Wobenzym during pregnancy

Gynecologists are known to be very careful when choosing drugs for treating pregnant women. As a rule, when prescribing treatment, doctors try to take into account the degree of risk for the development of the fetus and for the health of the woman. Nevertheless, these days it is rare that any pregnancy proceeds without complications, and it is necessary to prescribe medication, one way or another. However, there are drugs that are not only possible, but often necessary for pregnant women. Wobenzym undoubtedly belongs to such drugs.

The drug includes a complex of enzymes of both plant and animal origin, which are involved in many processes of the body. The combination of enzymes such as chymotrypsin, trypsin, lipase, amylase, pancreatin, bromelain, papain and the trace element rutin allows the drug to be widely used in clinical practice. Wobenzym has a beneficial effect on microcirculation and blood viscosity, has a decongestant, as well as anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effect, increases the supply of tissues with nutrients and oxygen.

An enzyme complex is used for many diseases. So, for example, rheumatologists prescribe the drug to patients with ankylosing spondylitis, reactive and rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis. This agent is widely used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, thrombophlebitis, for the treatment of bronchopulmonary and skin diseases, as well as for various inflammatory processes.

Why is the drug prescribed for pregnant women?

Often these days, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, there is such a formidable complication as gestosis (late toxicosis), the signs of which include increased pressure, nausea, and the appearance of edema. In this case, obstetrician-gynecologists, as a rule, prescribe the drug Wobenzym as part of a comprehensive treatment. The combination of enzymes necessary for the body allows you to cope with the symptoms of gestosis, normalize blood pressure and laboratory parameters. During pregnancy, Wobenzym is prescribed not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of this complication at critical times, especially if there is a risk of miscarriage.

In addition, wobenzym during pregnancy is indicated in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases requiring the use of antibiotics. The drug Wobenzym not only increases the delivery of antibacterial agents to the foci of inflammation, but also contributes to better drug tolerance. Wobenzym is shown during pregnancy and in case of digestive problems, as well as an immunomodulating agent.

In order to strengthen immunity and normalize many body functions, doctors recommend wobenzym when planning pregnancy, along with vitamins and folic acid. And, of course, wobenzym is also added to the treatment regimen for chronic urogenital infections, which must be eliminated before pregnancy.

Is the drug safe for the unborn baby?

Subject to the recommended dosage and administration regimen, this drug is generally well tolerated. Numerous studies have confirmed that wobenzym during pregnancy is a safe tool that does not adversely affect either fetal development or a woman’s health. In addition, nursing mothers can take this drug without fear. The only contraindication for treatment with Wobenzym is the individual intolerance to any of its components or the presence of a history of allergic reactions to enzyme preparations. Nevertheless, we should not forget that wobenzym during pregnancy, like any other medication, must be taken only under the supervision of a physician.

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