"Vetmedin": instructions for use for dogs, composition and reviews

There are many breeds of domestic animals, mostly large, in which heart diseases are genetically incorporated. But quite often there are cases when these ailments, due to various circumstances, amaze our lesser friends, not inclined to them. This is especially true for dogs. Just like humans, animals suffer from heart failure. For the treatment of such conditions, the drug "Vetmedin" was created. Instructions for use (for dogs) will be discussed in this article.

vetmedin instructions for use for dogs

General information about the disease

The diagnosis of "heart failure" is made in such a pathological condition when the animal’s heart for various reasons is not able to provide the body with sufficient blood circulation for life. As a result of this, a lack of oxygen and nutrients arises in the tissues and, as a result, the brain suffers.

In such cases, the doctor may prescribe Vetmedin (tablets) for treatment. Instructions for use for dogs give clear recommendations.

Causes of occurrence

The main causes of heart failure include disorders in the cardiovascular system:

  • cardiosclerosis;
  • myocarditis;
  • congenital malformations;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • pericarditis;
  • some types of helminthiases;
  • arterial hypertension and others.

Particularly dangerous are congestion in the heart muscle, since they are fraught with irreversible changes in the myocardium and severe complications.

Heart failure is divided into acute and chronic. The occurrence and course of the disease largely depends on the age and general condition of the animal.

To help animals with heart disease, the drug "Vetmedin" was created. General information and dosage of the medicine will be discussed below.

Symptoms of the disease in puppies

Puppies begin to suffer from heart disease because of congenital heart disease. If the disease is neglected and untreated, it can be fatal. Pet owners should always consult a veterinarian in case of such symptoms:

  • the puppy loses weight;
  • the animal eats badly or completely refuses to eat;
  • drowsiness
  • fainting may occur;
  • active behavior leads to wheezing and shortness of breath, followed by lethargy;
  • the tongue turns blue.

vetmedin instructions for use for dogs reviews

Such symptoms are a sign that the heart muscle is weak, and the veterinarian may prescribe Vetmedin after a diagnostic examination. Instructions for use for dogs give clear instructions on the dosage of the drug for young dogs.

Symptoms of the disease in adult animals

Heart failure in middle-aged dogs occurs as a complication after the transmission of infectious and concomitant diseases. Sometimes this condition develops in latent forms and is diagnosed during examination by a doctor about other diseases.

In order to determine the disease in time, dog owners need to systematically monitor the pets and their condition. If you suspect a heart problem, you should definitely visit a veterinarian for a routine examination. If there is a genetic predisposition to such diseases, then examinations should be carried out periodically. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe Vetmedin. Instructions for use for dogs of this drug gives comprehensive recommendations.

Vetmedin instructions for use for dogs Price

To determine the time of a visit to a doctor in time, owners should pay attention to the following symptoms in the animal:

  • usually an active dog looks weak and lethargic;
  • distinctly dyspnea at rest;
  • severe cough that can cause vomiting;
  • fainting conditions;
  • the pet is rapidly gaining weight;
  • the animal is constantly thirsty.

The initial signs of the disease are determined by the results of the electrocardiogram and X-ray examination, and the disease in the second and third stages is already manifested by external signs. For the treatment of heart failure, Vetmedin is used with instructions for use for dogs. Reviews of animal owners about this drug speak about its positive properties. An effective effect on the cardiovascular system was noted, as a result of which there is a rapid improvement in the condition of the animal.

The manifestation of the disease in old pets

Heart diseases overtake old dogs as a result of age-related changes in the body and their signs are hard to miss:

  • impaired coordination of the motor apparatus;
  • the dog is followed by a repeated strong internal cough;
  • severe shortness of breath and breathing through an open mouth;
  • sometimes enlarged stomach;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weakness and restless behavior of the animal.

In the presence of such symptoms, it is urgent to seek the advice of a veterinarian who will conduct an examination and appropriate treatment. The doctor may prescribe inotropic medications to help the dog. The list of such drugs includes Vetmedin. Instructions for use for dogs can effectively help the animal. If this is not done, then an acute complication in the form of cardiogenic pulmonary edema can develop quite quickly.

Treatment and prevention of the disease

If the animal has heart failure, regardless of age, the dog is limited in physical activity. Active games are contraindicated for a long time. As a rule, veterinarians advise reducing the duration of walks to half an hour while monitoring the condition of the pet and the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle.

vetmedin tablets instructions for use for dogs

At the same time, it is worth revising the diet in order to reduce the intake of liquid and salt.

Medical care involves taking a whole group of medicines:

  • to normalize metabolism in the heart muscle, preparations with potassium are indicated;
  • in order to avoid edema, diuretics or ethacrylic acid are necessary in severe cases;
  • vitamins are required to maintain the body;
  • for continuous administration to sick animals, cardiac glycosides are prescribed;
  • for relief of acute attacks in the medicine cabinet requires the presence of caffeine, camphor, cordiamine;
  • anticoagulants are used to prevent blood coagulation.

To prevent the occurrence of heart failure or to prevent acute attacks of dogs of very large and small breeds, as well as age-related animals, it is necessary to regularly examine. This will help to identify the problem in time and extend the life of the pet.

"Vetmedin": description and instructions for admission

Vetmedin is a cardiotropic drug designed to help animals suffering from heart failure. The action of the drug is based on the expansion of blood vessels and an increase in the strength and frequency of contractions of the heart, which quickly gives a positive effect.

vetmedin instructions for use for dogs analog

The active component of the drug is pimobendan, which creates an inotropic and vasodilating effect. The substance is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, and then excreted naturally.

The drug is available in two forms: gelatin capsules (100 pcs each) and flavored tablets (50 pcs each) with a dosage of the active component 1.25 mg; 2.5 mg; 5 mg and 10 mg in plastic bottles. Capsules are packaged in a hundred, and tablets in fifty pieces. Bottles are placed in cardboard boxes.

The medication is administered orally one hour before feeding the animal. The daily dose is divided into two doses and is 0.5 mg of active substance per kilogram of animal weight. Depending on the severity of the condition of the dog, the veterinarian may increase the dosage.

Contraindications and side effects

Side effects when taking the drug are extremely rare, but to take them into account, as well as contraindications, it is necessary:

  • with caution, use the medicine to treat pregnant and lactating animals;
  • the drug is contraindicated in complicated liver diseases and primary heart lesions (defects);
  • with an overdose, vomiting, pressure loss, tachycardia, apathy are possible (if these symptoms occur, you need to consult a veterinarian);
  • in severe cases, there is a likelihood of diarrhea;
  • Do not give the drug to dogs younger than six months;

Contraindications to taking the medication are diseases of diabetes mellitus, aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Cost of Vetmedin and storage conditions

The drug "Vetmedin" with instructions for use for dogs is on sale. The price of the drug varies depending on the form of release and the quantity in the package. Customer reviews indicate that the price of this medicine is not available to everyone.

The price of Vetmedin in tablets depends on the dose of the active substance and ranges from 2100 rubles to 6400 rubles. The drug in capsules is in the price range from 3,500 rubles to 10,400 rubles.

Storage rules Vetmetina prescribe the following:

  • temperature from +8 ° to 25 °
  • a place protected from sunlight;
  • out of reach of children;
  • Keep away from food.

Subject to storage rules, the drug is suitable for three years from the production date indicated on the package.

Analogues of the drug

vetmedin description and instruction

Due to the high price of the Vetmedin preparation (with instructions for use for dogs), analogues of this medicine are quite popular for treating dogs.
vetmedin general information and dosage

Among similar drugs, Hartmedin and Pimobendan should be noted. Their action is also aimed at expanding blood vessels and increasing the number of heart contractions. The composition of these two drugs is the same as that of Vetmedin.

When using analogues, it is necessary at the attending veterinarian to clarify the possibility of their administration and dosage.

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