Balabanov Ivan: dog training school

Why is the dog training school a success? Any potential owner, thinking about acquiring a puppy, imagines the future pet as an intelligent, courageous, obedient, loyal friend and fearless guard. In fact, everything is not so smooth. Here and there we see strange dogs gaily prancing on a tight leash: somewhere in the back an exhausted owner stumbles. Often dogs barking at passers-by rushing at all oncoming fellow tribesmen, regardless of size and gender. Proper education of a pet is an indispensable condition for comfortable coexistence with it.

Dog Training School

Ivan Balabanov - dog training

What is the essence of the famous dog handler’s method? It is based on a game with an animal, during which passive actions are combined with active ones. You need to train your dog to quickly switch from one state to another. All important commands are worked out precisely during the game, in which they are executed correctly and quickly thanks to the motivation of the animal itself. Balabanov Ivan, using this method, has achieved incredible success.

Balabanov Ivan

The dog understands that obedience is interesting and useful for him. Although such an enjoyable pastime is like an animal and a person, it is important to follow certain rules. They exist for the trainer, and for his ward. The conductor should follow them especially strictly and methodically. This is necessary so that the animal can fully trust him and know whether it behaves correctly or not.

Conflict Free Training Method

In his school, Ivan Balabanov uses a method of conflict-free training. The methodology is based on operant conditioning, which was discovered by behaviorist Skinner back in 1938 . Its meaning lies in the fact that any mechanical effects on the animal are completely excluded. The trainer should explain to the pupil without conflict what exactly he wants from him.

The method is based on a deep understanding by man of the natural characteristics of the animal. It is the conductor who is obliged to provide such a line of behavior with the dog so as not to suppress, but to develop its innate qualities. In this process, the positive psycho-emotional state of the animal is extremely important. This method can be applied to adult dogs and puppies of various breeds, which Ivan Balabanov successfully demonstrates.

Ivan Balabanov: dog training

The need for correction

Following the main principle of operant training, the guide reinforces the desired behavior of the dog with a game or treat. For example, a dog rose to its hind legs at the sight of a treat and received a treat. Another time, noticing a treat, she immediately gets into a familiar position. A skill is developed without any coercion.

However, far from always the required behavior of the dog can be developed exclusively by the method of positive reinforcement. I agree with this and Ivan Balabanov. In some cases, the dog needs a correction. It can be different in strength and degree of impact: from a fairly mild mechanical impact to serious punishment.

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