Baby food "Baby". "Baby" - baby food from birth

So you became a mom! But this joyful event may be overshadowed by the impossibility of breastfeeding. There are many different reasons that affect this natural physiological process, but whatever they are, you have to think about how to feed the baby. And in this case, infant milk formulas come to the rescue . One of the most popular is Baby food.

Baby food baby

Traditions of the past

The name "Baby" is widely heard by many. And for good reason! After all, more than one generation has grown, using this mixture from a very young age. Traditions of the past are relevant in our time. Naturally, today there is a line of advanced infant formulas on sale . They changed the composition, the appearance of the packaging for the better, and also quite a few fundamentally new options for this baby food appeared.

All this positively affects the possibility of choosing a certain type of product. "Baby" - baby food, the composition of which can be selected individually for each baby, taking into account his needs and characteristics of the body.

baby food composition

The appearance of the package has undergone some changes - it has become more vivid and noticeable. On each box there is a cute character - a bunny. The changes affected not only the design of the pack: the composition of the Baby mixture has been improved and is in full compliance with all European standards. Baby food of this brand is produced adapted for different categories of children's age in accordance with needs, and is also enriched with mineral elements and vitamins that are essential and necessary for the full development of the baby.


It is very pleasing that the production of the Baby formula is established in Russia. Food is produced in the city of Istra, Moscow Region, with the trademark Nutricia. There is no doubt about the quality of this mixture. And another thing: a significant plus is the affordable price, so to speak, with high quality, you can easily save. Many imported, also quite high-quality mixtures have a very high cost. And if you consider that the baby is completely on artificial feeding, then many can not afford such food.

baby food baby Price

A completely different thing is the Baby formula. This is an excellent budget option, not inferior in quality to more expensive counterparts. The price of one box of a product intended for feeding children aged 0 to 6 months ranges from 150 to 180 rubles.

Age categories

"Baby" - baby food from birth to the age of three. The mixture is designed for the following groups of children: from 0 to 6 months, from 6 to 12 months and from 1 year to 3 years. But you can not approach the choice, focusing only on age. As a significant criterion, the individual characteristics of the child's body should be taken into account. After all, not all kids have perfect health: someone suffers from allergies, someone has problems with stools. Or maybe the baby is gaining weight poorly?

Variants of the baby formula, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby

In the line of baby food "Baby" provides various options. For example, for those children who have an increased frequency of regurgitation, a casein mixture may be suitable. If the baby is concerned about constipation, then you can buy baby food "Baby", in which there is no gluten. Consult an experienced pediatrician, he will certainly help you decide on the right mixture.

As for its preparation, there is nothing complicated. It is enough to pour in a bottle of boiled water with a temperature of 40 degrees and dissolve in it the right amount of measured spoons of dry matter. Everything about everything will take you no more than 3-5 minutes. Convenient, simple, useful.

baby food from birth

Variety of cereals for baby food

A variety of milk mixtures - this is not all the products of the Nutricia brand. The range of products includes various cereals (dairy and dairy-free). Their assortment is very wide. Of the dairy, the most popular are rice, corn and multigrain. As fruit additives in their composition, you can see prunes, dried apricots, and other useful ingredients.

Another significant advantage of such cereals is their ease of preparation. They do not require cooking and are great for the baby's body. I want to note the high taste. Kids with an appetite eat delicious cereals, enriched with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The cooking method is quite simple. You need to have at hand boiled water, cooled to 50-60 degrees, and a tablespoon. Proportions are indicated on each package.

baby food baby reviews

Dairy-free cereals are also a necessary product, especially for those children who cannot tolerate milk (for example, due to allergies). Baby food "Baby" is available in dairy-free versions. This is buckwheat porridge, corn, rice, multi-cereal and others.

Many kids love Baby porridge with the addition of berry and fruit juice. The recommended age for eating this food is 6 months and older. But I want to note that older children (5-6 years old) also enjoy eating this dish. For example, rice porridge with raspberry juice is extremely tasty and healthy.

Baby food "Baby Premium 1"

baby food premium baby

This mixture is an excellent substitute for breastfeeding. It is intended for feeding newborns from the first days to 6 months. A cardboard box in which Baby food is produced helps to save a little on purchase. The price of one such package weighing 350 grams varies from 140 to 170 rubles, depending on the region.

The composition of the said mixture does not contain anything superfluous, only vitamins and minerals useful and necessary for the baby, including high-quality cow's milk, cream, milk whey, vegetable mala and so on. Some manufacturers in the composition of milk mixtures include an ingredient such as palm oil. So, in the mixture in question it is absent, which is considered a good indicator. Currently, Baby food includes dietary fiber of natural origin. They are as close as possible to the properties of the prebiotics contained in breast milk, and help to establish good digestion of the crumbs.

Important Mixing Tips

The method of preparation of the mixture is simple. In each individual

Baby food baby reviews

the package contains a special measuring spoon designed for dosing food. Water temperature should correspond to 37 degrees. This allows you not to waste time cooling the finished product after cooking. So, the baby will not be nervous and cry in anticipation of feeding.

Here is what is still very important! The mixture must be prepared immediately before feeding, and if the child has not eaten the usual portion, the residues must be discarded, since they are not subject to storage. Do not forget about it. And one more thing: you can not increase the proportional ratio of ingredients, this can negatively affect the health of your baby.


Many consumers praise Baby. Reviews about him are mostly positive, but there are, of course, exceptions. These include complaints about an allergic reaction in the child and inconvenient packaging (the dry mix must be kept tightly closed, and manufacturers, unfortunately, did not foresee this point).

Finally, we note that no matter how balanced, tasty and high-quality the mixture may be, it still will not completely replace breast milk. Therefore, young, and therefore inexperienced mothers, I would like to advise you to tune in to breastfeeding, since only in this way your baby will receive everything necessary for health, immunity and development.

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