It is quite difficult for a person far from cynology to distinguish between these two very similar outwardly breeds. Is there a difference between a husky and huskies? Today we will try to understand this issue.
Russians are more accustomed to likes, so husky dogs are also often called likes. Even
despite the fact that they appeared on the territory of Russia relatively recently. It should be noted that these animals are not even relatives. Despite the external similarity,
Siberian husky and husky differences are significant. Today we will meet them.
This is an independent breed. These are sled dogs that are bred to ride in a harness. They quite successfully transport goods and people across the snowy expanses. And very hardy. For example, they can run in a loaded harness in deep snow for a whole day without stopping. According to existing legend, in 1925 the team of these dogs saved a large city from imminent death, delivering a vaccine against diphtheria hundreds of miles away. The statue of the leader of that "team" (his name was Balto) stands at the entrance to a New York park.
Breed features
Husky is completely unsuitable for hunting with humans. Every game they catch
consider their own trophy. These animals have always lived in packs. The person made contact only with the leader. He gave him commands, and he, in turn, ran all the dogs in the team. He could, on his own initiative, change the route. This was explained by the fact that a person could not see cracks in the ice, and it would cost all passengers the life. This explains the independence of these dogs and the priority of their own interests over the interests of the owner.
It is quite possible to correct these shortcomings by competent training and proper education. The main difference between huskies and huskies is that they will never defend either their master or his home, as individuals that are aggressive towards humans are destroyed from generation to generation.
A group of breeds that differ from each other. These are the oldest hunting dogs. They accompanied a person in the northern forest zones of Asia and Europe, helped him get food. This is an amazing breed that hardly needs to be trained - their hunting instinct is amazingly strong. This they successfully demonstrate in the forest.
Hunting instinct
Huskies drive out game birds from the thickets, bring a landed bird to the owner, drive black grouse and capercaillie onto the trees. On them, the dog easily discovers the marten, squirrel and sable, in the holes it finds a ferret, column,
raccoon dog. This is a very brave and strong animal. It can fearlessly stop the bear, lynx, elk, wolverine, wild boar. The breed got its name thanks to the unusual art of barking. On the hunt, she silently follows the trail, and only after seeing the prey, she barks a signal and pursues the victim or makes her stop until the hunter comes up.
The dog’s voice changes depending on the pursued game. It can also be used in teams, but for short distances. The difference between husky and husky lies in the fact that the former practically do not bark, but howl in a peculiar way.
External differences
Despite the fact that these dogs are very similar, the difference between them is still
exist. What is the difference between huskies and huskies? The first are up to sixty centimeters in height and weigh about twenty-eight kilograms. The shape of their head is very reminiscent of a wolf.
The almond-shaped eyes are usually brown in color, but dog breeders prefer blue-eyed individuals. The coat is soft, white to black. On the head there is often a pattern in the form of glasses, clover leaf, asterisk, heart.
Many dog breeders ask how to distinguish a husky from a husky. The first is slightly smaller than the second. The largest East Siberian husky is no more than 64 centimeters at the withers and 23 kilograms in weight.
Husky and likes: differences
Huskies, unlike husky dogs, have a characteristic dog smell, longer hair. They have their tail folded into a ring, which they lay on their backs. What is the difference between huskies and huskies? Their purpose. Husky dogs are sled dogs, and therefore more hardy.
Huskies are born hunters and guards. If husky is an independent breed, then husky is a group of breeds. A distinctive feature of the latter is in their special ability to use various techniques for the pursuit of game. Unlike them, the former do not share their prey and are considered a more freedom-loving breed. If you want to get such a dog, you should know how husky dogs differ from huskies.
Even a layman can distinguish them in appearance. This is the color of the eyes, and a slightly different height and weight, and a characteristic pattern on the head. Huskies are always more slender, and huskies are tight, knocked down. The pillows of their paws are wider.
Different breeds of dogs are good in their own way. If we talk about the habits of the species under discussion, then when answering the question of how huskies differ from huskies, you can use characteristics such as attitude to people and their ability to learn. The first are more good-natured, they rarely show unreasonable aggression towards a person, therefore there are no guards from them.
Huskies have a much more developed watchdog instinct; they are not as kind and affectionate with everyone as huskies. They are very easy to learn, and subordinating them to their will is quite simple. Husky can also be taught a lot, but first she needs to prove that you are the leader of the pack, and you should obey.
Relationship with others
Likes are very attached to the owner, but their hunting instinct is so strong that it can prevail. By teaming up with another individual of its kind, the pet can “go hunting” without warning the owner. Such a dog should be started only by experienced dog breeders who can prove their own authority to the animal without offending it. Laika does not welcome the appearance on its territory of strangers, including children and other animals. Therefore, if you do not teach your puppy to communicate with domestic animals, then when he grows up he will definitely hunt them. You cannot keep such a dog in an apartment, and in a private house on a chain too. An exception can only be Russian-European likes - they are somewhat more compact and more accommodating.
Unlike them, Husky feel quite comfortable in a city apartment. They adapt well to any conditions. The only thing they cannot bear is the chain. This is not a guard dog. She is mad from sitting in one place. These dogs need exercise. If you settled a husky in an apartment, then be prepared for long walks in the fresh air.
Husky do not show aggression to relatives, especially if they are brought up correctly. But we should not forget that these are pack dogs, and each of them seeks to occupy a worthy position in the pack. Therefore, if two males decide to find out the relationship, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to do it “in a manly way”.
If you took a puppy to the house where the cat lives, don’t worry, she will quickly explain to the new tenant, “who is the owner of the house”. Otherwise, the situation may arise if you bring an adult animal into the house.
In general, husky dogs are very friendly dogs. For the Eskimos, as well as for other nations, the birth of a child is a great and bright event. In normal times, huskies live only on the street with them, but with the advent of the baby, the whole flock is allowed into the house, and a baby is placed between them so that they warm it.
There is a fairly common misconception that keeping a husky in a city apartment is a complex and time-consuming process. In fact, it is enough to comb the animal’s hair during the molting period (twice a year), the rest of the time they will cope with this task on their own. If you are active, play sports, these dogs will make you a great company, help you always be in great shape and will raise your mood.
Like is harder to care for. A healthy dog has a smooth and shiny coat. So that she always was, and also to avoid skin diseases, she needs to be combed out more often. A dog should be bathed only when necessary, with ordinary household soap. Laika should not starve. Otherwise, getting into the forest, the animal is first forced to get food for itself, and only then the owner. As mentioned earlier, huskies should not be kept in the apartment, but if that happened, remember that walking with the animal should be daily and long (at least two hours).
It is advisable to lower the dog from the leash in the air and let it frolic freely. Today you learned how husky is different from husky. We hope that this article will help you choose the right pet or hunting companion.