International Day of Older Persons

In the life of every person comes the age that they call old, there is still a lot of interesting things in it, but most importantly, there is a lot of free time, thanks to which you can realize what you did not have enough time before. By decision of the UN General Assembly, October 1 is celebrating the Day of Older Persons around the world.

Initially, it began to be celebrated in Europe, and in the late 90s - all over the world. This holiday already has its own traditions. For example, in the countries of Scandinavia this holiday is one of the most ambitious, it especially honors those who worked tirelessly in previous years, and are now on vacation.

On the Day of Older Persons, the media, especially on television, broadcast programs and films that people of the age like. Usually this is a program featuring their peers, famous politicians and actors, as well as films of their youth. This holiday, of course, is a special day for everyone. It is no secret that there are more and more elderly people on the planet, and in those countries where people of this age are cared for and their intellectual potential is effectively used, this period of life passes happily and abundantly.

The UN General Assembly emphasizes that protecting the rights of older people is the primary concern of modern society. On the Day of the Elderly, it was repeatedly said that it was necessary to create a civilized society for all ages. Everyone should feel comfortable in it: children, youth and especially older people. Many organizations organize charity events and conferences on this day devoted to issues of longevity and quality of life.

International Day of Older Persons in different countries is celebrated in its own way. It is no secret that the Japanese live longer than anyone else, a high standard of living and the care of the state contribute to this. Today's elderly Japanese people once boosted the country's economy after the devastating effects of World War II. In Japan, people are not called old or old, they are said to be people who have reached the "silver age". The Ministry of Labor of Japan in 2005 published data showing that the average age of Japanese men is 78 years, only the stronger sex in Iceland live longer than them. Records for life expectancy are cute Japanese women who live well up to 85 years.

On International Day of Older Persons, the connection between generations in Japan is more visible and close than ever, and the cult of the older generation in the country is obvious. Undoubtedly, this country is an example of a bright and beloved holiday.

As a gift on this day, aged people are invited to famous fitness centers for free, go to the pool, sauna or hairdresser. In this country, people of the "silver age" are taken care of every day, and not just on holiday.

Currently, 20.5% of the elderly live in Russia . Free concerts are held on this day with the participation of popular singers and actors. Retro film shows, art exhibitions and original amateur competitions, in which older people themselves take an active part. And besides, sincere congratulations on the Day of the elderly sound.

The main problems of this category of citizens are employment and improving medical care. Income in this age category is mainly a pension, so social security is still more than relevant. Of course, on this holiday, first of all, it is necessary to congratulate the most relatives: grandmother and grandfather, parents. Do not forget to give presents, even if not the most expensive ones, but from the bottom of your heart, and get together again at one big table, feel like a child again next to wise and so dear old people. This is such a good family holiday, which was created on time, it reminds us that there are people who love you just like that, because you are. That is why congratulations on the Day of the elderly sound from morning to evening.

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