Many diseases are accompanied by various pain. Sometimes it is difficult to judge by their localization what caused them. It is known that chest pain on the left can accompany a wide variety of diseases.
Very often it occurs with heart disease. Its peculiarity in this case is that this pain extends to the scapula or arm. It can be with myocarditis of various etiologies, inflammation of the pericardium, coronary insufficiency, heart attack, aortic aneurysm. The last two diseases are characterized by very intense pain. With myocarditis, there is often dull, pressing pain in the chest. At the same time, patients complain of interruptions in the heart, shortness of breath when walking, swelling of the lower extremities.
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As you can see, various diseases can be the causes of pain on the left in the chest. Correctly understanding them is sometimes difficult even for specialists. To establish the correct diagnosis, radiological and laboratory studies are often required. Pain is often associated with serious problems in the body. Therefore, when they appear, it is better to consult a doctor. This will help to avoid unnecessary problems with diagnosis and treatment. I wish you good health!