How many months do children begin to roll over? There is no single answer to this question. All babies are different and develop in different ways. Of course, doctors have an approximate schedule for the development of infants, but it also varies over a long period of time. Turning the child from the back to the stomach and back is, in fact, the second significant event for him and his parents. The first, of course, is raising and holding the head. Some kids make it easy and simple. So how long does the child roll over? Let's get it right.
The head is smart and heavy
From when the babies begin to hold their heads, it depends on how many months the babies begin to roll over. At about two to three months old, newborns begin to hold their heads. Let them do it not as confidently as their parents would like, but still. Pediatricians ask young parents to place their babies on their tummy more often, even if the kids do not like it. This strengthens the muscles, which are very important for further development.
Baby turned on a barrel
How many months do children begin to roll over? As soon as the baby learns to raise the head, he will throw it back and stretch into the string, with this movement he will push himself to roll over. At about three or four months, such a long-awaited moment for parents comes. The child also, at its first successful experience, feels interest and surprise. This is a new position for him, and rest assured, he will certainly turn over again after a while.
Time is dangerous, security is needed
The time when the child begins to roll over is not safe for him. During this period, parents need to be very attentive to their baby. Do not leave the child lying on the bed or on the changing table. If you need to go away, it is better to shift the baby to the floor, laying a blanket or blanket in advance. You can also overlay it on both sides with small pillows or rollers, but you should only place them at the level of the lower body, near the tummy and legs. So you protect the child from falling. In no case do not put pads at shoulder level, this is fraught with irreparable consequences, because the baby can roll over and suffocate.
Do you, parents, want to help?
The question of how many months the children begin to roll over worries every parent. There are certain rules in order to help the baby in this difficult matter.
Minimize time in a rocking chair, in a car seat
Now on the market there are so many auxiliary equipment for busy parents, for example, a rocking chair. It is very convenient for mothers, but do not forget that the baby needs to move, develop, raise legs. And such devices limit its movement. Take time to practice with the baby, as he develops new motor skills through experience and training. Every minute you are in the chair or in the car seat is a lost minute to train.
Do not turn the baby over if he is lying on his tummy.
All the basic skills of a newborn develop from a position lying on his stomach, so it is so important that he spends a lot of time in this position. This helps babies strengthen the muscles of the back, neck, which are necessary for arching and turning over.
Exercise bike
When the baby is lying on the back, in a playful way, bend his legs alternately, as if he is pedaling on a bicycle. This will strengthen the muscles, as well as improve bowel function.
Play on the side
Turn the baby on its side. Get him into the rattle game. First, he will involuntarily turn over on his stomach or on his back, so that this does not happen, put the rollers. In the future, the baby learns to control his body and will not fall in one direction or another.
Cases to see a doctor
What to do if a 6 month old baby does not roll over? In this case, you need to visit a pediatrician and a neurologist. Do not panic, perhaps your little one has weak muscles and needs a firming massage. Electrophoresis with calcium or magnesium may also be prescribed.