Pyrethrum powder and its properties

In private homes, apartments, offices and premises intended for pets or livestock, various parasites and insects can be introduced that interfere with the normal existence of the inhabitants. Farmers and owners of houses and apartments are constantly looking for more and more new tools that can effectively get rid of pests. However, some of them are too toxic, others are carcinogens, others are not very helpful, and others are addictive. A remedy that has solved almost all of these problems is a powder, in which pyrethrum acts as the main component.

Pyrethrum powder

What is feverfew

The powder, in which pyrethrum is the main component, is a product made from inflorescences and flower heads of the same plant. It belongs to the family of asters, very similar in appearance to a pharmacy chamomile. And his other names are chamomile and Persian daisy. They began to use it in ancient times, but they forgot about it for a while. This happened due to the invention of a chemical analogue, which is more effective. However, it was not only effective, but also harmful to the human body. And only recently they began to use this powder again, feverfew again began to be used for its preparation. This plant itself is known not only as a remedy for insects and parasites, based on it, medicinal preparations of herbs are prepared for the treatment of migraines, arthrosis. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent. That is, as we see by its wide profile of appointment, it practically does not harm a person.

pyrethrum powder in a pharmacy

Powder exposure

This substance acts on almost all uninvited settlers of our homes. And it is used for almost the same recipe for everyone. To combat ants, you need to sprinkle this powder on their paths. The pyrethrum should be placed at all the entrances of their paths to the house, it is also desirable to process the anthill itself. To get rid of such tenacious insects like cockroaches, you need to sprinkle with this tool around all cracks and cracks, as well as near places with high humidity. It does not hurt to process the kitchen furniture, as these insects like to settle there. Pyrethrum also acts on mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and flies. With it, you can protect indoor and garden flowers from pests that eat roots and leaves. To do this, you just need to pour a small amount of it into the hole when planting the plant, and also add pyrethrum around the stem during the growth process. There will be no harm from him. Using the powder, you can drive flies away from humus and dung pits. The method of action is the same - just sprinkle on top.

pyrethrum powder Price

How to use feverfew

Pyrethrum powder must be evenly distributed on problem surfaces with a thin layer. This can be done using a regular rubber bulb, blowing her a mixture. To protect the premises from fleas, sprinkle powder under the carpets. In order to get rid of moths and flies, treat surfaces in places of their accumulation. For flies, these are places close to household waste; for moths, cabinets and chests of drawers. Spray the powder behind bedside tables, on bookshelves, under sockets and behind other furniture in hard to reach places. In this condition, the apartment should be three days, and then wet cleaning is carried out. Only fresh powder is effective; it cannot be stored for a long time.

pyrethrum powder in St. Petersburg

Safety for people

Pyrethrum powder in a pharmacy is sold as a medicine, so there are no harmful effects on humans when used as an insecticide. Allergic reactions can occur, but this is really very rare, since even when taken orally, it is observed in only 8% of patients, and when treating the surfaces of a house, so small a quantity can get into the airways that it will not have any side effects on the body. For animals, feverfew is also safe. It can be used as a local antiparasitic for dogs, cats, parrots and poultry. The powder is either rubbed into wool or feathers, or the animal is bathed in a decoction of feverfew. The procedure is repeated every 2-3 days until the desired result is achieved.

Where to buy powder

Pyrethrum (powder) in St. Petersburg and other regions is very difficult to find in pharmacies in their pure form. It is either offered in herbal collection, or in the form of tablets and capsules. However, you can try to find this remedy in agricultural stores, in pavilions with goods for floriculture and animal husbandry, with farmers who are independently engaged in the cultivation of this flower, as well as online stores. In the latter case, the task of finding a seller is greatly facilitated, since there are specialized sites.

As for the cost of feverfew (powder), its price is quite affordable. Depending on the place where you will buy it, it fluctuates around 450 rubles per pack of 300 grams. If you are lucky enough to find it in a pharmacy, then it will cost much cheaper.

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