Quite often we can meet on the Internet words and expressions that we do not understand, which are the result of youth slang. In each time period, there were always groups of people who spoke differently than ordinary people, the same applies to the Internet community. So what is azaz?
Among adolescents, one can often hear this expression. Very often it is used by children 10-14 years old. And it is precisely because of such expressions that the dismissive expression “schoolboy” appeared. In social networks (including the notorious VKontakte), online games, forums, this "word" constantly slips along with some others. So what is Azaz in VK?
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- Azaz - possible nicknames of players on the Internet.
As you can see, not everything is as clear as it might seem at first glance. Youth slang is not always the primary source of the word. We hope that this article helped you in your search, and you could find the answer to your question.