try to understand how to wean them from this unpleasant and even dangerous habit.

Bite as part of adaptation and knowledge of the world

Young children try to explore the world around them, not only examining all the objects around, but also touching them with their hands, and sometimes stuffing them into their mouths. The same thing drives a curious puppy. But since he does not have hands with which to touch his things of interest, he has to do only with his mouth. Of course, sometimes teeth are also used - he himself does not understand and does not measure the strength and danger that he poses to others.

Bite is a must for puppy games.

In addition, for a puppy, teeth are also a tool for interacting with others. Look at how a flock of fluffy lumps behaves - they push, climb each other, lick their lips, grumble, and quite often set their teeth in motion. True, thanks to thick skin, they usually do not deliver to each other not only pain, but also ordinary discomfort. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that a puppy, accustomed to biting partners in games that do not hurt by bites, bites its owner with the same force.

Draw a border

Very often people, having a puppy, like to play with him and pamper in every possible way, suffering scratches and bites. And then, when yesterday's baby turns into a strong teenager with a full set of sharp teeth, they start to panic - why does the puppy bite? How to wean? What to do?

But after all, such owners themselves can not draw the line between a cute licking and a light bite of a finger and painful bites. How will this be done by a dog whose intellect is many times inferior to the human?

Needle-sharp teeth

Therefore, no matter how sad, but a certain border should be drawn from the very first days of life. No bites for arms, legs, fingers and other parts of the body. Of course, without bites, he cannot. Therefore, give him several different toys specifically for biting - rubber, rag (for example, a piece of rope with a knot) and edible (special cartilages are sold in pet stores).

Usually the puppy is always visible when he, having played, is ready to use his teeth. At this point, stick him a suitable toy and leave him alone with it. Having played enough and quenched the “biting instinct”, your puppy will again become a universal favorite - sweet and affectionate.

Is it possible to beat?

Many novice dog breeders, asking the question "why does a shepherd puppy bite?" Immediately ask this question. Here the answer is quite clear - it is impossible to beat in any case. Even just loud and long shouting is not worth it.

Remember, during games you are a puppy's best friend. And when you suddenly start to beat him, or at least scream, you turn into a terrible monster. Such duality simply does not fit in the head. Sometimes a pet becomes more aggressive, and more often just cowardly. Of course, he will not be able to fulfill the function of protecting the house and protecting people. And just a reliable friend will never become.

For example, if he gets used to it from childhood that you, with or without reason, painfully slap his hand, the dog will get used to the fact that the hand is associated with pain. As a result, even when you want to caress and pet him, the pet will just be afraid of you.

Pretend to be a dog

When we more or less figured out why puppies bite, we can list ways to wean them from this bad habit.

As already mentioned, dog bites are part of the game with peers and parents. But have you ever noticed how a puppy reacts when a friend screams in pain when bitten? He immediately relaxes his jaw and guiltily climbs to lick his offended comrade. Thus, he seems to be saying: "I didn’t want to offend, I just got carried away, sorry for the revolt."

A puppy’s bite is nice, but an adult dog’s not very

Why not try the same trick? If a puppy, having played out (just make sure that you did not provoke it yourself) bites you, just cry out. No need to scream long and tedious, just a short cry is needed. There is no need to pretend - the unexpected "bite" with sharp as needles, teeth is really difficult to ignore.

Usually this is quite enough for the puppy to open its teeth and understand its mistake. Do not forget about this practice for several days, and you will see that the number of bites will rapidly decrease.

If the puppy continues to fool around, you can go the other way - the parent. Immediately after the bite, roughly (but carefully so as not to really hurt), topple it with your hand on the floor and squeeze, not allowing it to stand on its feet. He will squeak, break out, and even scratch. Bear with it and just hold on for half a minute. Adult dogs do the same when puppies get angry with their disobedience. A very effective technique, which many experienced dog handlers know about.

Punish by ignoring

Are you wondering why the puppy is constantly biting, despite the tips above? Try a more serious exposure technique.

This is no longer a game!

It is very simple, but it works smoothly on dogs. This is a common disregard.

If a German Shepherd puppy bit you, just push it a little, showing that you no longer want to play, and go about your business. He lay down on your way? Get around. Climbing, trying to lick and flirt? Push away (but not much!) And do not be distracted.

For a dog, its owner is not just a man, but a demigod. Therefore, such ignoring is really a very strong blow. Especially nowadays, when a dog living in an apartment spends very little time in games with the owner - the latter has no time for it.

The ignore period should be 20-30 minutes. After this time, you can go up, pet the dog, just talk to her. An intelligent pet will quickly notice the connection between the bite and the "discontent of the gods" and will probably take this into account in the future, and you will no longer be tormented by the question why a German shepherd puppy bites.

Attempt to dominate

This is a completely separate topic. Fortunately, most dog breeders do not face their pet’s attempt to take the lead in the union. But still, to know about this item is very important.

Dominance is manifested in the fact that the dog is trying to dictate its will to the owner. Why do puppies bite in such cases? The reason may be any human action that caused discontent. Forbids to climb on a sofa? Doesn't give tasty food from the table? Washes paws after a walk in the rain? Makes you take pills? The dog can respond to all these and many other actions with a bite. And real, very tangible, and not gaming.

Alas, this is the only case where force needs to be opposed by force. Still, in the "dog-man" tandem, you must be in the lead. Here the dog can and must be beaten. But not by hand. A wide, heavy belt is best. It inflicts painful blows, but injures the dog. You can hit on the hips - it is hard to damage them, they are very powerful in most breeds. In this case, the pain will be sharp and memorable.

Finger bite in a dream - not too pleasant

Yes, this is an extremely unpleasant aspect of the relationship between the owner and the dog. But if you are wondering why a Labrador puppy bites about and without, most likely, you can’t do without beating.

When the bite is justified

In contrast to the previous paragraph, it is worthwhile to talk about another situation - when the dog is really forced to resort to a bite. Such situations are especially common among beginners. They do not think that the dog perceives many of their actions as something wrong. Then the questions arise: why does the puppy bite all the time.

With such a toy, the puppy is more fun, and the owner is calmer.

For example, a dog should not climb when she eats. Of course, only in cases when she eats from a bowl or what the owner gave. Your pet does not understand that you gave him food, which means you won’t take it away. Millions of years of evolution indicate the opposite - the creatures that appeared during the meal in the immediate vicinity want to demand their share. Give her 5-10 minutes for lunch, and then do what you need.

Also, do not impose a puppy, and especially an adult dog, a game. She may get tired, feel bad, or just be without mood. After all, you too will not be pleased with an invitation to a noisy party if you are flu.

Respect your pet and love him - then he will answer with unrequited adoration, affection and fidelity.

What dogs don't bite

Some people not only want to know why a husky puppy bites, but are there any dog ​​breeds that would not bite.

A bite toy is a must

Of course, there are none - evolution has endowed the dogs with teeth, which means that they need them. But still there are some breeds that are extremely difficult to bring to aggression. First of all, these are Labradors, Pugs, Cocker Spaniels, Akita Inu, Boston Terriers, Samoyeds and Beagles. In fact, the list is much longer. These breeds are calm, peaceful and simply phlegmatic. It is quite difficult to bring them to aggression, especially if you do not do it purposefully. However, this does not prevent them from being a real threat to any attackers who want to harm the owners.


In the article, we tried to deal with the question of why the puppies bite, and also sorted out the mistakes that inexperienced breeders can make. Let's hope that thanks to these tips, your relationship with your pet will develop smoothly and without unpleasant situations.

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