Cheerful Hunter - American Cocker Spaniel

This is an amazing breed that sometimes combines the opposite qualities: kindness and anger, aristocracy and hunting excitement, small size and great ambition. The American Cocker Spaniel first appeared on the American continent in the 16th century along with the first settlers from Europe. Although the integral part of the name - spaniel - clearly points to its Spanish roots. Historical chronicles have preserved information, including of a figurative nature, about Spanish and English aristocrats who are literally out of hunting and accompanied by beautiful dogs with long hair and the same ears.

cocker spaniel american

In fact, this is one of the most famous small-sized gun dogs that have been used for centuries to hunt game birds in the conditions of steppes or swamps. In Russia, the American Cocker Spaniel is very popular, but here it is practically not used for its original purpose. The hunters quite reasonably note that the dog’s long coat and ears prevent it from wading through the thorny bushes in search of the shot game. But they recognize that when hunting for waterfowl, it has no equal. Today, lovers of this breed see it most often as a companion dog for maintenance in a city apartment or private house.


This is a truly picturesque small dog. Its height at the withers does not exceed 38 cm in males and 35 cm in females. A high head position, a muscular long neck give pride to a small body. A wide and deep chest, a straight back - all these are signs of a hunter. The square format of the muzzle in length is 0.5 times the length of the skull. Hanging ears are covered with thick long hair, like the whole body of a dog. Color can be from beige and tan, brown to black.


First of all, it should be noted that the American Cocker Spaniel is unusually smart, perfectly amenable to training. He has a friendly character, which especially attracts those wishing to have a room dog-friend. However, in case of danger, this cheerful gambler can stand up for himself and for the owner. We must not forget that he has very strong jaws of the hunter and beautiful teeth. Puppies of the American Cocker Spaniel quickly adapt to the conditions in the apartment, they adore playing with children and are generally very affectionate and loyal.

american cocker spaniel puppies

Care and maintenance

First of all, a four-legged friend needs not only cleanliness and good nutrition, but also the possibility of active movement. Moreover, this word means not only daily walks and running around with children or other dogs. Yes, the American Cocker Spaniel now rarely has the opportunity to show his hunting inclinations, but he can be helped in this. He will be happy to find and bring scattered balls, sticks and other objects, moreover, the tasks for him can be complicated, for example, to train him near the pond, allowing him to show his swimmer abilities. This will be a real workout. The dog, despite the external sophistication, is very mobile and fast, so running the race is a great pleasure for her and for the children. As for leaving, it is quite ordinary, except that long hair requires a special attitude: it needs to be combed regularly, cleaned of debris and thorns after walking. But it is rarely recommended to bathe him, only with special shampoos purchased at a pet store.

Where could I buy

You can buy a puppy, of course, on the bird market, making sure that it is a real American cocker spaniel. The price in this case may be more affordable. However, wishing to have a thoroughbred dog, one must still contact the breeders. But here you need to know a few tricks.

american cocker spaniel Price

So, breeders try to sell puppies as soon as possible, but you should not rush: a baby torn from a mother younger than two months of age can become ill and grow up weak and frail in general. And the seller may be silent about some signs of non-standard, which means that before buying a dog you need to learn as much as possible about the characteristics of the breed. And if this miracle has appeared in the house - the American Cocker Spaniel, then there is nothing left but to love it with all your heart and make friends with it 24 hours a day. Yes, he will leave no other choice.

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