What should a child be able to do at 5 years: preparation for school

For most parents, even the gradual growing up of their baby becomes a terrible test, and sometimes a complete surprise. A five-year-old child is already an independent and fully formed personality, which is quite capable of determining its own needs or desires. He has his own taste and can fend for himself. And many parents should know what a child should be able to do at 5 years old.

what should a child be able to do at 5 years old

Physiology and Psychology

Children at this age begin to grow sharply. In this case, muscle development occurs, and the child does not gain excess weight. But parents must carefully monitor the diet of their child so that his body receives the energy necessary for growth and development. Nutrition for a five-year-old child should be sufficiently high-calorie and at the same time balanced. Try to exclude unhealthy fast food foods from your diet. Use more vegetables and soups, treat your child to homemade meatballs or compote - he will benefit from it. Wean the kid from the terrible habit of having a snack every half hour - this can be bad for his future life.

For a five-year-old man it will not be difficult to learn a new skill, since his own physical development allows him. If you have a desire to train your son or daughter in sports, then this age is a great time for learning to ride a bicycling bike, skiing or horseback riding. If you manage to interest the baby in sports, then perhaps he will love him for life.

Psychologically, a five-year-old child overcomes the crisis of three years already completely and irrevocably. He becomes more calm and balanced. A five-year-old baby is quite capable of spending some time alone with himself and responding to the requests or objections of the people around him quite adequately. However, parents should remember that children's patience is not unlimited. The child will be upset and offended if you forget about some of your promise or do not fulfill his request.

Experts say that it is in this age period that the initial foundations of the character of the child are laid, which will remain with him in adulthood. Parents can influence the baby and try to instill in him those qualities and abilities that they consider the most valuable skills for a person. However, quite often parents try to realize their own aspirations and dreams in their children. This is an unforgivable mistake that can affect the adult life of your child in the most negative way.

what should a child at 5 years old be able to

What should a child be able to do at 5?

Parents of a five-year-old baby will be surprised to note that studying with their own child at this age is an interesting and very exciting activity, as the baby begins to gravitate to knowledge and become interested in everything in the world. It’s enough for him to simply learn new skills, regardless of which field of activity they belong to: mental or physical.

So, what should a child be able to do at 5 years old? Most children who have reached this age, quite calmly know how to write some letters and read the simplest sentences. They can perform simple arithmetic operations, such as addition and subtraction. Logical thinking and understanding of what is starting to work well for them. Psychologists say that there are a huge number of special techniques and objects that will tell what a child should be able to do when he is 5 years old and how specifically your baby is developed.

For parents of boys

From the age of three, children begin to understand that boys and girls are slightly different people, with different needs, characteristics of the body and a slightly different level of development. Experts say that up to adolescence, males are slightly inferior in development to peers to girls. And this is not an exception for this age category. So, many parents have a very specific question, what should a child at 5 years old be able to do?

what should a child at 5 years old Komarovsky

A boy at this age ceases to pay much attention to toys. A lot more interesting to him are role-playing games, in which he often acts as an adult character. For those parents who do not remember their childhood well, such games include playing in a hospital, building or war. Boys should already be able to distribute among themselves the roles in accordance with their own skills and wishes.

If we talk about physical education and sports, then at the age of five, a child can already climb the gymnastic wall, jump in length, throw light objects into the distance, and perform simple combat commands. And if parents take an active part in what a child at 5 years old should be able to do, the boy will both swim and ride a bicycle. So this is the age of action!

Dr. Komarovsky

When it comes to what a child of 5 years old should be able to do, Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician, expresses certain thoughts regarding the general development of children, their physical and mental state. It is thanks to such initial data that a definite conclusion can be made. He argues that two factors play the main role in the formation of certain skills in a child: the parents of the baby and his own desire. Moreover, the second factor is sometimes more significant than the first.

What should a child at 5 years old be able to do?

Kindergarten and five year old child

In principle, almost every parent knows what a child must be at 5 years old. In kindergarten they are able to teach, identify, reveal the potential and capabilities of the baby. As it turned out, in many institutions there is a specialist - a psychologist who must conduct certain tests to determine the abilities of five-year-old children. Such actions are designed to understand the abilities of the child in various fields and are built on the baby performing certain tasks. Experts have developed a rough list of questions and assignments.

School and five year old child

Of the entire impressive list of what a child must be at 5 years old, preparation for school by acquiring certain skills occupies a special place. And then such a moment pops up that not all parents know why they should even prepare their children before going to first grade. They believe that the baby will already learn everything necessary at school. This is absolutely not the right approach to this issue, and five years is exactly the age when it is worth starting to prepare for school.

what should a child at 5 years old be able to do in kindergarten

What should a baby know and be able to? Well, firstly, the child must learn and be able to give his last name and first name, address of his residence, as well as a phone number. You must teach him to understand the most common types of plants and animals. He must know and distinguish between colors, sports and understand the importance of the simplest professions.

You must teach your child where “right” and “left” are, the difference between a country and a city, fruits and vegetables, as well as letters and sounds.

It is advisable that the baby is able to:

  • to understand the simplest logical tasks and solve riddles;
  • Describe the picture that he sees;
  • retell a fairy tale;
  • memorize a small poem;
  • determine the number of syllables and sounds in simple words;
  • be able to handle with a pen and pencil.
    what should a child at 5 years of age prepare for school

Summary table

To display a more complete picture of what a child at 5 years old should be able to do, the table is best suited. She most clearly demonstrates all the necessary skills and materials that can assist you in the implementation of tasks.

Scope of Essential Skills

What should a child be able to

Necessary manuals and materials


Know the location of items

geometric shapes, numbers.

Compare the number of items.

Cards with numbers from 0 to 10; game to study geometric shapes.

Logical thinking

Find differences and similarities.

Fold the cut picture.

Perform the task for 5 minutes without being distracted.

Folding the pyramid without help.

Cards from the series “Find an Extra Object”; puzzles; Krasnoukhov's puzzle; Catch the Fish game.

Speech development

Build phrases (6-8 words).

Put the noun in the plural.

Know what professions are.

The letters of the alphabet are puzzles; colored letters of the alphabet; clear words; counters; game "Gather the word."

The world

Distinguish berries, vegetables, fruits; animals, plants; seasons

Cards “Learning colors”, “Furniture” and more.

Household Skills

Fasten buttons and zippers, tie shoelaces.

Draw lines without taking your hand off the sheet.

Distinguish between right and left sides.

Stencils, plasticine, beads, board game “Tell me about your city”, etc.

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