What you can eat a nursing mother after childbirth: nutrition features

Every woman who has just given birth to a baby, seeks to feed him breast milk, as it is the key to the health of the child. However, in the first days, she should think about what you can eat a newly minted mother after childbirth. This must be approached very carefully, since at this stage the baby’s intestines have not yet adapted and have not fully formed. Therefore, the mother must follow a certain diet, which is not aimed at losing weight faster. The main thing is the health of the child and your restful sleep at night.

what can a nursing mother eat after childbirth

Let's see what you can eat a nursing mother after childbirth. First of all, you should not immediately go on a strict diet, as your body needs strength. Childbirth is a lot of stress, which takes a lot of strength, and a woman needs them during this period. Nutrition should be high-calorie, otherwise milk will be produced less than necessary. You need to eat not only enough, but also correctly.

Boiled, steamed and baked food - this is what you can eat a nursing mother after childbirth. It is impossible to eat fried and smoked food during this period. Everything that you eat passes into milk and can affect the work of the intestines too hard. Because of this, colic and increased gas formation occur . Therefore, the child suffers and cries at night.

breastfeeding mother's nutrition

After eating, watch your baby. If you ate something new, and he did not take it, then you should exclude the product from the diet. Porridge is what a nursing mother can eat after giving birth. However, at first they should be on water, without salt and sugar. It is best to start with oatmeal and uncooked rice.

If you are going to cook soup, then do not add cabbage to it, as it causes fermentation in the intestines. You can cook it on chicken stock, just see that it is lean. The diet of a nursing mother in the first month involves the use of vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. However, there are some peculiarities. It is better not to eat red fruits and vegetables, as well as those that are potential allergens. It is best to give preference to green products. As for fish, it is better to eat marine species. From meat, you should choose low-fat varieties (beef, chicken, lamb or rabbit meat). Dairy products should be low-fat.

first month's mom’s diet

We examined what you can eat a nursing mother after childbirth, and now let's see what she can not. A woman at the initial stage should not eat sausages, canned food, semi-finished products. Alcohol is strictly prohibited, and it is also required to limit the use of coffee and tea as much as possible. Particularly harmful are chips, crackers and fast food. You should not get carried away with mayonnaise and buns, especially if you want to get into physical shape as quickly as possible.

Naturally, the woman’s diet in the first month is quite limited, but if you plan to continue breastfeeding, mother’s nutrition is of key importance in raising a healthy baby. Each loving mother will try to do everything to make her baby comfortable and good from the first days.

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