Acer 5100 was developed specifically for the requirements of users who want mobility and power. Its configuration, as one of the first laptops, included a fairly powerful dual-core AMD Turion 64 X2 processor. At the same time, the device "boasts" a low cost. The Acer 5100 case was also made qualitatively, and the screen is characterized by high contrast and brightness. This laptop will be an excellent assistant for long journeys. With it, the user can not only work, but also have fun playing and watching movies. Of course, there are drawbacks, but they are not too noticeable, especially since those are present on many such devices.
Acer 5100 . . . . , . , . , . . Acer 5100 , . - , , - .
, . Acer Aspire 5100, , , , . . . . - . Acer Aspire 5100 , . , .
Acer Aspire 5100, , , . . . , , . , .
15,4" . . , . , , , . . 1280800 .
Acer 5100 , . AMD, Intel, . Turion 64X2 , . .
- 512 4 . 4 64- , .
. - ATI Radeon Xpress 1100, . , .
, . , . .
, Acer 5100 . , , . , Acer 5100 , . , , , .