Pregnancy certificate: sample with print. How to fill out a pregnancy certificate

While waiting for the baby, women sometimes have to deal with the execution of new documents. A pregnancy certificate (a sample with a seal will be presented below) is issued subject to certain conditions. This is what will be discussed in the article. You will learn how to fill out a pregnancy certificate. We will also consider a sample. In addition, you can find out some design features of this document.

pregnancy certificate sample with print

When may a document be needed?

A pregnancy certificate is often required at the place of work. If the sphere of a womanโ€™s professional activity is associated with hard physical labor, or if there are conditions at work in which it is dangerous for a future mother to stay, then the employer may require such a form. In this case, the representative of the weaker sex will count on a change in conditions.

If you want to apply to the registry office, and you have a certificate of pregnancy, then representatives of the law can speed up the process of marriage. On average, future newlyweds have to wait two to four months. However, when submitting the form, you can count on registration within one month. Moreover, the longer the gestation period, the faster everything will happen.

In some cases, airline representatives may ask you for this document. Many companies do not undertake to carry expectant mothers after 30-35 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, you will need a certificate indicating the term.

There are many other authorities that require a certain type of pregnancy certificate. In this case, you need to inform your gynecologist that you need a certain form of document.

pregnancy certificate sample

To whom and how is the document issued?

A pregnancy certificate (each medical institution has a stamp with a seal ) is provided exclusively to expectant mothers. A woman who wishes to receive a form must undergo a thorough examination. If the expectant mother is registered, then the registration of the certificate will take only a few minutes. When the gestational age is still very small, the doctor performs a manual examination, and then prescribes a control ultrasound diagnosis. This process can take a different time: from several hours to one week.

Remember that a pregnancy certificate has a certain expiration date. Usually a document is not issued for more than a month. That is why you should not immediately try to get this form. Apply for it only when you really need it.

Remember that only a expectant mother can receive a legal document. None of the womenโ€™s representatives can count on such a form, since it is necessary to undergo a preliminary examination to issue it.

how to fill out a pregnancy certificate sample

Pregnancy certificate form and sample

If you need this document, then you can contact him at any medical institution. Even private firms issue this form. However, the state pregnancy certificate (see the sample with the seal below) is more credible for several reasons. On such a form is the stamp of the institution and the signature of the head physician. The leaflet also indicates the full name and certificate number of the hospital. If you do not know in what form the document is filled out, then you can see a sample of a pregnancy certificate from your gynecologist. In most cases, the standard form is used.

How to fill out a pregnancy certificate?

When filling out this document, you must take into account a sample of medical certificates of pregnancy. Experienced gynecologists and obstetricians already know what needs to be written in one or another column. Also, doctors are provided with an already completed form, which you can focus on. Your doctor will need some documents to enter your personal information.

pregnancy certificate form and sample

Medical facility data

A pregnancy certificate (a sample with a seal is available in our article) provides an indication of the name of the institution that issues the form. At the very top of the sheet, the gynecologist writes the name of the clinic. Next, enter the address and phone. Some inquiries are provided for filling with a hat already issued. In this case, the doctor skips this item.

Patient Personal Information

After providing information about the medical institution, the doctor enters information about the patient. Last name, first name and patronymic are entered in the topmost column. After that you need to write the date of birth. Be sure to indicate the place of residence or registration.

Many medical institutions, in addition to personal data about the patient, also make a number with a series of policies. Your passport may also be required. However, these are more rare cases.

The fact of pregnancy

After filling in the main fields of the document, the doctor makes his opinion. If a woman is registered for pregnancy, then it is not difficult for a physician to make a diagnosis and give recommendations.

When the representative of the fairer sex is in the very early stages, the physician indicates all laboratory tests that have established the presence of the fetus in the womb. Such manipulations include: manual examination, diagnostic ultrasound, blood test, and so on.

It is worth noting that a certificate of pregnancy most often does not provide an indication of the term. However, sometimes this is exactly what the expectant mother needs. If you need to write the estimated date of birth, do not forget to inform your doctor about this.

pregnancy medical certificate

Indication of location

After filling in all the data, the doctor indicates the organization for which this certificate was written. Most often, here you can find the following entry: "To provide the requirements at the place." However, some doctors prefer to indicate exactly where to give this document.

Doctor and clinic data

At the very bottom, the physician must indicate his own data. Here you can do with the surname and initials. However, you need to write a specialist position. Also stamped, which has a physician in personal use.

After this, the certificate should be certified by the chief specialist of the hospital. For this there must be a special column. The head doctor indicates his name and puts a signature. A confirmation seal with the coat of arms is required. The stamp may be triangular or round.

registry office and pregnancy certificate

Alternative filling method

In some cases, the doctor may give you a free certificate form. In this case, the doctor does not take into account the samples of this document and enters all the information arbitrarily. Such certificates necessarily include the patient's last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the year of birth. The conclusion and recommendations are immediately made below. Such a certificate must necessarily have the seal of a doctor and medical institution. Moreover, it does not matter that it is written in free form.

Private clinics also do not adhere to a specific sample of this document. Gynecologists and specialists issue a certificate with a similar seal of a doctor and medical institution, as well as all necessary signatures. However, in this case, you will have to pay a certain amount for the inspection and the submitted document. Typically, the average price category of such a service is in the range from 500 to 2000 rubles.

sample pregnancy medical certificates

Summary and short conclusion

So, now you know what a pregnancy certificate is and why this document may be needed. Remember that some clandestine firms offer to purchase such a form for a certain amount of money. However, this number in most cases does not work. Representatives of the law quickly declassify fake forms and severely punish fraudsters and those people who use their services.

You can get a pregnancy certificate at any public medical institution or private clinic, provided that you are really preparing to become a mother soon. Fill in the documents correctly. I wish you success!

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