Ways to Stop Breastfeeding

So, you are already very close to seriously thinking about how to stop breastfeeding. Then it will be useful for you to find out several ways to do this.

Before telling about the methods of stopping lactation, it is worth saying that this process of its extinction also has a natural physiology, as well as the beginning of breastfeeding, the appearance of milk. Knowing the biological basis of these processes is necessary, if only in order not to make a lot of mistakes, which will be difficult to correct .

The breast of a woman who is in lactation goes through several stages, each of which differs from the other and makes its own corrections, changes in the structure of the breast, in the composition of milk. Most changes in the breast occur during pregnancy. Over the long 40 weeks, the female body is completely rebuilt in a new way, preparing for upcoming motherhood.

The first lactation is the first application of the baby to the chest. First , colostrum is secreted from the chest . After colostrum is replaced by milk. Mature lactation can be called after 3 weeks. Now mom can fully regulate the amount of milk. She does not have sharp flushes to her breast, and milk is produced exactly as much as is necessary for one feeding the baby.

Knowing this simple arithmetic, you can derive the ideal formula so that the cessation of breastfeeding is not problematic for mom. Namely, the less she will feed the baby, the less her body will produce milk.

But not everything is as easy as it might seem at first glance. The termination of breastfeeding is very difficult for the child to experience. After all, the baby for all the time got used to her mother’s breast, to her smell and warmth. Refusal of a breast is very often accompanied by a serious protest of the child. A child, if he was improperly and unreasonably excommunicated, by all possible and impossible means will demand a return to his usual diet.

How to stop breastfeeding so that the baby is less painful in this process? There are several ways. For example, the older generation advises the mother to leave the child for one grandmother or one father for a period of 1 week. Mom at this time can go to rest and regain her strength. One week is enough for the baby to break the habit of sucking and reorganize in a new way. This method, how to stop breastfeeding, on the one hand, really works, but on the other - not every modern woman can afford an extraordinary rest. Yes, and it is unlikely that mom will be able to be apart for a long time from her offspring.

The second method is based on observation. As soon as the baby all night will never require attachment to his chest and will sleep peacefully until the morning, then during the next day you do not need to remind him of such a beloved mother’s body part. Gradually, he will get used to and without any problems wean from periodic breast sucking.

It happens that mommy urgently needs to stop lactation. Thinking about how to stop breastfeeding, one should not forget about the methods of traditional medicine. By the way, they are very effective and will not bring harm to either mother or child. Basically, traditional medicine suggests drinking infusions of herbs that reduce lactation and reduce it to "no." For example, an infusion of sage will stop lactation on the third day, if a woman regularly drinks at least 4 glasses a day. Making this weed is easy. 2 teaspoons of sage will need 400 ml of water. The grass is poured with boiling water and infused for at least 2 hours. Drink sage before eating 100 ml in one go.

Another recipe for a sage leaf stopping lactation is popular. Sage will need 2 teaspoons. To it are added hop cones (2 teaspoons) and walnut leaves (1 teaspoon). All of these components are mixed. Next, to prepare a tea stopping lactation, you should 1 teaspoon of the collection pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 1 hour. A woman needs to take this drink daily and several times a day in a glass at a time until lactation is completely stopped.

Lingonberries, basil, parsley, horsetail, belladonna, jasmine will also help stop or reduce lactation.

Speaking of ways to stop breastfeeding, it is worthwhile to warn all mothers who, listening to the advice of experienced ones, drag their breasts or packs start to drink hormonal drugs that stop lactation processes. Doing this is not only not recommended by doctors, but also prohibited. Firstly, neither constriction, nor medications will stop lactation if its natural stop has not yet occurred. Secondly, all these methods can cause serious problems associated with diseases, or upset the balance of hormones in the female body.

To summarize, I want to focus on the fact that any physiological process has a beginning and a natural end. Any intervention will leave a mark and imprint. Therefore, before thinking about how to stop breastfeeding, it is nevertheless appropriate to talk with a specialist consultant.

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