Windows lock: how to do without reinstalling the system

Due to the fact that computers are firmly entrenched in everyone’s life, it is extremely unpleasant to remain without their faithful “iron friend”. Especially when not a familiar operating system is visible on a computer monitor, but rather pictures of very low aesthetic content. Yes, this is a Windows lock, which almost every second active user has recently encountered. What to do and how to defeat this infection?

Of course, if there is really important and valuable information on the computer that you really need, you should not rely on your knowledge (if you have not too impressive), but you should immediately contact a professional service. If the Windows lock befell a simple home computer, on which nothing valuable had happened, you can try to give the banner a decisive rebuff.

windows lock

? , « » Windows? , . , . , Windows (SMS-, ) , .

. . , Reset . , , , . F8.

windows sms lock

, « ». , Windows  , ( ) . , , ...

Reset F8. ! « ». : %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe Enter. ! ! , !

blocked windows top up account

, . , . , - ( ) , , . , Windows  «» .

, , . Live-CD, .

Remember that if Windows is blocked, replenishing the account is not an option, since attackers can be paid at least twice. Anyway, no one will send you the key to enter the system.

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