Even in pre-Christian Russia, they tried to name the children in honor of the great, famous, talented, lucky person, thereby shifting his fate to his child and with one name already promised a happy life to the baby.
With the advent of Christianity, this task was noticeably simplified, and the process of criticism was streamlined. The basis of the foundations was the month of the holy calendar - the calendar, which contains all the data on Orthodox holidays, as well as days of remembrance of the saints. These days in which one or another saint was revered, the Orthodox began to be guided, calling their children.
How to name a child according to the holy calendar?
After long repressions, faith returns to our hearts, and religion returns to our homes. Even young families seek to “correctly” choose a name for the child and christen him.
Choosing a name with a prayer book is quite simple. You can handle it yourself. If you still do not know how to name a child according to the holy calendar, then look at what saints are worshiped on the baby’s birthday. Choose the most suitable name you like and get ready for baptism. If there are quite a few names, and most of them are harmonious, arrange a survey among relatives and friends, consult with potential godparents. It may also happen that you were not able to choose the name of the child according to the holy calendar, because on the birthday the little ones revere saints exclusively of the male sex (or vice versa), and perhaps you simply did not like the names, and how to name the child according to the holy calendar? The Christian tradition of naming gives you two time lines.
The first is the eighth day after the birth of the child or the period from the second to the eighth day, when you have the opportunity to choose a name. The second is the fortieth day after birth, if the baby is born strong and healthy, then the sacrament of baptism could be postponed for such a period.
If after all the deadlines you still could not decide, then you can give the child a double name. One is “for the world,” the second is “for the church,” his choice can be assigned to the clergyman who will conduct the baptism of the baby. It will be easier to give a name to the child according to the calendar, it will not take you much time and mental energy.
It is very important not to confuse the saint and the great martyr (they are also highly revered in Christianity), do not doom your child to a difficult share. And the name of the saint will give the baby reliable protection in the face of a powerful patron - the guardian angel.
Name day
When planning to celebrate name days in the future, remember that no matter how many memorable days a chosen saint has in a year, your child will have only one name day - the day closest to his birthday.
Faith and Reason
When naming a child according to the holy calendar, one should mainly be guided by faith. To study the biography of the saint whose name you have chosen, to know the prayers, the appeals to him, to transfer all this knowledge to your child.
Remember who or what the saint patronized, and raise a child in accordance with this. A person to whom the path is already successfully passing it will go much easier and more confidently, it’s enough not to turn off it.
While you are understanding, trying to understand, decide how to name a child according to the calendar, go to church, speak with the priest, ask for help and advice. They will certainly tell you everything, explain in detail and help. The name, correctly chosen with love and attention by the holy calendar, protects your child from wrong steps and deeds, from the evil eye and slander, will lead him along the path of life to happiness, success and prosperity!