Diseases of the scalar and their treatment. Care, maintenance and compatibility of scalars

Many aquarists keep scalars at home. These fish are quite hardy and have good resistance to infections. Diseases of the scalar usually occur due to improper maintenance and care. How to maintain the health of the inhabitants of the aquarium? And what diseases are most common in scalars? We will consider these issues in the article.

Fish description

What does a scalar look like? Her appearance is quite unusual. The fish has a flat body, shaped like a crescent. The fins are long and pointed. In an aquarium, angelfish usually grows up to 15 cm, larger individuals are found only in the wild. The length of the body largely depends on the size of the tank. The larger the aquarium is, the larger the fish’s body can reach.

Appearance of scalar

The scalar has red eyes and silver scales. However, today you can find in the aquariums of colorful individuals. As a result of selection, blue, black, mother of pearl and golden fish were bred. A characteristic feature is the longitudinal dark stripes on the scales.

Black angelfish


Many aquarists believe that scalar is unpretentious. However, in order for her to maintain good health, it is necessary to carefully follow certain rules of care and maintenance. Compatibility of scalaria with other aquarium inhabitants is also of great importance.

The conditions for keeping these fish are as follows:

  1. You need to purchase a fairly large aquarium. Two scalars require at least 60 liters of water; these fish love space. The height of the walls of the tank should be at least 50 cm. It is advisable to acquire an aquarium of a rectangular shape, and not round.
  2. In nature, angelfish live in flocks. Therefore, it is better to purchase several fish at once.
  3. Very often, scalar diseases are associated with poor water quality. Therefore, you need to install a powerful filter. It is also necessary to monitor the release of water: these fish can not tolerate too strong currents.
  4. Under natural conditions, scalars live in a warm climate. Therefore, the water temperature must be maintained at a level of + 27-28 ° . In cold conditions, the fish will hurt and grow poorly. At a water temperature of +25 ° C, scalars remain healthy, but cannot multiply.
  5. Water needs to be changed at least 1 time per week.
  6. There must be a lot of algae in the aquarium. Angelfish love to hide among plants. You can put driftwood and other decorations at the bottom of your home reservoir. However, they should not impede the free swimming of pets.
  7. Fine gravel or sand is suitable as soil.
  8. Bright light is better not to use. Angelfish can get scared of such lighting and get hurt. For these fish, muted diffused light is suitable.
  9. These fish are unpretentious in food. They can be given dry or live food. It is only necessary to ensure that the food is fresh. Angelfish are quite voracious. Overeating must be avoided, otherwise the fish will become inactive and lethargic.
Aquarium for angelfish


Angelfish are far from compatible with any kind of fish. They can be kept together with the following inhabitants of the aquarium:

  • labio;
  • gourami;
  • catfish;
  • Pecilia
  • tetra;
  • iris coasters.

Angelfish are also relatively compatible with barbs, guppies, swordsmen, neons, and cockerels. But these fish species can get along only if they were launched into the same aquarium by the fry.

Angelfish and Swordsmen

In no case should you hold a scalar with the following types of fish:

  1. Predators and cichlids. These fish can attack the scalar and cause serious injury.
  2. Telescopes. Angelfish can damage their eyes.
  3. Goldfish. This kind of home reservoir is very fond of digging in the ground. As a result, the water becomes cloudy, and this is an unsuitable environment for scalars.

Bacterial infections

A small number of pathogenic bacteria can inhabit the aquarium. If their number remains within the normal range, then no diseases are noted in scalars. If water changes rarely and there is insufficient filtration, then pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply actively. This can lead to the following infectious diseases in the aquarium inhabitants:

  • fish tuberculosis;
  • fin rot (pseudomonosis);
  • vibriosis;
  • infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Consider these diseases in more detail.


The causative agent of fish tuberculosis are mycobacteria. This disease is extremely dangerous, because it spreads very quickly and leads to the imminent death of pets. If the scalp has a clouded eye, then this may be one of the manifestations of tuberculosis. Other external signs of the disease are noted:

  1. Scales lose their color and fade.
  2. A sick fish tries to hide in a dark place.
  3. Angelfish looks very emaciated.
  4. A bulging of one of the eyes may be noted.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure tuberculosis. Sick individuals have to be destroyed, as they are the spread of a deadly infection. All other fish should be immediately transplanted into a separate aquarium. Water is completely changed, and the soil must be boiled. Individuals in contact with diseased fish should be given live food. They can only be returned to the aquarium after 14 days.


Fin rot or pseudomonosis is a dangerous disease that usually affects weakened individuals. In scalars, this ailment is quite common, since they have long fins. Signs of pseudomonosis can immediately notice if you carefully consider the fish:

  1. In sick individuals, fins and spots appear white.
  2. The edges of the fins become torn and uneven.
  3. You can notice a gap on the dorsal fin, which in advanced cases reaches the back.

It is necessary to begin treatment of fish as soon as possible. Otherwise, the pathological process can go to the muscles and blood vessels, which inevitably leads to the death of the pet. The fish, whose fins are completely destroyed, can no longer be saved.

Sick scalar is not recommended to be deposited in a separate tank. The causative agent of pseudomonosis lives in the water, and other fish are most likely also infected. Due to frequent transplants, the fins can be injured even more. Treatment is best done in a common aquarium. Bactericidal agents are added to the water: Streptocid, Bicillin, Biomycin. They are detrimental to the causative agent of the disease. After the destruction of the infection in the aquarium, the state of the fins in the fish is gradually restored.


Redness of the fins in scalar can be a manifestation of vibriosis. The causative agent of the disease enters the body through minor damage to the skin. Red spots eventually form not only on the fins, but also on the body. They arise due to hemorrhages. Other signs of the disease are noted:

  1. The fish stops eating.
  2. It becomes lethargic, inactive.
  3. Keeps near the surface of the water and often breathes.

Over time, red spots turn into ulcers. In such an advanced stage of the disease, it is no longer possible to save the pet. Treatment should be started immediately after the appearance of redness. The following medicines are added to the feed:

  1. "Furazolidone." You need to grind the tablet and add 500 mg of the drug to 25 mg of food.
  2. "Chloramphenicol." Add 250 mg of the drug to 25 mg of feed.

Treatment lasts 6 days. The diseased individual must be deposited in a separate container, since the preparations negatively affect the balance in the aquarium.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

When infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, fish develop hemorrhages in the mouth and internal organs. An external sign of the disease is the appearance of sores on the body.

For treatment, special preparations are used that can be purchased at pet stores:

  • Tetra Medica Contralck.
  • Tetra Medica General Tonic.
The drug "Tetra Medica Contralck"

These are antibiotic solutions. They are added to water in a proportion of 5 ml of medicine per 20 liters of liquid. In severe cases, a dosage of 10 ml is used. Unfortunately, far from always it is possible to cure the fish from this disease, some of the inhabitants of the aquarium die.


If the scalar does not eat, then this may be a sign of parasites. Pathogens are divided into 3 groups:

  • parasitic worms;
  • microsporidia;
  • protozoa.

Infection with worms does not occur immediately. The first signs of invasion occur in the advanced stages of helminthiasis. Symptoms of infection are as follows:

  1. The fish stops eating, looks exhausted.
  2. Angelfish move little, often lie at the bottom, do not respond to light and sounds.
  3. The color and shape of the stool changes.

If a scalar swells in a scalar, then this indicates a severe helminthic invasion. Swelling of the abdominal cavity is a sign that internal organs are full of parasites. Often, a fish dies from a ruptured abdomen.

For treatment, the anthelmintic drug JBL Nedol Plus 250 is used. It is added to the general aquarium, since when infected with worms, all fish are subject to treatment, and not just individuals with signs of invasion. The dosage of the drug is indicated in the instructions for use.

Anthelmintic drug for the aquarium

Microsporidia are fungi that parasitize inside cells. The following symptoms appear in infected fish:

  • black dots on the scales;
  • low mobility;
  • complete lack of appetite.
Sick fish at the bottom of the aquarium

It is impossible to cure this dangerous disease of scalars. An infected fish should be urgently isolated from the rest of the aquarium inhabitants. It is very important to prevent infection of the remaining inhabitants of the aquarium. It is necessary to completely replace the water and soil in the tank. You should also treat with bactericidal agents all care products. Then you need to add a solution of methylene blue to the aquarium. The prophylactic dose indicated in the instructions is used. Fish need to be given only live food, natural food will help increase the body's resistance.

Often, scalars are infected with the simplest parasites from the class of flagellates. These microorganisms cause a fish disease - hexamitosis. The external manifestations of this disease are as follows:

  • sores on the head;
  • the appearance of feces in the form of a thin white thread;
  • changing the shape of the sideline.

Sometimes in scalars, prolapse of the rectum is observed. However, this is not always a sign of hexamitosis. This symptom is also noted if the fish overeat. Hexamitosis is treated with Metronidazole. The drug is added to the general aquarium.

Fungi and viruses

These microorganisms usually breed in contaminated water. Most often, the following fungal and viral infections are noted in scalars:

  1. Glugeosis. This is a very dangerous disease that cannot be cured. Most fish die. Rashes of white color appear on the body of the diseased individual. Scalaria loses coordination of movements and constantly lies on its side. Sick fish is subject to destruction. The aquarium must be carefully treated, completely replace the water and soil. This will help prevent the spread of infection.
  2. Dermatomycosis. The cause of this disease is mold. A white coating appears on the body of the scalar. Sometimes an eyesore occurs. It is very important to begin treatment at the stage of damage to the scales, otherwise the fungus will penetrate into the internal organs. The drug "Streptocide" is added to the general aquarium. Baths with salt are also useful, they are carried out in a separate container.
  3. Ichthyosporidiosis. The fungus affects the internal organs, so the external signs of infection can not be noticed immediately. In sick fish, scales scale up and darken, the eyes become bulging. Angelfish is losing appetite. With damage to the nervous system, coordination of movements is impaired. The fish first moves in abrupt movements, and then sinks to the bottom and lies on its side. Cramps may occur. Treatment of this disease is possible only at an early stage. Funoxitol solution is added to water and dry food. After treatment, all the water in the aquarium is replaced.
  4. Rubella. This is an acute viral pathology. The infection spreads very quickly in the aquatic environment. Red spots appear on the abdomen of the scalar. There is inflammation and hyperemia in the gills. The treatment has not been developed, rubella most often leads to the death of fish.


Most often, fish die from intoxication. The reason for this is not only poor-quality feed, but also the appearance of toxic compounds in the tank. With a rare change of water in the aquarium, the concentration of ammonia may increase. This substance is constantly formed as a result of the vital activity of fish. Signs of ammonia poisoning are as follows:

  • floating fish on the surface of the water;
  • attempts to jump out of the aquarium;
  • frequent breathing
  • lack of coordination;
  • darkening of scales;
  • redness of the gills.

To save the fish from poisoning, you need to immediately replace the water. Then add hydrogen peroxide to the tank. This will help increase the amount of oxygen.

Poisonous nitrates and nitrites can also accumulate in the aquarium. These are ammonia decomposition products. When intoxicated with these substances in scalars, coordination of movements is impaired. Fish swim on their backs or on their sides, and sometimes even upside down. If you do not take measures, then the inhabitants of the aquarium may die from poisoning. It is urgent to replace water and provide powerful filtration.

What to do with fish diseases

If scalar exhibits changes in appearance and behavior, then, most likely, the fish is sick. It must be deposited in a separate container to prevent infection of other individuals. You must also examine the body of the fish with a magnifier. Then you need to check the quality of the water in the aquarium using special tests. If the fish has no external signs of the disease, and the analysis of the liquid did not reveal any deviations from the norm, then it needs to be quarantined for several days. If changes in behavior (lethargy, loss of appetite, impaired coordination) persist, then the pet must be shown to the veterinarian.

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