How old are cats? How long do cats grow?

Among domestic purps, the Maine Coon is considered to be the largest breed. The record holder in growth among his own kind is a cat named Stewie, who grew to 123 centimeters. And by weight, the leader is the three-year-old Rupert, who has already gained 9 kilograms at such a young age. And, as experts promise, for him this is not the limit. After all, the baby still continues to grow. In the future, Rupert has six good kilograms.

Many feline giants are simply unknown. The hosts do not advertise the favorites. However, among the happy owners of fluffy households, the question often “walks”: “To what age do cats grow up?”

how old are cats

The answer may have several options, since puberty occurs at one age, the pets stop stretching in another at length, but some continue to grow in breadth all their lives.

What determines the size of the cat? If your smaller brother did not gain Maine Coon weight, do not be upset. Perhaps this is his breed. A Singapore cat, for example, rarely gains weight more than 3 kilograms. Also, this breed later has offspring, unlike others. So, later puberty comes.

Average age

Consider the average parameters. You can determine how old cats grow by observing your pet. If the owners are careful, then they will pay attention that after a biennium, the cat’s muzzle remains almost unchanged, as does the width of the “shoulders”. So, the main stage of skeleton formation is completed. Further, he can only grow sides.

How old are kittens?

Until puberty. This is if the question does not concern the size, but the transformation of a small creature into a young representative, able to conceive or reproduce offspring. The average can be called the age of 7 to 9 months. Females of some breeds from this period cease to grow. And cats still continue to gain centimeters for a year and a half.

how old are kittens


So, a definite answer to the question posed: “And how old are cats growing up?” - does not add up. Several factors must be considered:

  • breed of pet;
  • gender - female or male;
  • nutrition scheme, feed;
  • hereditary indicators;
  • diseases transferred in childhood;
  • sterilization or castration.

how old are the british

How do the British grow

Let's look at the situation from the "British" side. The breed is loved by many. Plush kittens are tender, and the flexible, unpretentious character turns them into ideal home friends. They have short legs, amber eyes and many color options. The British are credited with a high level of intelligence. The representative of this breed became the prototype of the famous Cheshire cat. As a rule, they become sexually mature on the ninth month.

Veterinarians to the question: "How old are the British?" - call the age of 2-2.5 years. They mean the length of the body of the animal and the width of the "shoulders". General formation ends in about 3 years. As for weight, an adult male can gain up to 8, neutered - up to 10 kilograms, a female - up to 6, and sterilized - up to 8. But to consider this the norm for all Britons would be wrong. Many individual characteristics and conditions affect weight.

how old are cats?

Reasons for Slow Growth

It happens that a cat, regardless of the breed, looks much smaller than its peers. Slowing growth is possible for several reasons. A small pet, like children, requires a complex of vitamins that contribute to normal development. And if they are absent in the diet, this finds expression, including in size, as well as the formation of organs.


Parasites that settle so easily inside cats of any age can play a trick on your pet. In order to more or less coexist with them, the pet will have to share nutrients. The consequence is a slowdown in growth. Therefore, you should regularly consult with your veterinarian, as well as give anthelmintic drugs.

how long do cats grow

Hormonal disbalance

How long cats grow, you yourself will not be able to understand if your fluffy girlfriend has a hormonal failure. This is a serious problem, because of which at some point the animal’s body can stop developing for a period of up to several months, and after some time sharply go into growth. Motherhood sometimes saves girls. If the cat stopped growing after giving birth without gaining the necessary parameters, consult a doctor. The problem can be quite serious.

“Maturing” - this is how adult males are characterized. And so they become about three years old. But hormonal changes can occur in a cat. Especially if he survived a castration operation. Many at the sight of a large boy with sloping sides suggest that he will never become the "father of the family." But here again, everything is individual. To what age does the cat continue to grow? He needs more time to develop than a female. But one should not confuse the increase in his weight from abundant nutrition with development.

how old is the cat

If you have the opportunity to see the parents of your purr, then you can imagine how it will look in adulthood. And so you can understand when your cat or kitty has grown. Further changes that will occur in the appearance will depend only on how and what the animal eats. By the way, they say that the "brutal" appetite is characteristic just for the period of development. But it is not so. Here, the addiction of the pet to a certain diet also plays a role.

You can always find out how old cats are at a consultation in a veterinary clinic. A specialist who knows the breed of your pet, is familiar with all the features of the body, keeps a history of his illness from childhood, will be able to more accurately tell when there will be a peak of development.

Important factor

As already mentioned, the conditions of keeping cats and cats and their environment play a large role. Street animals look with their peers who are brought up at home, very contrasting. This is not only a condition of wool. First of all, the parameters are striking. After all, not every street distributes nutritious food and vitamins for cats. In addition, immunity is weak, various sores that adhere to growth can stick. But stray cats also get used to their living conditions. Therefore, if you take a cat from the street, do not rush to stuff it with delicacies. Weight is not an indicator of normal health. It is better to include a vitamin complex in the diet, then the cat or kitty will be able to catch up with their peers in development without health consequences.


To understand how old cats grow up, be attentive to your furry pets. Learn about the features of the breed or consult your veterinarian.

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