Is it true why the topic of the appearance of children is often forbidden in families? Perhaps adults are sometimes led by false shyness, complexity and infantilism? After all, as if adults did not push this moment aside, but sooner or later the question of how children are made will fly into the children's head. Therefore, prepare for it in advance.
Of course, you can resort to your favorite excuses, such as "found in cabbage", "sculpted from porridge" or "bought in a store." The most common answer is that children bring storks. And right away most of the inquisitive curious babies immediately have the following question: where do the storks get them from?
Today, the cartoon "How Clouds Make Children" is in great demand on the Internet. In it, the animators go further. They suggest that young animals and children are molded by clouds - clouds, with lightning - an electrical discharge, they are revived, and storks are taken and carried to addresses. Such a kind fairy tale - and the child receives an answer to his such difficult question!
And what should the baby answer when he wonders where the aunt of the neighbor, Aunt Zina, has gone, and why did she immediately have a baby? And why did the ambulance take her away if the children just made clouds, and then the storks brought them? You have to lie again ...
Of course, it is difficult to find the right words to clearly explain to the baby how children are made, in all details. Although special manuals have already been issued in which parents are taught how simple and intelligible it is to reveal this “terrible” secret to a child. If the child is very small, it is enough for him to simply say that the little one grows in her mother’s tummy. And then his doctors in the hospital get it and give it to happy parents.
But over time, the following question will surely arise in children: how does a child get into his mother’s tummy? Then it will be necessary to explain that both parents take part in the birth of the baby. Many will be surprised because they cannot even imagine what words to tell their son or daughter what their parents do at night!
The parental manual offers this explanation. Mom and dad are very fond of each other, so they often kiss and hug. After all, you, baby, also often cling to your mom or dad, to grandfather and grandmother, because you also love them very much, right? But from such hugs of children it cannot turn out.
A child can appear only when adults not only love each other, but also decide that they need a small child. Then they begin to cuddle a little differently, just the way children do. After that, a woman has a tiny little man in her tummy. He gradually grows there, feeds on what Mummy eats, breathes with her. And then he even begins to move inside her, knocking legs and arms! Because he is already alive!
For children under 6 years of age, such an answer to the question of how children are made is usually quite enough. But if the question is asked by an older person who, for example, is already as much as 10 years old, then the explanation may be more detailed. He should already explain that the aunt inside has a special place for carrying a child, and there is an egg, as it were, like a yolk in a chicken egg.
And uncle has squirrels inside. When the protein enters the aunt and merges with the yolk, fertilization occurs, that is, the birth of a new little man. This explanation is mainly needed for boys when they are interested in the question of why genitalia differ among heterosexual people, and what role men play in fertility.
This explanation is especially important also for the reason that the boy needs to take care of his genitals. And just such an explanation of the role of the penis in his future life can provide an incentive for maintaining a healthy lifestyle both at a young and an older age.