The required training course usually does not include the Aport! Command. However, in this action, the dog is much more useful than it seems at first glance, not to mention the fact that usually animals with great interest and pleasure perform it.
What does the Aport! Team mean?
This command contains an order to bring the item thrown back by the owner and give it back to him. There is a completely erroneous opinion that not all dog breeds can master this technique. However, this is only evidence of private failure of the owners. You just need to make more efforts and know the learning algorithm, and then everything will work out.
Why train a pet for this team?
Most dog skills are developed exclusively in game forms. The animal should have fun executing commands and not experience negative emotions. At the same time, “Aport!” - a team quite useful for the dog. We list what exactly its benefits are:
- Search skill and orientation in space. This team immerses the dog in the game process, where its sense of smell, hearing, eyesight, and most importantly, all kinds of memory are involved.
- Development of a conditioned reflex and building logical chains. The animal can learn to associate its actions with the voice signals of the owner.
- Control your emotions and endurance. The dog, captured by the pursuit and search, must overcome his desires and give the brought object.
In addition, this team is indispensable for active pets who need to run daily. Bringing the item, the dog will receive the necessary physical activity, while the owner will only need to pick up and throw the toy. This will help people with a busy schedule who can not devote much time to walking.
Team "Aport!": How to teach?
How successful your work will be will initially depend on the temperament of the dog. So, sanguine and choleric quick and easy to learn. It will be more difficult with melancholy and phlegmatic people. They will have to deal with much longer.
“Aport!” - the team is not very complicated. But, like many others, it is easiest for her to train puppies. At the same time, temperament will practically not play any role. The fact is that puppies have two natural needs - to run and scratch their teeth. Therefore, the baby will willingly join the game.
With an adult dog with a calm character it will be more difficult. Most likely, she will refuse to learn the team, since from her point of view it makes no sense. This type of dog is generally difficult to teach teams like "somersault", "serve", "dig", but they easily and willingly execute orders in which, in their view, it makes sense - "to me", "place", "next "Etc.
In any case, it is recommended to conduct classes on the street, where there is a lot of space and there are no people and vehicles. The only exception is that you cannot take unvaccinated puppies out of the house. Therefore, their training will either have to be postponed, or carried out in an apartment.
Which subject to choose to execute the command?
“Aport!” - a team that requires a certain inventory to complete. First of all, this is the very thing that the owner will throw, and the dog will bring. In this capacity may be:
- Food toys.
- Rubber bones.
- Special sticks purchased at a pet store.
- Frisbee.
- Various balls (tennis available).
- A plastic bottle filled with sand, cereal, water.
- An ordinary stick, picked up on the street.
The main thing is that this item is safe, lightweight and has a streamlined shape. Toys that quickly get dirty, soft, and all those that are easily damaged by teeth will not work. It is better to use the same subject for training. This will make it easier for the dog to get used to it.
Learning Algorithm: Starting Position
So, how to teach a dog the Aport! Team? Let's start with a description of the starting position. The dog should sit or lie down next to the owner’s left foot. In this case, the trainer should give out only positive emotional reactions. In no case do not scold the dog and do not scream, even if she does not succeed. On the contrary, try to encourage her, stroke her. Any, even the most insignificant, success should be necessarily rewarded with a delicacy.
Try not to overwork the animal, especially puppies. It is better to take a few short breaks so that the dog does not perceive training as a labor duty.
Learn to pick up an item
“Aport!” - a team to the dog, which is mastered in several stages. Consider the stage in which you have to train the animal team "Take!". Its essence is to ensure that the dog takes an object from your hands in your teeth. If you make proper efforts, then the animal will carry its leash or your bag.
First show the dog an object, try to interest, tease, provoke to grab it with your teeth. It is advisable to voice the action with an “Take!” Order. When the toy is in the jaws of a dog, do not try to pick it up right away. Let her play a little. But don't let the vomit. Then select the item, praising the animal.
Now do not give it away, but drop it to the ground at your feet. A dog immersed in the game will pick up the item. At that moment, say: “Aport!”
In this case, the dog should not run away from the owner with the subject. Stop such attempts. Gradually place the subject farther away from you. But leave the dog on a leash. Whenever she picks up a toy, repeat: “Aport!” The team must be pronounced clearly and loudly. After the animal began to lift the object, dropped to a distance of 1-2 meters, you can proceed to the next stage of training.
If the pet does not show any interest in the toy, you can outwit it. To do this, take a hollow tennis ball inside . Cut a small hole and sprinkle in it a treat that the dog likes. It will be difficult for an animal to resist a deliciously-smelling toy.
Learn to bring an item
We continue to answer the question: “How to teach a dog the Aport!” Team? ” Now the main thing is to remember that the dog must voluntarily give the item away without teasing the owner. Do not release your pet from the leash yet, as the team is pronounced only once. If the animal has not completed it to the end, then it will be necessary to force the pet to do it.
The dog must bring and give away the toy without additional orders. So, throw an object 2-3 meters, when the dog takes it, pat your hand on the knee. So you tell the pet what to do. If the dog tries to run away or remains in place, then gently pull it towards you by the leash, without showing aggression.
When the pet is near, grab the toy in its mouth and follow the reaction. Hold for 10-15 seconds. During this time, the dog can open its mouth. If this does not happen, give the command "Give!". After the toy has appeared at you, we praise the dog.
Thus, you can force the pet to execute the Aport! Order (team dog). What does it mean and what to do if an animal refuses to give a toy? Apparently, your dog is simply too emotional and playful, so do not show negative emotions. Just try to trade an item for a treat or make it open its mouth by patting its lower jaw.
Even if the dog has learned the command, do not rush to lower it from the leash. Wait until she develops a reflex. Otherwise, the pet will feel freedom and may refuse to obey the order.
To check, you can put a leash on the ground. So the dog will feel freedom, but in case of disobedience it will be possible to step on the leash, and not run after the wayward animal.