All of us were once kids - defenseless, gentle and mischievous. And each of us remembers that childhood is a time when a person can be happy just like that, because he is a child. It is the preservation of such happiness that is one of the most global and paramount tasks that people around the world are engaged in. And even the holiday of childhood is not called anything but the International Children's Day. We will talk about him today.
The history of the Children's Day celebration dates back to the first half of the 20th century. At the World Conference in Geneva, which took place in 1925 and was entirely devoted to the problems of the well-being of young citizens, it was decided to create a holiday in their honor.
Celebrate June 1 Children's Day also began in 1925. According to one version, it turned out thanks to Chinese diplomats. It was they who, on June 1, 1925, organized a dragon boat festival in San Francisco specifically for the little Chinese orphans living in the United States. The idea came to the taste of many heads of state, and now the history of the celebration of Children's Day can safely begin the countdown from this date. However, its full-fledged formation only happened in 1949, when the Second World War was over. Despite the fact that 24 years have passed since the Geneva Conference, the problems of protecting children have remained the same. After the war, many of the children remained orphans who endured all the hardships of this harsh time. They lost the most basic - food and shelter. In this regard, at the Women's Congress in Paris, the oath for the first time sounded to fight for world peace, as well as for the well-being of young citizens as its basis. And the history of the International Children's Day holiday acquired international color in 1951. It was then that the United Nations took it under the auspices of the United Nations and assigned this celebration international status.
The history of the Children's Day is particularly vivid in countries that have chosen socialism as the main direction of development. So, in the USSR, summer holidays began that day , and the kids had a magnificent celebration with sports parades, showing new films in cinemas, gifts and treats.
Today, around the world, June 1 also hosts festive events - exhibitions of children's art, charity events and concerts aimed at helping children from disadvantaged regions, sick children and those who for one reason or another were left without parental care. In addition, the media actively include programs and films for such an audience in their programs. Many trading companies arrange the distribution of prizes and gifts for young citizens of their country.
Such is the long and interesting history of the holiday. Children's Day is now celebrated in 61 countries around the world. It even has its own flag - on a green background, five children's figures of different colors are located around a stylized globe. It symbolizes tolerance and friendship between nations, because we all live on the same planet.