Very popular among lovers of aquarium fish, swordfish, belonging to the family of Peciliae. Especially these fish are suitable for beginners who have just started doing this business.
For the most part this is due to the fact that the swordsmen are quite unpretentious in content, and the appearance is very interesting. They got their name due to the fact that in adult males the tail has a process that resembles a sword in shape. In Russia, this species is known only about a hundred years after it was brought from Latin America. In nature, these fish have an inconspicuous green color, however, the swordsmen aquarium fish have a bright variety of colors as they cross well with other species of their family. From their color they get names, tiger, red, lemon, black and others.
These fish can coexist peacefully with almost any neighbors in the aquarium, as they are extremely peaceful in nature, with the exception of fish with veiled tails. Also, swordfish males can sometimes conflict with each other, so the content of a large number of them at the same time is not recommended. However, there will not be enough two males in the aquarium, as a tough rivalry can occur between them.
Under favorable conditions, this species of fish reproduces very well, and swan fry can appear every six weeks. In this case, it is better for a pregnant female to be in a separate container until the fry appear. It is better to keep the brood in another aquarium before it grows up, otherwise the fry can become food for large individuals.
Determining the sex of these fish is not difficult. Young swordfish, aquarium fish, differ in the anal fin, which is elongated and pointed in males, and has a rounded shape in females. During puberty, males grow an elongated lower part of the caudal fin, which takes the form of a sword.
It should be noted that the swordsmen, the content of which, although it does not cause much trouble, feel most comfortable in the water, the temperature of which ranges from 20 to 25 degrees. It is also recommended that weekly change the water at least a third of the volume. From above, it is better to close the aquarium for the most part, since males can sometimes jump out of the water. It is recommended to equip the aquarium with a water filter and an aeration system. The volume of the tank is also of great importance, since with a sufficient amount of space, this type of fish can reach its maximum size, males about 10-12 cm, females 2 cm more. The best option would be an aquarium of 25 liters of rectangular shape. It is better not to give preference to too elongated shapes.
Swordsmen like dense thickets, for which wallisneria, hornwort and other algae are suitable. At the same time, it is necessary to leave a place for free swimming of fish. At the bottom is to put a few large stones. It is good to use sand as the soil, since these fish will look quite spectacular against such a background.
It must be said that swordsmen (aquarium fish) are quite unpretentious in food. Dry, frozen or live food can be suitable for them. Preference should be given to a living bloodworm, coronet, tubule. However, it is necessary to periodically include plant foods in the diet, for example, richchia or nitrite. Sometimes you can observe how the swordsmen independently scrap the algae growth from the walls of the container in which they are placed.
Thus, with proper maintenance, swordfish-aquarium fish will please their owners with a pleasant appearance and unpretentiousness in the maintenance of several years, since the average life expectancy of this species is three to five years.